Feb 27, 2015

I Can Do Hard Things With God

"We talk of emergency preparedness for the big earthquakes or world events. More often, it is the personal trials that hit close to home that are the most difficult. If we wait to prepare spiritually until the storm hits, we may find ourselves blown over . . .The question is not “Will I face challenges?” but rather, “How will I deal with challenges when they come?” I Can Do Hard Things with God is an inspiring collection of essays by a variety of LDS women who have confronted this very question."

Just look at these chapter titles and who the contributors are:

* Suicide: No More Hiding by Ganel-Lyn Condie

* Chronic Illness: An Essay about Being Sick. Very Sick. For a Very Long Time by Kylie Turley

* Blindness: Seeing with a Disability by Kris Belcher

* Financial Stressors: Will You Be Poor for Me? by Andrea Palmer

* Life after Depression, Divorce, and Bankruptcy by Barbara Mathews

* Choosing Charity When Children Choose a Different Path by Alice Ann Weber

* Death of a Baby: The Miracle and Memory of Little Madilyn by Heather Hodge

* Infertility: He Did for Me What I Could Not Do for Myself by Carrie Ann Oscarson Rhodes

* Hear Loss but Hearing His Voice by Kate Cowan

* Death of My Husband: Finding My Happily Ever After Again by Lorraine Mason

* Living with Bipolar Depression and Anxiety by Elizabeth Harris

* Spouse's Mental Illness: You're the One Who's Bipolar, So How Come I'm Going Crazy? by Laryssa Waldron

* Singlehood by Betsy Ferguson

"They offer glimpses into lives that have been uplifted and enriched through stalwart preparation and unwavering faith, and readers will come to understand that they too can rely on God’s grace to strengthen them in their adversity."

Do any of these resonate with you?
Do you know someone in a similar situation?


Author Shelly Locke finalizes the book with her chapter on Adversity: The Mark of Gold upon Our Souls.

She eloquently shares with us why we have adversity, why it seems to be everywhere in this day and age, the purpose of it, and what we can do about it.

She reminds us that we have a loving Heavenly Father who not only loves us, but blesses us.

She teaches us that "if we manage our trials wisely, they become our friend, the means by which the answers to life's mysteries will come."

With powerful testimony she bears witness that there is hope.

This book is SO NEEDED!
The timing is NOW!


About the Compiler
Ganel-Lyn is dedicated to her family, faith, and inspiring others to live healthy balanced life. She loves teaching others with writing, speaking and consulting. She has healed from a major chronic illness and is the mother to two miracle children. Ganel-Lyn lives with an open heart and feels passionate about sharing organizational tools, health principles and personal spiritual practices that will empower others to live balanced and joyful lives. Ganel-Lyn enjoys writing a column, Everyday Faith, for the Daily Herald (Utah County). She contributes to the Divorce Support Center website as an expert. She loves growing older, and after 23 years of marriage, she believes that a life of LEARNING is a life of LOVE. You are invited to come learn with Ganel-Lyn.


Ganel-Lyn was honored to represent Utah as Mrs. Utah U.S. Ambassador 2013-14. The Mrs. U.S. Ambassador Association is primarily designed for married women who understand the value of service to others, personal development and that we are more beautiful inside and out when we serve those around us. Ganel-Lyn’s platform focused on inspiring others to find their own FOUNDATION OF FAITH. She believes that, no matter your religious affiliation, building a FOUNDATION OF FAITH you will be able to withstand the storms of life and emerge changed for the better. As Helen Keller said, “Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light.”

Between the Lines

A review copy was provided
Book Details
Author: Paige Timothy
Release Date: February 2015
Publisher: Trifecta Books
Genre: Contemporary Romance

This one really delivers!

Regan has been hurt before and so she has sealed her heart to love...

...desiring instead to spend her nights curled  up with a good book.

But all of her roommates are in love and so they are desperately trying to set Regan up with a blind date.

When Brennan, her roommate's boyfriend, suggests she go out with his cousin, Jesse, she says yes...

After all she has know Jesse for a couple of years, she just never really thought about dating him.

Of course, right now she never really thinks about dating anyone.

One date leads to two and possible a third before Regan starts to panic and pulls way back.

Giving it one more try she and her roommate and the two guys head out for a camping trip.

It is here that things get really interesting...

