Sharing a sisterhood that seems to radiate from each woman~ You laugh, you cry, you rejoice, and you bond.
Time Out for Women is a two-day event where presenters share their thoughts and talents.
This year's theme was INEVITABLE LIGHT.

You have a CHOICE! You can either look back and feel sorry for yourself OR you can choose to move forward with faith.
We are torch bearers~ let your light shine! Don't be afraid to share your light through your talents.
Look forward with hope and stay focused.
Sandra Turley

Breathe in the season you are in~ Rejoice where you are at!
Sandra also shared her recent personal struggles with anxiety...very touching. You can read more about that HERE.
And of course she shared her beautiful voice!
Sheri Dew
We can live our lives alone relying on our own help OR we can rely on the powers of heaven.
How much help we get is up to us~ Are you willing to engage in the spiritual wrestle? We have to engage our hearts and our minds.
When problems come to our lives...and they will...the Lord needs people who will turn to Him instead of away from Him.
For every weakness we have~there is a counter gift.
Mercy River
Along with their vibrant personalities and wonderful voices of song they also shared this...
Elaine Dalton
What e'er thou art, act will thy part! You are a daughter of God. You were born to lead and change the world and you are not alone!
Be pure and virtuous. Stand up and say "it is enough!" Stop bankrolling anything that is not pure and virtuous.
Don't be afraid to be different. Having the spirit of the Holy Ghost with us is the greatest beauty secret there is!
Emily Watts
It doesn't matter what your talent only matters that you use it!
Take the pieces:
* It won't always be this way.
* Embrace the manna plan.
* Remember why you are doing what you are doing.
* Work toward making YES your default answer.
* Ask questions and teach children to ask questions.
Camille Fronk Olsen
If you dig into the scriptures deep enough you will find all sorts of women there. We can learn so much from them.
We need to be like the women in the scriptures...sharing our lives and our talents and our faith.
Fascinating details and images of where they lived and what they did were shared.
HOPE by Mercy River
Wendy Ulrich

* Undoing the past~ Instead of wanting to change the past ask what have you learned and how has it made you better.
* Preventing trouble in the future~ The Lord knows the end from the beginning and He will help you through anything He asks of you.
* Certainty~ Know that the Lord will not fail us.
* Control~ When we try to take control we lose sight of the miracles the Savior is giving you in your life.
Kris Belcher
Kris shared her story of how she became blind and all the difficulties that has caused...and to be honest all the heartache and darkness. But Kris has decided that she must move forward...and she has!
I think Kris' biggest secret is that she uses humor! But she is also a GREAT teacher too!
Often when we have to go through a trial we say that we will "wait upon the Lord."
But does that mean we sit and wait on the couch OR pray that the trial will be removed from us? Waiting on the Lord is more than being patient.
A waiter is someone who works at serving others. To wait upon the Lord we must:
* LOOK UP to the source of all miracles.
* LOOK IN and know we can move forward.
* LOOK OUT and help others.
As we do this we will often find deliverance from our sufferings.
Josh Wright shared his amazing musical talent. He loves to combine classical pieces with hymns..SO BEAUTIFUL!
We were also privileged to hear the TOFW debut of a NEW GROUP ~ GENTRI
Click HERE to hear their amazing harmony.
You can also get their single SILENT NIGHT on iTunes
I had a WONDERFUL time with my daughter.
I had a WONDERFUL time with my daughter.
I saw friends from Deseret Book.
I reunited with friends from Salt Lake City.
I even saw my sister-in-law and her girls.
And to hear from and meet the presenters was delightful!
Click HERE to see pictures of me with some of them.
I even saw my sister-in-law and her girls.
And to hear from and meet the presenters was delightful!
Click HERE to see pictures of me with some of them.
You can register HERE to attend
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