Book Details
Author: Melanie Young
Release Date: September 2013
Publisher: Plain Site
Genre: Self-Help
This book is an AMAZING treasure of INCREDIBLE information for anyone going through breast cancer.

Cancer is one of those things we often don't like to talk about...
We fear it~
We shun it~
We run from it~
Yet according to this book 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer... I personally know 3 survivors~ 2 friend and an aunt.
I believe we should all learn about it.
You may have breast cancer...but breast cancer does not have to have you :)
This book has so many tips:
*Handling your diagnosis tips
*Insurance tips
*Doctor tips
*Questions to ask tips
*Your option tips
*Health tips
*Your brain on chemo tips
*Wig tips
*Staying Fearless & Fabulous tips
*and so much more!
The author is a survivor of breast cancer herself and shares a lot of her journey with us...very interesting!
This book will help you stay "sane, focused, and in charge."
You can be "fearless & fabulous in the face of breast cancer!"
About the Author
A self-described “Nooga-Yorker,” Melanie Young was born and raised in Chattanooga, Tennessee. She graduated from Sophie Newcomb College (Tulane University) in New Orleans and currently divides her time between the Hudson Valley and New York City with her husband, David, a wine and spirits writer. She is involved in several philanthropic causes including SHARE and Les Dames d’Escoffier and is founder of The Connected Table®, Inc., wine and food marketing and communications. Follow her @mightymelanie and
(A review copy was provided for this review. However, all reviews are of my own opinion :)
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