But in a totally different twist than you would think :)

GREAT creativity from the author!
a SUPERB story!

A FANTASTIC weekend read that will leave you wanting more.
Lucky for you there is more...

(Click on the book cover to read details)

About the Author
Paige Timothy is new to the romance scene, but she's certainly not new to the industry. Under her other pen names, she has published thirty books in a wide variety of genres. With her new series, the Main Street Merchants, Paige is embarking on a new journey that promises to be filled with adventure.

You can contact Paige via her e-mail address, authorpaigetimothy@gmail.com.

Fire and Steel: A Generation Rising

A review copy was provided
Book Details
Author: Gerald N. Lund
Release Date: November 2014
Publisher: Deseret Book
Genre: Historical Fiction

This book is often pitched as a World War I historical fiction...
and it is...but it is also oh. so. much. more!

It is about a family that will live during the most difficult times in history.

They are the Eckhardt family and after three daughters they finally have a son.

A son who turns out to be brilliant.

A son who is doted upon.

A son who is given the chance for an education beyond the normal peasant child.

But Hans is also young and foolish and caught up in the unrest that is descending upon the world.

Choosing to go to the battlefront instead of the University will change young Hans' perception of the world and of mankind.

As this book is so appropriately titled this family will go through a fire so unquenchable that they will either become stronger like steel or they will break and shatter.

Follow the Eckhardt family as they first-hand witness "an explosion of technology"-- electricity, the telephone, the automobile...

And as they battle to live through the "War to End All Wars."


About the Author
Gerald N. Lund received his B.A. and M.S. degrees in sociology from BYU. He also did extensive graduate work in New Testament studies at Pepperdine University, and studied Hebrew at the University of Judaism. He is a prolific author and speaker. His novels include The Work and the Glory Series, The Kingdom and the Crown Trilogy, Fire of the Covenant, The Undaunted, and his newest series, Fire and Steel. He has also written several books on gospel topics, including a doctrinal trilogy exploring our relationship with Heavenly Father and how He expresses His love to His children.

During his thirty-five years in the Church Educational System, Gerald N. Lund served as seminary teacher, institute teacher and director, curriculum writer, director of college curriculum, and zone administrator. His church callings have included stake president, bishop, and he also served as a member of the Second Quorum of the Seventy from 2002 to 2008.

He and his late wife, Lynn, are the parents of seven children.

Feb 26, 2015

Reluctantly Married

A review copy was provided
Book Details
Author: Victorine E. Lieske
Release Date: January 2015
Genre: Contemporary Romance

SO LOVE this author!
SO LOVED this book!

Megan Holloway loves her job, a local morning show, and has big plans to move up.

She struggles with her co-host though.

Adam is good-looking... not a bad quality.

But he keeps goading her... like he is doing it on purpose just to get a reaction from her.

Since their ratings keep going up the producer encourages this behavior.

When they host a "relationship specialist" things get even more sticky.

Megan is put on-the-spot when this specialist suggests that she and Adam go on a date to see if he really has deeper feelings for her instead of just the surface teasing he does.

One thing leads to another and all of the sudden Megan and Adam are dating... on camera.

Bigger stations are looking at them and a lot of money is offered IF they keep dating on camera with a promise of a wedding at the end of the season.

Does Adam really have feelings for her or is this all just a hoax to get higher ratings?


About the Author
New York Times best selling author Victorine and her husband live in Nebraska where they raise their four children. They manufacture rubber stamps for the craft industry. Victorine self-published her first book, Not What She Seems, in April of 2010. In March of 2011 the book hit the New York Times best selling ebook list, where it stayed on the list for six weeks. By May 2011 she had sold over 100,000 copies. She is represented by literary agent Jason Ashlock of Movable Type Literary Group. Her book, How to Find Success Selling eBooks, details how she found success, and gives advice to other writers wanting to sell eBooks in the genre fiction market.

Also take a look at:

Mistakenly Married

Become w/ Giveaways


by Ali Cross

Sixteen-year old Desolation Black wants nothing more than to stay where it’s cold and lonely and totally predictable. Instead, she’s sent back to Earth where she must face the evil she despises and the good she always feared. 

When Desi is forced to embrace her inner demon, she assumes her choice has been made—that she has no hope of being anything other than what her father, Loki, has created her to be. What she doesn’t count on, is finding a reason to change—something she’s never had before—

—a friend.


