Dec 18, 2017

Acting Married

by Victorine E. Lieske

Tara McDermott needed a job, so she took the only thing available—cleaning house for the swoon-worthy actor, and Hollywood Bad Boy, Rick Shade. When he comes up with a crazy plan to tame his wild reputation by marrying her, she reluctantly agrees so she can pay off her debts and move her daughter back to the Midwest where life is simpler. If only he wouldn’t make her heart pound every time he kisses her.

Rick’s reputation is in the toilet and it’s affecting his job. In order to get a good role, he needs to show Hollywood he’s now a family man. After enticing Tara with a large sum of money to go through with the farce, he sets out to show the public he’s in love. But Tara’s soft lips keep calling to him and soon he doesn’t know what’s pretend and what’s real.

Acting Married is a sweet romance.

Fun writing. Fun situation. Fun reading.
You won't be able to put it down.
While this book can be read alone it is book 5 of the MARRIED SERIES.
The entire series is AMAZING. I recommend all of them!

Here are all the books in the series


Dec 12, 2017

Book 7 - Countdown to Christmas

Book 7 of Christmas Countdown
Christmas Jars Reunion
by Jason F. Wright

The New York Times bestseller Christmas Jars has sold nearly 500,000 copies. Thousands of people across the country have emailed the author at about how the Christmas Jars tradition has touched their lives— either by receiving a jar or by giving one.

Hope Jensen’s story continues in Christmas Jars Reunion. It’s been two years since Hope was reunited with her biological mother on Christmas Eve at Chuck’s Chicken ’n’ Biscuits. Hope has never felt more complete. She’s writing full-time for a family magazine and, with the help of her mother, Marianne, leading the Christmas Jars Ministry out of Chuck’s quirky restaurant. To top it off, she’s dating a marketing executive in a comfortable long-distance relationship. Her life is right where she wants it to be — a state of organized chaos — as another Christmas rolls around.

Then her world changes forever over Thanksgiving weekend.

The Maxwells hire a nephew to take over the family furniture restoration business. Someone that Hope can’t stop thinking about. Then an out-of-town stranger shows up at the diner asking to help in the ministry — a stranger whose motives are yet unclear.

Before the sun sets on Christmas Day, two men will try to change Hope’s life forever. In the process, Hope will be reminded of the immense power of a single jar, and the healing that sometimes comes only with forgiveness.

I loved Christmas Jars and I love Christmas Jars Reunion even more!
Hope wants to see thousands of jars given this Christmas...
But in the end she realizes it is all about...
ONE jar
For ONE person
Because of our ONE Savior


Dec 11, 2017

Book 6 - Countdown to Christmas

Book 6 of Christmas Countdown
A Christmas Parable 
by Elder Boyd K. Packer

“A parable is ‘a brief, simple story told to illustrate or teach a moral or spiritual truth,’” writes President Boyd K. Packer. “This is a Christmas parable.” With that introduction, President Packer relates the tender story of a man whose strange dream during a difficult Christmas season awakens him to the reality of the Savior's atonement.

This book is wonderful! 
I marvel that without Christmas there would have been no Easter. 

My favorite quote from the book is, "No wonder choirs of angels sang. No wonder signs appeared in the heavens. No wonder shepherds and kings learned to follow stars." May we all still "seek Him today."


Dec 9, 2017

Book 5 - Countdown to Christmas

BOOK 5 of Christmas Countdown
Christmas Jars
by Jason F. Wright

Where had it come from? Whose money was it? Was I to spend it? Save it? Pass it on to someone more needy? Above all else, why was I chosen? Certainly there were others, countless others, more needy than me. . .

Her reporter's intuition insisted that a remarkable story was on the verge of the front page.

Newspaper reporter Hope Jensen uncovers the remarkable secret behind the “Christmas Jars,” glass jars filled with coins and bills anonymously left for people in need. But along the way, Hope discovers much more than the origin of the jars. When some unexpected news sets off a chain reaction of kindness, Hope's greatest Christmas Eve wish comes true.

Christmas has not been the same since this book was written... 
This book is definitely a Christmas tradition...
to be read over and over again each year with those you love! 
This story will change your heart.

Get it HERE with AMAZON

Dec 8, 2017

Book 4 - Countdown to Christmas

BOOK 4 - Christmas Countdown
Christmas Gifts, Christmas Blessings
by President Thomas S. Monson

President Thomas S. Monson shared the story "Christmas Gifts, Christmas Blessings" as a powerful reminder that it is more important to give than to receive. As we remember this insight during our Christmas season, we will find that Christmas gifts we share truly do become blessings in our lives as well.

