From her very earliest years of childhood, Leela made up stories in her head, telling them to her younger brother and sister. The stories flowed easily from her mind, and it wasn't long before she realized she had a gift for writing. By the age of 14, she had already written a small book of short stories for her own entertainment, and by the age of 22, she had published her first full-fledged children's fiction in several magazines. Leela Hope was destined to be an author and she knew exactly what genre of fiction she wanted to dedicate her life too.
Born in San Diego, California, and still residing in the area, Leela studied English Literature at Berkeley, earning a degree in 1989. Her writing covers a span of several genres, but she always returns to her first love, children's fiction. She enjoys scuba diving and visiting wildlife parks, seeking new inspiration for cuddly characters for her stories. Leela Hope lives in an urban area of San Diego and is presently at work on a new book.
Leela writes AMAZING children's books!
I have read two of them...
Dragon Fay Saves the Day
A Children’s Book about Dragons - But not only for Children.
Are you or your loved one being bullied? Or are you or your loved one a bully?
Then this book is for you.
Dragon Faye Saves the Day will make you cry and cower with Faye as she shies away from Jean the Bully. Read how she was able to conquer her fears and soar over them.
Read about what happened to Jean the bully.
Appreciate the very vivid and colorful illustrations. Enjoy the rhyme and rhythm of the story.

Are you or your loved one being bullied? Or are you or your loved one a bully?
Then this book is for you.
Dragon Faye Saves the Day will make you cry and cower with Faye as she shies away from Jean the Bully. Read how she was able to conquer her fears and soar over them.
Read about what happened to Jean the bully.
Appreciate the very vivid and colorful illustrations. Enjoy the rhyme and rhythm of the story.
Feel how the characters feel through their facial expressions. Identify with any of the characters and through them, learn to face your own dragons and conquer them.
Now that Faye has learned how to deal with Jean the bully she steps in to help...
Bert the Squirt
Sadly, Bert thinks he’s not good enough because he breathes water instead.
One day he meets a dragon who is different, too. She tries to show Bert he can be happy just the way he is, but then something terrible happens at school.
Will Bert discover that being different can save the day?
Bert the Squirt entertains with classic rhyming verse and beautifully illustrated pages. It teaches young children how special their differences can be, as well as demonstrating the harmful effects of bullying.
Bullying is a REAL problem
Let's educate to get rid of it!
Other books by Leela Hope
Other books by Leela Hope
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