Author: Misty Moncur
Release Date: September 2013
Publisher: Eden Books
Genre: Historical Fiction
I LOVE books like this!
They are exciting and captivating to read!
They also help me understand the Book of Mormon better!
It brings it alive for me...makes me really see how it could have happened!
Then when I read it again from the Book of Mormon I can really envision it!
2000 stripling warriors...Helaman's army.
Young men who fought so their parents didn't have to break their oath of peace.

She trains hard...
She works hard...
She endures remarks of not pulling her weight...
She can track and shoot and do whatever a boy does...
She goes on the marches...
She helps fortify the city...
She helps heal those who have been injured...
She also falls in love...
But she is betrothed to another...
You will read of spy missions, midnight assassinations, battlefields, retreats, and a young girls heart.
Sometimes "life's fiercest battles are not fought on the battlefield."
Misty has graciously offered an
eBOOK GIVEAWAY for MY readers :)
(ends 12/15/13)
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About the Author

(A review copy was provided. However, all reviews are of my own opinion :)
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