Author: E. James Harrison
Release Date: August 2014
Publisher: Covenant Communications
Genre: Historical Fiction

Which one military leader was commanded to overtake
Which led the little girl to come into his home as a servant
Who told him of the prophet Elisha
Who could heal his leprosy that he was so frantically trying to hide.
And just why did this little girl believe Elisha could heal her master Naaman?
Because Elisha had miraculously healed her father.
Can Naaman do as Elisha asks?
A beloved Biblical story brought to life with details of daily living
and what the fear of leprosy were really like.
This book is WONDERFUL!
DETAILS told so poetically you feel as if you are really there!
A story we already LOVE, this book will help you UNDERSTAND it even more!
About the Author
I grew up on the west side of Salt Lake City in a pretty typical family. My dad worked most of his life in a factory, my mom was a homemaker and my three sisters were...sisters! The two older ones were always bossing me around and I always had to give in to my younger sister. (They may not remember it exactly like that, but it's true--really!) A mom and three sisters meant during my preteen years my dad and I would escape whenever we could to the quiet of the mountains and deserts of Utah pursuing my dad's favorite hobby--rockhounding. Saturday's meant trapsing over desolate ground and blasting old cans full of holes with a .22 rifle. 
me, was I met my wife, Debbie. (That's a picture of her over on the right.) I met her in a geometry class. The teacher sat us alphabetically and I ended up in the desk behind her. Had there still been ink wells in the desks, I'm sure I would have dipped the tips of her long dark hair in the ink in an effort to attract her attention. With no ink I had to satisfy myself with untying the bows made from ribbons that she used to tie back her hair. I succeeded in getting her attention, and ultimately convincing her to marry me, but not for several more years.
After high school there was a year of college (University of Utah) and then two years as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Returning from my missionary responsibilities I shocked everyone--including myself--by being accepted to Brigham Young University. And that's when I first discovered writing. I had no idea what I wanted to be when I "grew up," but the fiancée of one of Debbie's roommates was majoring in public relations. I had no idea what that was, but it sounded fun so from then on I told everyone I was a public relations major. I thought it would be a bunch of back slapping and socializing. Little did I know that English and writing are at the heart of public relations. And the rest, as they say, is history. I ultimately got an Associate degree in public relations and a Bachelor degree in creative writing.
(A review copy was provided, however, all reviews are of my own opinion :)
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