Meet the Author
Ali Cross grew up watching Bruce Lee movies and dreamed of being a kick-butt martial artist like Cynthia Rothrock. Well, she never became the kind of ninja she envisioned, but she does hold a black belt in awesome.

In addition to writing dark and angsty YA/NA and MG sci/fan adventures, she has formatted over three hundred print and ebooks for happy customers.

Ali is a co-founder of IndieReCon & IndieReCon LIVE!


Come on Tour ~ Read the Reviews
February 20, 2015 ~ A Gluten Free Journey
February 26, 2015 ~ I Love to Read & Review Books
February 27, 2015 ~ Manic Mama of 3
February 28, 2015 ~ Dragon Knight's Book Promotions
March 1, 2015 ~ The Book Stalker

Feb 25, 2015

Sharing the Gospel Through Social Media

A review copy was provided
Book Details
Author: Erin Ann McBride
Release Date: February 2015
Publisher: Cedar Fort, Inc.
Genre: Missionary, Social Media

Sharing a spiritual message has never been so easy!

Do you believe we have a loving Heavenly Father or that angels watch over us? Tell your thoughts on Facebook, or Twitter.

Have you seen an amazing sunset or stunning rainbow and believe it was a gift to you? Share the picture on Instagram.

Do you regularly read from the Bible? Share your favorite verses.

Do you love inspiring memes? Pin them to your Pinterest boards.

SO MANY easy ways to let people know what you believe.

Now there are some rules and some tips...and you will find them all in this AMAZING book!

There are chapters on:

* The Power of Social Media
* Facebook
* Twitter
* Instagram
* Pinterest
* YouTube
* Blogging
* and More

Don't be shy!
Use social media as a positive force for good.

About the Author
Erin Ann McBride is the author of Sharing the Gospel through Social Media, Increase E-Book Sales with Social Media Marketing, and the novels, You Heard It Here First, This Just In!, and Beyond Perfection. She is also a columnist for LDS-oriented Meridian Magazine. She is a full-time social media marketing consultant and writer. She graduated from George Mason University in Communications. She lives in the suburbs of Washington, DC.


A review copy was provided
Book Details
Author: David Butler
Illustrator: Ryan Jeppesen
Release Date: November 2014
Publisher: Deseret Book
Genre: Children's Gospel Teachings

I LOVE the sub-title~

an illustrated guide to the people in the Book of Mormon

And that is EXACTLY what the AMAZING book is!

As you open the book you get this incredible two-page spread on 52 people(s) from ancient times.

You will read a short synopsis and learn fascinating details.

There is also a short lesson, scriptures, a question to ponder and an activity for each...

...giving you "52 family night" subjects to study.

Bold colors and fun icons keep the attention of young and old alike.

You will learn the lesson from Nephi of being obedient...

Can you go one week without murmuring like Laman and Lemuel?

What can you learn from King Noah or King Lamoni?

Do you know who the Anti-Nephi-Lehies were or Korihor?

Grab this book and gather your family around for some interesting weeks ahead.
You will be SO GLAD you did!

DAVID BUTLER is by day a high school religious educator sharing his love for the scriptures and his belief that there is a power for good innate in every human soul. By night he is a fort builder, waffle maker, sports coach, and storyteller for his five favorite little people, also known as his children. Somewhere in between he is a motivational speaker and writer. He and his wife, Jenny, live with their family amid the snowcapped peaks of the Mountain West, but they often dream of a beach house on a sunny shore somewhere.

RYAN JEPPESEN cultivated his love for art while growing up on a dairy farm in northern Utah. Ryan graduated from Utah State University with a bachelor s degree in marketing and a master s of business administration degree. He spends his days working at a cushy desk job and comes home at night to fully unleash his creativity by painting, drawing, illustrating, building websites, wood carving, toy building, sculpting, bread baking, and helping with countless Primary projects. He and his amazing wife, Brooke, are raising their four Jeppesenite children in the snow cities of the Mountain West ... and they like it there.

Feb 24, 2015

Book Blast ~ Winter in the Soul w/ $50 Amazon or PayPal Giveaway

Winter in the Soul Cover

Winter in the Soul 
by Jennifer Novotney 

In a world divided by power and greed, seventeen-year-old Lilika harbors an intense desire to return to Winter in the Soul, the place her family left to escape the darkness that was manifesting from a coldness of the soul.