This booklet powerfully explains why we give gifts at Christmastime and the impact it has on ourselves and others. I love it when President Monson shares one of his stories. Everyone needs to read this booklet.

Get it HERE with AMAZON

Dec 6, 2017

Book 3 - Countdown to Christmas

BOOK 3 - Christmas Countdown
Lieutenant Terry's Christmas Fudge
by Gerald N. Lund

On a mission to bomb a French bridge and slow down Hitler's retreating army, U.S. bomber pilot Wendell B. Terry miraculously survived a harrowing parachute jump after his plane was hit by enemy fire. Scorched by the burning plane, he landed amid German SS troops and soon found himself in a German prisoner-of-war camp. He shared a cement room with 23 other prisoners. He lived with a dirt floor, no heat to ward off the bitter cold, one small window, and not much to do. To make matters worse, Christmas was approaching, and Lieutenant Terry's heart ached for his new wife and their child who would soon be born.

In the depths of the cold and dark, however, a light of hope was sparked by the arrival of a small parcel from the Red Cross. Chosen by lottery to receive that package, Lieutenant Terry opened it to find a small can of powdered milk, a packet of sugar, two squares of unsweetened chocolate—and a chance to bring a glimmer of Christmas joy to his fellow prisoners.

This book is FABULOUS! 
I cannot even imagine being away from family at Christmastime, yet alone, being a prisoner-of-war. I am impressed with the efforts of many people to make the prisoner's lives just a little better. The package from the Red Cross is just one example in this book. Lieutenant Terry could have done many things with the items in the package. What he truly does will warm your heart.
Based on a true story.

Get it on AMAZON

Dec 5, 2017

Book 2 - Countdown to Christmas

BOOK 2 of Christmas Countdown
by Elder Neil L. Andersen

Traveling home along a quiet road on Christmas Eve, the Andersen family became stranded in a remote part of the French countryside. The heartwarming story of their encounter with a modern-day innkeeper in a quaint village in France is a reminder that whoever you are, wherever you are, God knows you and loves you, and His miracles still happen today at Christmas and all the year through.

I LOVED THIS! The opening is fantastic-- my favorite part is about Mary and all the trials she had-- do we think we are better than her and we should have less trials than her? I have never thought about that. 

Then the story about Elder Andersen in France was amazing! I couldn't put it down. Everyone needs to read this!

Get it on AMAZON

Book 1 - Countdown to Christmas

I am participating in a Christmas book-a-day countdown-- I will be sharing here what we are reading and then you can read along too -- leave comments of what you thought about the book. 

BOOK 1 of Christmas Countdown

Celebrating a Christ-centered Christmas by Emily Belle Freeman
Discover how each figure of the nativity can lead your family closer to Christ this Christmas season. Learn the tradition of the tinkling bell, whip up a batch of French cocoa, create a tender mercy tree, and find ways to make your gift-giving more meaningful as Celebrating a Christ-Centered Christmas guides you through seven meaningful traditions inspired by the nativity setting. These simple experiences will give you an opportunity to escape from the frantic busyness of the Christmas season to spend time reflecting on the Savior and the miracle of His birth.

I loved this book. Of course, I love anything Emily Belle Freeman writes. It was intriguing to think about each person at the nativity. I put them all out on display, but never really think about anyone besides baby Jesus. This book really brought a new perspective to me for the whole group who witnessed the miraculous event.

Get it on Amazon

Nov 6, 2017

The Forgotten Carols Giveaway



I love the Forgotten Carols!
The songs are incredible and the show is phenomenal.
A Christmas tradition for the whole family.

Here is a fun Q&A with Michael McLean

1. What is your favorite Forgotten Carol scene?
I have so many scenes in THE FORGOTTEN CAROLS that are “favorites” for a variety of reasons.  But I’m surprised, performance after performance, how often something touches me differently and teaches me something that I’ve missed in performances past.  It’s the gift of doing this show for 26 years.  I keep learning things, understanding things, and feeling things that bring me closer to the One Christmas is all about…the One who we remember…It’s about remembering what’s been “forgotten” when it comes to the meaning of Christmas. 

