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It started with a scout master and a boy scout troop. We decided we wanted to do the Game Design merit badge. After an hour of brainstorming, we came up with the basic concept of the game.

Walls is a maze board game where players try to reach the finish space first. It can be difficult reaching the end when players move the walls to block your path.

Realistically, the game takes between 10-15 minutes to play. However, we know there are plenty of strategists who carefully plan their moves - which is why we said the game takes 15-30 minutes.
Also, my 5-year old daughter loves to play the game. However, she doesn't quite understand all the strategy behind Walls. This game could easily be for younger ages, but we've found, for maximum strategy in game play, that ages 8 and older is ideal.

Object is to reach the "Finish" space first.
Setup by plugging the walls into the game board.

Set up the walls however you want, because the board will change throughout game play.
Determine who goes first by rolling both dice. The player with the highest number goes first.
Place all player pawns on the "Start" space.
Start play by rolling both dice.
Green die = Indicates the number of spaces the player may move.
Red die = Corresponds to the instructions on the board (and below) determining how many walls the player may move.
Red die = Corresponds to the instructions on the board (and below) determining how many walls the player may move.
Red die roll is based on number of players playing:
2 Players:
1 = No Walls
2-3 = 1 Wall
4-6 = 2 Walls
2 Players:
1 = No Walls
2-3 = 1 Wall
4-6 = 2 Walls
3-4 Players:
1 = No Walls
2-4 = 1 Wall
5-6 = 2 Walls
1 = No Walls
2-4 = 1 Wall
5-6 = 2 Walls
5-6 Players:
1 = No Walls
2-5 = 1 Wall
6 = 2 Walls
1 = No Walls
2-5 = 1 Wall
6 = 2 Walls
The player must move the green spaces before he/she may move walls. Once the player moves walls, the play is over.
**Note: A player cannot save/store spaces or walls to move for another turn. Once the play is over, all remaining moves or walls are forfeited.
A player need not use all spaces or walls.
Special Rolls:
A player has three options if a double is rolled.
1. Switch locations with another player.
2. Move through walls the number of spaces as was rolled on the green die.
3. Play the roll as normal.
A player has three options if a double is rolled.
1. Switch locations with another player.
2. Move through walls the number of spaces as was rolled on the green die.
3. Play the roll as normal.
**Note: If you choose option 1 or 2, you forfeit your option to move walls.
Roll a "1" on the green die:
You only move one space, but you may go through a wall with your one move.
You only move one space, but you may go through a wall with your one move.
Once the player's turn is over, play continues clockwise.
First to the "Finish" space wins!

Most games on the market can be described by mixing two or three games. "It's like Monopoly and Settlers of Catan had a baby, while Jenga raised it as a single parent." However, Walls is a new game, with a custom game piece required for the basic mechanics of the game to work. The custom piece is the Wall.
The wall piece has a peg that plugs into the game board, allowing the piece to pivot around a single point. This means that for each piece, there is the potential of changing the maze 4 times. With 99 walls in the board, that makes...

There are a handful of games out there that may change with each play, but Walls is guaranteed to be different every single time you play.
Where we are now
We are ready for the tooling of the walls. Once this project funds, we will be able to proceed with the plastic injection molding of the custom walls. After we get a sampling of the walls, we can make the boards with holes to fit the walls perfectly. Once those two obstacles are out of the way, production can move quickly.

Risks and challenges
This is the first board game we've endeavored to make. We've done our due diligence to figure out what sort of timeline this whole process should take. However, we are kind of picky people when it comes to quality. And with our manufacturer being overseas, there is good potential for delays in getting the product just right. Much of what we do by way of game development is to take it as far as we can here and then send it overseas. By doing this, we should be able to cut production times down.
To help overcome any obstacles, we have connections with some important game developers who can help with the process, should we need the help.