When she meets Talon, their connection is evident right from the start, and together they travel through the Black Kingdom to recover Lilika’s stolen locket...

And in search of an answer to the mystery behind Winter in the Soul.

Lilika holds the key to stopping the darkness from spreading.

The fate of their world lies in her hands. Will she stop the Black Kingdom before its darkness overtakes them all, or will they succumb to the darkness that is spreading across the land?

Praise for the Book
“This book is original, cleverly written and most of all a great read.” “This novel is very suspenseful and can be enjoyed by young and old alike.” “I really, really liked the story line, it is fresh take in the high fantasy/magic genre.”


JenniferAuthor Jennifer Novotney Jennifer Novotney was born in Burbank, California and lived in Los Angeles for most of her life until settling in North Eastern Pennsylvania with her husband and daughter. She attended California State University, earning a bachelors degree in journalism, and Northern Arizona University, earning a masters degree in English. After college, she spent several years writing and teaching, including at Pennsylvania State University.

Website * Facebook * Twitter

$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash 
 Ends 3/22/15 

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Amazon.com Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.


Pulling her blond locks away from her face, Lilika headed outside her cozy house to do her morning chores. When she hit the doorway, she stopped and lifted her face skyward, soaking in the sun’s beams. She reveled in the heat beating down on her and the feeling of warmth that bathed her skin. She walked to the garden and sat down. Lilika pulled the weeds with the sun shining on her. Her fingers ran across something smooth. “What is this?” she muttered to herself, digging quickly to try to see just what was in there. She exposed something gleaming from underneath the brown soil. What could be under the dirt here? She pulled out a gold heart locket from the garden bed. It glittered in an almost magical way, like nothing she’d ever seen before.

“Lilika!” Jet yelled through the open kitchen window. “It’s almost time for school.”

She shoved the locket in her pocket. “Okay! I’m coming.”

Her little brother could be such a nuisance sometimes. She would have to wait until later to inspect her find up-close.

“Hello,” a female voice came from behind her.

“Hello?” She jumped up and turned around, shielding her eyes from the sun.

It was so bright, all she saw was a figure blocking out the light, a black silhouette outlined by the sun’s rays. As her eyes adjusted to the change in light, the figure became clearer and clearer: A beautiful, golden-hued woman stood before Lilika.

“Lilika,” the woman said. How does she know my name?

“Lil! It’s time to go,” her brother yelled again.

She whipped her head around. “Okay, I’m coming.”

By the time she turned back, the golden woman was gone. She stood, walked to the side of the house, and peered around the corner, but the golden woman wasn’t there. She swiveled her head to each side, but didn’t see her. Could this all have just been a figment of her imagination? Maybe sitting in the sun was affecting her. Butterflies danced in her stomach at the thought of the locket she’d found, and she hurried into the house to get ready for school.


Countdown for The Other Side of Quiet

The Countdown is officially on for 
Tara C. Allred's novel

The Other Side of Quiet

Pre-Order HERE
and follow the adventures at

Mrs. Childs's creative writing students are expected to keep personal journals for self-expression. But when clues from a murder investigation cause police authorities to confiscate the students’ journals, writing intended to be private is no longer. Words meant to liberate now condemn. And an innocent writing project, meant to empower students, as well as rescue Mrs. Childs from her own personal tragedy, now open deep conflicts within the class.

Feb 23, 2015

Of Love and Magic

Book Details
Authors: Amberlee Day, Cami Checketts, Lucy McConnell, Sherry Gammon, and Taylor Hart,
Release Date: February 2015
Publisher: Creative Prose Publishing
Genre: Romance

Five AMAZING authors
Five INTRIGUING romances 
All wrapped up in LOVE and MAGIC~

Angel in a Black Fedora, by Sherry Gammon
Ciel Björk died a tragic death...but she got over it. Now she works as an undercover angel, answering people's prayers. She's sent to the sleepy little town of Port Fare, New York to help turn Chloe's dreams into a reality. As secrets are revealed, Ciel soon learns that things are not as simple as they seem. What an amazingly fun story to start this book with! The humor on page one pulls you and and gloriously sets up the plot...and wait until you read how Ciel died...you will giggle over that for a long time :) Friendships are formed, good times are had, and a prayer is answered. SO GOOD!

