Author: Lynn C. Jaynes
Release Date: April 2013
Publisher: Covenant
Genre: Inspiration

I LOVED this little booklet!
The humor at the beginning of the book is wonderful...
The author talks about how a butterfly emerges from what looks like a dried up umbilical cord...and how her toenails grow faster than the tallest mountain in the world.
But by the end of the book....
Your heart is wrapped in the warm assurance that those small and even simple things you do each and every day add up to the majestic things we do, often times without even knowing or understanding that we are doing them.
Perfect little booklet for Mother's Day or for any day you want to know that what you do does indeed matter.
About the Author:
Lynn C. Jaynes lives with her husband, her mother, and an old Labrador in Southern Idaho. Occasionally one or more of her five children come home to eat, and wash laundry as well. She attended Brigham Young University and the College of Southern Idaho long enough to learn that she didn’t give a fig about college algebra or the history of costume. She brakes for pheasants, and eats cookie dough plain. She can’t decide what she wants to be when she grows up; however, if the governor of Idaho gets to employ an in-house cook, she might consider that job— governor, that is.
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