Book Details
Author: Shannon Hill
Release Date: February 2014
Genre: Inspiration
A book of SIMPLE WORDS to "shape, create, interpret, and enjoy the reality of our lives."

And as they are emptying the bags from the grocery store they realize...
You guessed it...they FORGOT to get the strawberries and the toilet paper.
We, as humans, need notes if you will.
But not only on the simple grocery shopping things.
How about the BIG THINGS in life.
I know for myself that I get so caught up in the little things in life I forget that simple words can help "to create happiness for me."
This book gives those words.
This book IS a book of reminders!
100 reminders in fact, here are 5 of these incredible reminders:
*I WILL think about the person (or people) I love the most, and I will treat myself with the same level of loving kindness and forgiveness that I show them.
*I WILL allow myself to discard something that hasn't been helpful to me in more than a year.

*I WILL receive a pleasant surprise.
*I WILL enjoy more abundance in my life--and I will be thankful each and every time.
BEAUTIFUL pictures sprinkled throughout!
Grab this book and take a look!
Focus on just ONE reminder each day!
And see if you are not happier at the end of each page.
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About the Author
Shannon Hill lives in the commonwealth of Virginia and treasures her privacy. She loves cats, chocolate, and the Blue Ridge Mountains. Although she is not nearly as awesome as Sheriff Lil Eller, her cats are as awesome as Boris. One of them even enjoys riding in the car. (Seriously. Who could make that up?)
(A review copy was provided, however, all reviews are of my own opinion :)
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