A Wish in Her Hand, by Amberlee Day
Professor Miri Keeler's life is perfect, and she knows just the sort of man she wants to share it with. When she meets a genie who's willing to grant her a favor, she uses her wish to get the attention of her crush, poet Jamison Arbor. But has the genie's magic missed its target? Miri suddenly has the attention of not only Jamison, but also of Alex, an attractive maintenance man. How will she know which is the right match for her, or what's real and what's magic? Absolutely adored this one! LOVE how the magic is passed on :) She has two men after her and she is conscious of not wanting to look like being a player so she has to choose just one...but did she choose the right one?

Reality Ever After, by Cami Checketts
Pregnant at eighteen, Sydney Richland's happily ever after is in serious peril. Her grandmother's ghost can work miracles, but she also might ruin Sydney's chances with the man of her dreams. This book just continues to get better with each story! While the first two stories are lighthearted and fun this one is AMAZINGLY tender. A mistake was made...one that would change their future. But when all doesn't go as planned Sydney has second thoughts. Her guardian angel grandmother can't give her any answers, but she is close by and always brings with her a comfort that Sydney needs. A GREAT, GREAT, GREAT story!

Prom Diaries, by Taylor Hart
Sixteen-year-old Lacy O'Donnell discovers her best friend has cast a spell, putting everyone in a time loop, forcing them to relive the same four days before prom over and over. The good thing--Lacy doesn't remember the loop. The bad thing--Drake Davis, the guy she's been stalking, does. Only true love's kiss can break the spell, but true love's kiss has to happen at a precise moment. It's not exact science...it's exact magic. This box set has the BEST stories! In Prom Diaries you will read along and be so enjoying the story and then this FABULOUS twist hits and the creativeness endears you even more. You will be SO GLAD this didn't happen to you, but will SO ENJOY watching it happen to them :)

What If Wish, by Lucy McConnell
Morana is doomed to a life cataloging spells deep below the palace unless she can make her magic bloom. If her deepest wish comes true, it would open up all sorts of possibilities. The whispers that she was a fluke of nature would hush. The King would stop stalking her. Her parents would no longer live under a cloud of shame. And, Adam could look at her as more than a friend. Despite the promises magic holds, Morana will quickly learn that the thing she wishes for most, could quickly be her undoing. What a PERFECT way to end a series of love and magic than with this story about a fairy who is a late bloomer. You will be whisked away into a land of enchantment as Morana tries to figure out just what type of fairy she is. Wonderfully written! You will really enjoy this one!

This box set is WONDERFUL!
Fun, creative, fun, magical, fun stories!
I LOVED every one of them!
This is a must-read!

About the Authors
Sherry Gammon
Sherry and her wonderfully supportive husband, currently call Upstate New York home, which is also the setting for her novels. It is where they are raising their family. Sherry has a degree in Legal Assisting, and served as a medical technician in the Air Force. She and her husband worked in foster care for a number of years, from which they adopted their youngest son. She has worked in the education system for a number of years, and is currently lucky enough to be teaching teenage girls, ages 12-18. She has lived in Michigan, California, Utah, Texas, Pennsylvania, and the beautiful, but over-taxed state of New York where she has spent the last eleven years, and now considers home. It is where she spends her nights writing instead of sleeping :}

Amberlee Day
Hi, I'm Amberlee Day. I love romantic novels and movies, but I don't need those steamy scenes. How do you keep a clean romance interesting? Make it fun! Romance and humor make an irresistible combination. Don't believe me? Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice is both beautiful and hilarious, and I think she's the authority on romantic novels. The end. I live in an evergreen forest in Washington state, where I love roaming the woods and exploring the beaches. Many of my stories are set in the Pacific Northwest, because all this beauty sets my imagination flying. I love pizza more than I can say without slipping into Italian, or Elvish. I believe there will be chocolate and puppies in heaven. Also books, because what would heaven be without a library? My husband and I share our forest home with five kids, two dogs, and a carpet that we won't bother replacing until at least one of those numbers change.

