About Me

I LOVE books!
I LOVE to read them!
I LOVE to hold them!
I LOVE to cuddle up with them!

I read A LOT!
I also work in a Bookstore--Best job ever!

My reviews can be found on Amazon, GoodReads, and in the following books:

* Snow White by Jenni James -- front cover
* The Life is Too Short Collection by Connie E. Sokol -- inside
* Fire Girl by Taryn Taylor -- back cover
* Karmack by J.C. Whyte -- inside
* Veils and Vengeance by Rachelle J. Christensen -- front cover
* Paladin: Pawn by Michael D. Young -- back cover
* The Ring of Remaliha by Melanie Mason -- inside
* Finding Sleeping Beauty by Tarrah Montgomery -- inside
* See You in the Morning by Pamela S. Williams -- inside
* Van Gogh Gone by Robin M. King -- inside
* Clairvoyance by Joan Sowards -- inside
* Crossing Lines by Melanie Mason -- inside

When I am NOT reading books, or working with books, or writing about great books...

I am a wife to the most AMAZING man, mother to WONDERFUL children and children's spouses, and grandmother to the CUTEST grandkids.

I also have a passion for Family History, Singing, and Crocheting.


  1. I just read about your passions. Funny how things become clear when you begin to know one another. I don't work in a book store but was a librarian at L.A. Valley College and that's how I met my husband. I also love to crochet. In fact have three more blankets to make for grandkids before Christmas...and am in charge of our bi-stake family history and technology fair. Hmmm, could we be twins separated at birth. pat hanrion

  2. Hello,
    I've nominated you for the Liebster Book Awards because I enjoy reading your blog! Check out my post to get more details! http://pointextaken.wordpress.com/2014/02/17/blog-award-liebster-award/

    Aubrey Joy



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