Mar 28, 2019

Celebrating a Christ-Centered Easter

by Emily Belle Freeman

Discover how the personal experiences of people who were closest to the Savior during the final week of His life can change the way your family celebrates Easter. Learn the meaning behind the wheat baskets, the forget knot, the red egg, and other traditions that will help Easter become a "High Holy Day" in your heart and in your home.

Celebrating a Christ-Centered Easter offers hope for an Easter filled with the Spirit of Christ as we offer our finest to Him in deepest gratitude for His sacrifice. Return to the spiritual roots of this holy celebration with this beautiful gift book that will help bring you and your family closer to Jesus Christ.

Personal stories include
Lazarus and Simon
Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus
Mary Magdalene, Mary, and Salome
Thomas and the disciples on the road to Emmaus
and of course Jesus Christ

I am always looking for ways to be more Christ-centered and Emily Freeman's books really help with that!

I loved learning about Christ's experience with Lazarus and how He can help all of us out of the darkest moments we might find ourselves in giving us "unexpected hope."

Simon the Cyrenian teaches how he was called upon to carry the cross for Christ and how we might fully understand how to help someone else carry their cross of burdens.

Finally you will read about Jesus Christ and come to know how to offer up our finest to Him who gave us His all.

Songs, scriptures, stories, and activities are given to help us build "traditions." This book will help bring your life and heart more Christ-centered.


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