Cami Checketts
Cami Checketts is married and the proud mother of four future WWF champions. Sometimes between being a human horse, cleaning up magic potions, and reading Bernstein Bears, she gets the chance to write fiction. Cami graduated from Utah State University with a degree in Exercise Science. She teaches strength training at her local rec and shares health and fitness articles at http://fitnessformom.blogspot.com. Cami and her family live in the beautiful Cache Valley of Northern Utah. During the two months of the year it isn't snowing, she enjoys swimming, biking, running, and water-skiing.

Taylor Hart
Taylor Hart has always been drawn to a good love triangle, hot chocolate and long conversations with new friends. Writing has always been a passion that has consumed her daydreams and forced her to sit in a trance for long hours, completely obsessed with people that don't really exist. Taylor would have been a country star if she could have carried a tune--maybe in the next life.

Lucy McConnell
Lucy McConnell is an Amazon Best Selling Contemporary Romance Author.
She started out as an editor at an advertising agency before moving on to teach in the marketing department of the local community college. She loved teaching and often misses the academic environment. After her third child was born, Lucy retired from teaching and began to write. She has been published in national magazines, newspapers, short story compilations, and she writes cookbooks under the name Christina Dymock. Lucy has a handsome husband and four amazing children. She works as a Recreation Specialist, marketing copywriter, and author. If she's not at the computer, you can find her on the ski slopes, in a boat, in the kitchen, or in the stands watching one of her children bat, dribble, or play goalie.

Only the Brave w/ SIGNED BOOK Giveaway

A review copy was provided
Book Details
Release Date: December 2014
Publisher: Deseret Book
Genre: Historical Fiction

Gerald N. Lund is a FANTASTIC storyteller!

And this book is appropriately named...for ONLY THE BRAVE could have lived through what these people had to live through.

It is 1884 and the Saints have been in the San Juan valley for four years.

Sent there by their leaders to fulfill these three missions:

*They were to become a buffer between the white man and the Indians.

*They were to be like a the shock absorbers on a wagon, which soften the blows for those riding in the wagon, or in this case, those in the other settlements.

*They were to be like a lightning rod, which draws down the fires of heaven upon itself so they do not consume others.

Life is definitely hard as they battle nature and Indians and rough outlaws and competing ranchers.

Church leaders have been called to assess the situation and other families have now been sent to buoy up these Saints.

You will read of true accounts of life in these harsh conditions.

You will also be introduced to Mitch Westland and his family as they try to follow the directive of the Prophet.

And you will learn of the Zimmers family and their strong-willed daughter, Edie.

These two families will unite with the others...in this valley... that will test them to their very most inner strength.

"Many settlers will try to conquer that rugged territory, but only the brave will prevail."

Fascinating details of the lives of these early settlers!
Amazing stories of what life was like for them!
Don't miss out on this one!


Deseret Book is graciously offering a
SIGNED COPY of Only the Brave 
to one of my followers :)

About the Author
Gerald N. Lund received his B.A. and M.S. degrees in sociology from BYU. He also did extensive graduate work in New Testament studies at Pepperdine University, and studied Hebrew at the University of Judaism. He is a prolific author and speaker. His novels include The Work and the Glory Series, The Kingdom and the Crown Trilogy, Fire of the Covenant, The Undaunted, and his newest series, Fire and Steel. He has also written several books on gospel topics, including a doctrinal trilogy exploring our relationship with Heavenly Father and how He expresses His love to His children.

During his thirty-five years in the Church Educational System, Gerald N. Lund served as seminary teacher, institute teacher and director, curriculum writer, director of college curriculum, and zone administrator. His church callings have included stake president, bishop, and he also served as a member of the Second Quorum of the Seventy from 2002 to 2008.

He and his late wife, Lynn, are the parents of seven children.

While this book can be a stand-alone read...
It does follow Gerald N. Lund's book 

Meet Author Charlotte Brentwood

Charlotte Brentwood developed serious crushes on a series of men from age fifteen: Darcy, Knightley, Wentworth and Brandon. A bookworm and scribbler for as long as she can remember, Charlotte always dreamed of sharing her stories with the world.

Earning a degree in communication studies, she was seduced by the emerging digital world and has since worked with the web and in marketing. She lives in beautiful Auckland, New Zealand.

When she's not toiling at her day job, writing or procrastinating on the Internet, Charlotte can be found snuggling with her cat Sophie, warbling at the piano, sipping a hot chocolate or enjoying the great outdoors.


