Book Details
Author: Daniel Coleman
Release Date: September 2014
Publisher: Vorpal Words
Genre: Middle Fantasy
a novel based on the epic poem by Lewis Carroll
How can a boy succeed where an army has failed?
Tjaden, a young man who aspires to be an Elite soldier, blames himself when Elora’s beautiful face is disfigured by a bandersnatch. Elora hides behind her scars, feeling unlovable in a world that only confirms her doubts.
Before Tjaden has a chance to convince her the scars don’t matter, an even more terrifying monster comes between them—the Jabberwock. Tjaden must risk his life not only to prove his love to Elora but to save her life.
If the secrets of the vorpal sword fail, so will Tjaden.
About the Author
Daniel Coleman spends his time back and forth between two worlds – the fantastic world of Writing where happy endings are common, and the very real- life world of Firefighting where the outcomes are as varied as the emergencies.A small farming town in northern Utah is his home, where he resides with his wife, 3 kids and an ever-changing menagerie.
Daniel got his start in writing the same place he started reading–Fantasy. He is currently working on follow-up books as well as polishing a science-based Urban Fantasy novel, New Phoenix Rising, which recently won First Place in the League of Utah Writers Contest!
1. I’m a full time Firefighter and Paramedic. I work for the largest fire department in Utah.

3. A Jr. High career interest test said Writer was the WORST job for me. I’ll show them!
4. I speak Spanish fluently and can get by in American Sign Language.
6. In addition to Fantasy novels, I also write Contemporary Fiction with romantic and tragic Gifts and Consequences.
8. I’m a fan of Ultimate Fighting and the World Series of Poker. Given the chance to do one or the other, I would choose cage fighting.
9. I’ve been stung by a scorpion. Twice. The area I grew up in, in Arizona, was silly with ‘em.
10. I own a dog who weighs as much as I do. A 180 lb. Gladiator Dane named Beanstalk. (We also own his mother—Jennie Bandersnatch). Oh yeah, and we have a hairless cat.
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