by Glenn Rawson
Glenn Rawson is a master storyteller and a very charismatic person!

He watches for the good in people such as the garbage truck driver who stopped to help Glenn's son clean up when the garbage can, that was too heavy for the son, spilled garbage everywhere.
Or Rex, the tire guy, who not only helped Glenn with his tires, but also brought such a spirit with him that Glenn left feeling happier just for being with Rex.
I love the story about Glenn's son who found himself pinned under a barbell set after putting too much weight on it. After laughing at him Glenn helped lift the weight. Then Glenn applied this to our lives and the Savior. HE does not laugh at us when we pile on too much in life and find ourselves "spiritually and emotionally pinned, out of breath, with the world on (our) chest." Instead HE comes to our aid and "sets us free."
Glenn also turns to the scriptures and sees the strength in learning from those who have gone on before us such as Martha and Mary or Elijah and the Widow or David and Goliath, etc.
Glenn shares with us the love of his parents and how they acted with each other...always with love. For those "whose arms are empty and whose hearts yearn and ache, Glenn reminds us that we have a Heavenly Father who loves us and the closer we come to Him the "more you will love and be loved."
Through amazingly tender stories Glenn reminds us to be "Grateful for Gratitude," and that "Words Matter," and so much more.
This book will fill your heart with love and instill within you a desire to be better.
About the Author
Glenn Rawson grew up on a ranch. His love of the outdoors carries to this day. It isn’t unusual to find him outside in his free time, running, bird watching, hiking, or just taking a deep breath. Professionally, he has been a teacher for nearly 30 years, and that brought him to telling stories. He borrowed this philosophy for telling stories from Abraham Lincoln who said, “They say I tell a great many stories. I reckon I do, but I have learned from long experience that plain people…are more easily influenced through the medium of a broad and humorous illustration than in any other way.”He loves people and especially his family. Glenn and his wife Debbie have seven children and two grandchildren. They live in Idaho. He is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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