1. I am a New Zealander and though I have travelled to Australia, the Pacific Islands, the UK, Europe and even Canada, I haven’t been to either Asia or the USA yet. Soon, hopefully!

2. I’m terrified of anything with more than four legs.

3. I started writing long(ish) stories at the age of six.

4. I am a crazy cat lady. Although I only have one at the moment, I spend far too long each day looking at cute pictures and videos!

5. I love music and have quite eclectic tastes – I like to mix my genres… country/pop, classical crossover, rock/classical… current favourites are 2Cellos who I saw live recently.

6. If I had the time and money, I’ll spend most of the year following Winter around the world with skis strapped to my feet.

7. I can’t handle spicy food. I never had it as a child, and even though my palate is broader now I still start to sweat at anything heat level higher than “mild” (and even with mild sometimes).

8. I always name my cars. My current one is Fifi and it suits her personality perfectly (the model is a Fiesta).

9. I was a computer geek as a child and loved to play games, especially adventure/journey games and things like Sim City (and later The Sims).

10. I saw Emma Thompson’s Sense and Sensibility three times at the cinemas when it first came out (with three different people).


If you love Jane Austen and Georgette Heyer, 
can't get enough of Downton Abbey or Cranford, 
or just prefer old-fashioned boy-meets-girl stories, 
try reading Charlotte Brentwood.

The Vagabond Vicar is an unashamedly romantic historical novel you'll fall in love with. 

William Brook is an idealistic young cleric, desperate to escape dreary England for a mission adventure in exotic lands. It's his worst nightmare come true when he is posted to a parish in a small backwater village, populated with small-minded people and husband-hunting mamas. He’s determined not to form any ties and to escape the country as an independent single man.
A free spirit, Cecilia Grant is perfectly content to remain in her family home in Amberley village - when she's not wandering the countryside at all hours painting. Marriage options are few, but that won't stop her mother from engineering a match with one of the ruling family's sons. Cecilia attempts to win the man, but what is it about the new vicar and his brooding ways that is so appealing? Could he be the only one who has ever really understood her, and can she discover what he is running away from?

As William struggles not to fall in love with the lady's intoxicating beauty and mysterious eccentricity, he finds himself drawn into the lives of the villagers, despite their best efforts to alienate the newcomer. When he makes it clear he's not sticking around, Cecilia strives to restrain her blossoming feelings for him. Just when it seems love may triumph, dark secrets are revealed in Amberley and a scandal from William’s past may see the end of not only his career, but his chance at finding an everlasting love.

Feb 21, 2015

97: The Warlochs' Pact w/ Book Giveaway


97: The Warlochs' Pact

by V.L. Holt

Step into a Tale of a Modern Girl and Boy Mingled with Historical Romance

Newspaper Girl Jane Burrows is a hard-working likeable teen who is satisfied with her small town life far from urban cares. She lives with her mom and beagle on a quiet street in rural Oregon. She has a best friend, wheels, and a smartphone that keeps her in touch with current events. A senior in high school struggling to help her mom, Jane has other things on her mind besides romance.

What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Jane’s ordered world changes when a new boy moves in just a few doors down. William McLeod isn’t your typical senior. He has the build of an MMA fighter, the skills of a parkour expert, and can quote Jane Austen’s fiction no problem. He’s also pretty evasive when it comes to the simplest of questions. Where is he from? What does his dad do? Why does he keep following Jane around like a puppy dog in training?

William Has a Secret

There is that other thing too. The thing where he keeps dying in battle and resurrecting. William descends from an ancient Warrior race, created to be invincible in battle. It’s kind of a secret, until he’s faced with a life or death situation involving the cute girl he just met.

History Repeats Itself

Zarastrid is the leader of a powerful group of immortal Warlochs. In ancient times, he and his brothers had a wonderful idea. Create a race of Warriors to fight their battles for them. Zarastrid finds a Christian woman suitable for the task, but quickly discovers he can’t stay away from her. The Warriors created would be deadly, powerful and fearless. There was only one problem; it turned out that their loyalty couldn’t be guaranteed.

