Book Details
Author: Heather Mauley, N.D.
Release Date:
Genre: Middle Science
The story is so good you don't even realize you are learning.
Two sisters have the ability to go inside a person's body to see what is happening...they are The Body Detectives.
When their friend shows up with a broken bone they transfer inside to see what is going on.
Along the way they discover more of the skeletal system.
Did you know that...
your bones will stop growing when you are 25?
"osteo" is the Greek word for bone?
bones need exercise and healthy foods
osteoblast cells will help fix broken bones
"osteo" is the Greek word for bone?
Food that are good for your bones:

The Human Body Detectives love a good case, but they also love funny jokes!
What's a bone in your body that you can never break? Your funny bone!
What do you you call a skeleton who doesn't like to get up in the morning? Lazy Bones!
Why does milk taste so good? Because it has calci-YUM!
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I have always been passionate about healthy foods and exercising. Growing up in Toronto, Canada I would exhaust my allowance at the health food store and write school papers on spices and herbs. It was no wonder I found myself studying biology at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida.
I loved animals as well so I initially focused on wildlife conservation and animal biology, however, with some exposure to naturopathic medicine, this health care philosophy rang true for me. I switched to pre-med and I graduated in 1993. I earned my doctorate at the from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon before moving with my family to Hawaii where I became licensed and continue to practice today.
Everything I learned in medschool came into fruition when my children were born. I realized the importance of teaching them, by example, about healthy food and lifestyle. Telling them what to eat was not enough, so I created and wrote educational adventure stories that explain the physiological systems in the body. Not only did my kids love the engaging and interactive stories but so did their friends.
I love seeing kids have fun learning to understand their bodies and how food helps them run faster and be smarter. My focus is on preventative health. I am passionate about encouraging families to seek the value of a simple lifestyle and offering tools to assist them at being proactive and confident in their daily living. I am constantly inspired seeing people make positive changes in their lives. With my website, I am excited to reach more families in a way that will manifest healthy living.
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