by Benjamin Hyrum White
Whether you're wondering about dating, school, career plans, or temple attendance, this book will help you assess your commitment to the Lord.
By incorporating missionary skills into your post-mission life, you can create your own gospel goals and habits that will extend into the eternities.
Perfect for newly returning missionaries and those who've been home for a while.
This book is a continuation of the content presented in 10 Questions to Answer While Preparing for a Mission.
My favorite quote:
" Your purpose as a missionary is to: Invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end.
Your purpose as a returned missionary [or adult] is to: Invite yourself to come unto Christ by living the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, partaking of the sacrament, following the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end."
The transition from taking care of everyone else to worrying about yourself can be a difficult one. Whereas you were only concerned with helping other come unto Christ for eighteen or twenty-four months, now you have to practice what you preached. You have to live what you so vigorously taught those around you as a missionary.
Do not look at this next stage in your life as being selfish, as much as it is an opportunity to prepare yourself for lifelong service in the kingdom of God.
Look at each of the chapters in Preach My Gospel and how they can apply to your life right now. Each one of them can be slightly modified to help you adjust to your life as a returned missionary.
* Chapter 1: What is my purpose as a returned missionary?
* Chapter 2: How do I study effectively now that I am home and for the rest of my life?
* Chapter 3: How do I live and apply what I've taught?
* Chapter 4: Am I still recognizing the Spirit in my life?
* Chapter 5: What role does the Book of Mormon play in my life now?
* Chapter 6: Am I still developing Christlike attributes?
* Chapter 7: How am I going to continue using my mission language? (If applicable.)
* Chapter 8: Am I still setting and keeping goals and using my time wisely?
* Chapter 9: Am I still finding people to share the gospel with--and finding someone to marry? :)
* Chapter 10: Am I keeping my teaching skills sharp by magnifying my calling?
* Chapter 11: Am I keeping my covenants with the Savior?
* Chapter 12: How will I prepare for my next temple ordinance?
* Chapter 13: How will I work well with my new stake and ward leaders?
So instead of discarding your Preach My Gospel manual now that you are home from the mission field, use it as a springboard into the new challenges of your young [or a little older] life. Just as "the Lord of the vineyard labored also with" (Jacob 5:72) you in the mission field, He will not leave you now that you have come home. The challenges and scenery in the vineyard may have changed, but the Savior will still work with you as you seek His help in the new furrows of your life.
The transition from taking care of everyone else to worrying about yourself can be a difficult one. Whereas you were only concerned with helping other come unto Christ for eighteen or twenty-four months, now you have to practice what you preached. You have to live what you so vigorously taught those around you as a missionary.
Do not look at this next stage in your life as being selfish, as much as it is an opportunity to prepare yourself for lifelong service in the kingdom of God.
Look at each of the chapters in Preach My Gospel and how they can apply to your life right now. Each one of them can be slightly modified to help you adjust to your life as a returned missionary.
* Chapter 1: What is my purpose as a returned missionary?
* Chapter 2: How do I study effectively now that I am home and for the rest of my life?
* Chapter 3: How do I live and apply what I've taught?
* Chapter 4: Am I still recognizing the Spirit in my life?
* Chapter 5: What role does the Book of Mormon play in my life now?
* Chapter 6: Am I still developing Christlike attributes?
* Chapter 7: How am I going to continue using my mission language? (If applicable.)
* Chapter 8: Am I still setting and keeping goals and using my time wisely?
* Chapter 9: Am I still finding people to share the gospel with--and finding someone to marry? :)
* Chapter 10: Am I keeping my teaching skills sharp by magnifying my calling?
* Chapter 11: Am I keeping my covenants with the Savior?
* Chapter 12: How will I prepare for my next temple ordinance?
* Chapter 13: How will I work well with my new stake and ward leaders?
So instead of discarding your Preach My Gospel manual now that you are home from the mission field, use it as a springboard into the new challenges of your young [or a little older] life. Just as "the Lord of the vineyard labored also with" (Jacob 5:72) you in the mission field, He will not leave you now that you have come home. The challenges and scenery in the vineyard may have changed, but the Savior will still work with you as you seek His help in the new furrows of your life.
My Review
This book is by far the best post-mission book I have ever read!
I wholly endorse this book!
Cannot say enough good about this book!
WOW! Beyond good--it is FANTASTIC!
YES! Every returned missionary needs to read this book AND EVERY ADULT NEEDS TO READ THIS BOOK!
The brethren have encouraged all of us to read Preach My Gospel.
Benjamin Hyrum White adds an INSPIRING TWIST-- he takes it from:
The 10 questions are POWERFUL! The helps, insights, stories, examples, and answers to those questions will be life altering if you allow them!
Are you ready for the questions?
Question 1: How will I adjust from Preach My Gospel to Live My Gospel?
Question 2: How can I perform my physical and spiritual Calisthenics Daily?
Question 3: How will I make worshiping the Lord at Church on Sunday a priority?
Question 4: How will I focus on regular Worship at the Temple?
Question 5: How will I accomplish my Educational Pursuits?
Question 6: How will I continue to Work Hard now that I am home?
Question 7: How am I striving to create a Celestial marriage?
Question 8: How well am I living the Law of Chastity?
Question 9: How will I fully embrace the Doctrine of Conversion?
Question 10: How will I Endure to the End through the Grace of Jesus Christ?
About the Author

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