by Heather B. Moore

When Donaldina Cameron arrives at the Occidental Mission Home for Girls in 1895, she intends to teach sewing skills to young Chinese women immigrants, but, within days, she discovers that the job is much more complicated than perfect stitches and even hems. San Francisco has a dark side, one where a powerful underground organization--the criminal tong--brings Chinese young women to America to sell them as slaves. With the help of Chinese interpreters and the Chinatown police squad, Donaldina becomes a tireless social reformer to stop the abominable slave and prostitution trade.
Mei Lien believes she is sailing to the "Gold Mountain" in America to become the wife of a rich Chinese man. Instead she finds herself sold into prostitution--beaten, starved, and forced into an opium addiction. It is only after a narrow escape that she hears of the mission home and dares to think there might be hope for a new life.
My Thoughts
This book is SO AMAZING! I loved every page. An incredible story to begin with but told so well you are drawn in and do not want to put it down until the very end. I learned so much about the time and events I never knew before. I am in awe that these things happened and honor the woman who gave her life rescuing these precious Chinese girls. I am so grateful these words have been recorded. I highly recommend this book.