Apr 7, 2014

The Fortune Cafe w/ $25 Amazon or PayPal Giveaway

Book Details
Authors: Julie Wright, Melanie Jacobson, Heather B. Moore
Release Date: March 2014
Publisher: Mirror Press
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Sweet, Romantic, Wonderful!

One fun thing about this book is that it is written by 3 different authors....a GREAT way to be introduced to an author you might not have read before.

Each author has her own story and her own style. They all meld together around a Chinese Restaurant and the fortunes that come out of the fortune cookies :)

MIS-FORTNE is a story about the waitress Emma. She doesn't believe in the magic of the fortune cookies and refuses to open one...that is until one is accidentally cracked open in her hand and everyone demands that she reads the fortune. "Look around, love is trying to catch you" it says.

LOVE, NOT LUCK is about Lucy who everyone call Lucky Lucy...until she opens her cookie to read "True love is for the brave, not the lucky." And as a streak of bad luck starts to surround her she finds herself relying on Carter, who has been even more unlucky than she is.

TAKEOUT is Stella's story. She has left everything behind to come take care of her sick mother. She has taken over the jewelry store and is caught off guard when Evan and his daughter walk in to her shop. What does her fortune cookie say"  "Do the thing you fear and love is certain."

You will LOVE this one!

Blog Tour Giveaway
$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 4/30/14

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About the Authors
Julie Wright started her first book when she was fifteen. She’s written over a dozen books since then, is a Whitney Award winner, and feels she’s finally getting the hang of this writing gig. She enjoys speaking to writing groups, youth groups, and schools. She loves reading, eating writing, hiking, playing on the beach with her kids, and snuggling with her husband to watch movies. Julie’s favorite thing to do is watch her husband make dinner. She hates mayonnaise, but has a healthy respect for ice cream.

Melanie Bennett Jacobson is an avid reader, amateur cook, and champion shopper. She consumes astonishing amounts of chocolate, chick flicks, and romance novels. After meeting her husband online, she is now living happily married in Southern California with her growing family and a series of doomed houseplants. Melanie is a former English teacher and a sometime blogger who loves to laugh and make others laugh. In her down time (ha!), she writes romantic comedies and pines after beautiful shoes.

Heather B. Moore is a USA Today bestselling author. She writes historical thrillers under the pen name H.B. Moore, her latest is Finding Sheba. Under Heather B. Moore she writes romance and women’s fiction. She’s the co-author of The Newport Ladies Book Club series. Other women’s novels include Heart of the Ocean, The Fortune Café, the Aliso Creek Series, and the Amazon bestselling Timeless Romance Anthology Series.

(A review copy was provided, however, all reviews are of my own opinion :)


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