Zarastrid Wants Revenge

The Warlochs are hunting down every last descendant of the Warrior race. The Lochspawn monsters reign with blood and horror, wreaking devastation wherever they land. A rogue Lochspawn has tracked William to Jane’s small town, and William must make a choice. Preserve one of his last lives in order to save Jane’s frail existence? Or hoard his precious remaining lives and watch his future go up in flames?

Meet the Author
V. L. Holt adores escaping housewifery by reading all kinds of books, from non-fiction how to declutter-type books to paranormal romance to historical regency to sweet fiction and memoirs. But her favorite mode of escapism is writing-though she doubts she will ever undertake to write a bestselling decluttering book.

10 Fun Things to Know about the Author

1. Once yelled at an armed robber to return the Pizza Hut money he stole. (He didn't but no one was harmed)

2. Three of my six children were water birthed.

3. Went several months without chocolate one year (because it didn't sound good? Weird! )

4. Don't mind public speaking or singing. (Alto)

5. I love playing Halo. My best game I had sixteen kills. (So I'm not that great! ;)

6. Attended twelve schools growing up.

7. Read Lord of the Rings twice by the time I was thirteen.

8. Ate chocolate covered ants with my husband to gross out our kids.

9. I have the same middle name as both my sisters.

10. Coached a church young women basketball team to victory one season.



Come on Tour~ Read the Reviews
February 20, 2015 ~ The Book Stalker
February 21, 2015 ~ Manic Mama of 3
February 22, 2015 ~ I Love to Read and Review Books
February 23, 2015 ~ A Gluten Free Journey
February 25, 2015 ~ A Bit Bookish
February 27, 2015 ~ Dragon Knight's Book Promotions
February 28, 2015 ~ Totally Addicted to Reading

Read 'em All Whitney Finalists Challenge


I am joining the Read 'em All Whitney Finalists Challenge

You can join too...prizes will be given
Rules and Rafflecopter can be found HERE

Books need to be read by May 2nd

Click on 'Book Title' to read details of book
The books I have read will also have a link to 'My Review'


A Plentiful RainMy Name Is BryanStill TimeThe Law of MosesWalking on Water
Elizabeth Petty BentleyStacy Lynn CarrolMaria HoaglandAmy HarmonRichard Paul Evans

                                           MY REVIEW                     MY REVIEW          


An Ocean atween UsDeadly AllianceEve: In the BeginningGone for a SoldierSoftly Falling
Angela MorrisonA.L. SowardsH.B. MooreMarsha WardCarla Kelly

                                        My Review


Blood on the WaterDeath on BlackheathDrop ZoneTomorrow We SpyWedding Cake
Anne PerryAnne PerryTraci Hunter AbramsonJordan McCollumJosi S. Kilpack

                                                                         My Review                                                          My Review


Becoming Lady LockwoodLady Emma’s CampaignLonging for Home:Hope SpringsPainting KissesSpy by Night
Jennifer MooreJennifer MooreSarah M. EdenMelanie JacobsonJordan McCollum

 My Review                My Review                My Review                   My Review            My Review


Nameless: The Darkness ComesPretty Little Dead GirlsThe Accidental ApprenticeThis Darkness LightWords of Radiance
Mercedes M. YardleyMercedes M. YardleyAnika ArringtonMichaelbrent CollingsBrandon Sanderson

Middle Grade

Almost SuperSky Jumpers: The Forbidden FlatsThe Scandalous Sisterhood
The Shadow ThroneThe Time of the Fireflies
Marion JensenPeggy EddlemanJulie BerryJennifer NielsenKimberley Griffiths Little

YA General

Death Coming up
ForbiddenKiss Kill VanishNot in the ScriptOn the Fence
Chris CroweKimberley Griffiths LittleJessica MartinezAmy FinneganKasie West

YA Speculative

CuredDangerousIllusions of FateRemakeThe Glass Magician
Bethany WigginsShannon HaleKiersten WhiteIlima ToddCharlie N. Holmberg

Best Novel by a New Author

Becoming Lady LockwoodNameless:
Not in the ScriptRemakeThe Accidental Apprentice
Jennifer MooreMercedes M. YardleyAmy FinneganIlima ToddAnika Arrington

The Whitney Awards Gala will be held May 16, 2015
7:00 PM at the Provo Marriott Hotel.

Gala tickets can be purchased HERE.

Learn more about the Whitney Awards HERE.


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