Feb 1, 2019

Remember, Remember, Remember

by Clint Pulver

In a world that seems to move too fast with the constant demands of life, social-media consumption, and worldly temptations at every step, it can become so easy to forget the spiritual promptings, revelations, and faith-promoting moments we have had in our lives—moments when the Spirit has whispered peace to our heart, a prayer was answered, or a miracle was witnessed.

In this hilarious and inspiring talk, Clint Pulver teaches about the simple but powerful strength youth and adults alike can receive in moments of fear and uncertainty by simply taking the time to be still and, as the scriptures remind us, to remember, remember, remember what we know and how we know it.

I LOVE listening to speakers like this!
A lot of humor, but also a lot of teaching-
This is a fantastic talk! I highly recommend it!


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