2. Do you have a favorite snack you enjoy while traveling to each tour city? 
I'm a diabetic, so this is sort of a trick question.  I crave chocolate cake donuts, but have to eat Kind Bars.  That’s the reality, but the truth is, I cheat sometimes…and take a little bit more insulin to make up for it.  Don’t tell anybody :)

 3. What do you enjoy most when you’re on the road performing? 
The older I get the more exhausting it is to be traveling from place to place…but the joy of that travel when it’s with people I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to pieces.  The cast and the crew make it a joy beyond measure.  

4.  During the last song when the audience is hand-in-hand singing, what emotions do you feel from the stage? 
When the encore segment of The Forgotten Carols happens, I find myself focusing on the meaning of “together forever”.   Is it something that we hope will happen someday, somewhere down the road, or is it something we can feel right now, this moment?  Some nights I feel like I should sing a different lyric for families that can’t buy in to the idea of an eternal connection, for whatever reasons, and the appropriate lyric for them would be, “We can be together, whatever, today”.  Some nights, thinking about my own family and the challenges we face, those words are a great comfort and a celebration of now.  I believe that what happens to me, and many people who attend The Forgotten Carols, is that together in that moment, we feel the love and peace and comfort that comes at Christmas time to remind us that we are never alone, and the One whose birth we celebrate is ALWAYS with us.   
Here’s a news flash for you, my blogger friends.  I’M ADDING A NEW CAROL TO THE SHOW THIS YEAR that I think will shine a beautiful light on that thought. Hope y’all come and hear me sing it!!!

(Winner will be notified by email)

Oct 26, 2017

All Hallows' Eve Collection


by Sarah M. Eden, Annette Lyon, Heather B. Moore, Lisa Mangum, Jordan McCullum, and Elana Johnson

Whose anxious for some ghostly fun?
Six spooky romance stories from six of my favorite authors.

I just grabbed this book for only 99 cents :)
Get your copy and read along with me!

ALL HALLOWS' EVE is not to be missed. Romance, thrills & chills. Need we say more?

In Sarah M. Eden’s mysterious novella OF GHOSTS AND GARDENS, if Enid Pryce has one downfall, it’s that she talks to the ghost in her garden, which doesn’t make her too popular among society’s elite. In fact, she returns to her home in Wales after a Season in Bath with not one offer of marriage. Deeming herself a failure at the nearly-spinster age of nineteen, she is pleasantly surprised when an English gentleman shows up in her garden, apparently intent on finding out more about the ghost. Burke Kennard, grandson of an English marquess, quickly becomes utterly charmed by the young Welsh woman, but the ghost in the garden is more likely to push them apart than pull them together.

In Annette Lyon’s enthralling story IT’S YOU, when Charlie and Anna both see the ghost of Nanny Mae, they think they’re losing their minds. Anna tries to find out more about the ghost and uncovers a decades’ old family secret. One that separated two people in love. Now, the ghost of Nanny Mae must set her wrongs to right. As Charlie and Anna explore the past, and the truth of what happened, they discover that the mistakes of the past might lead to love of the future.

In SOPHIA’S CURSE, a suspenseful novella by Heather B. Moore, Joan grows up in an abbey in France, believing that she is an orphan. A chance encounter with the foreboding owner of a neighboring estate, alters everything she’s understood about her parents. She discovers she’s an integral part of changing a decades-old curse, and that her life, as well as the handsome and intriguing Simon Rousseau’s life, are both in danger unless she makes an enormous sacrifice that will change the course of her dreams. 

In Lisa Mangum’s haunting story THE SIRENS’ SONG, we meet recently widowed Oliver, the lead physician on a luxury cruise liner traveling to Greece. He hopes that the change of scenery will help ease his grief over his deceased wife, Cate. After falling overboard, though, he is captured by a siren and taken to a mystical island. Through the sirens' song, Oliver is able to relive his memories of Cate—both the good and the bad—as long as he gives away his memories of her. But can he sacrifice his best memory in exchange for one last chance to say good-bye?

In Jordan McCollum’s thrilling novella THE MAN OF HER DREAMS, homicide detective Alexandra Steen dreams about real murders before they happen, seeing the crime through the eyes of the killers. But the dreams never contain enough clues to save the victim before it's too late. Then one dream ends before a murder occurs—in a place she knows. She finds herself racing against time to prevent the deadly act, only to discover that the intended victim is a man she thought she’d never see again. Seven years might have passed since her breakup with Nick, but the years haven’t changed her feelings for him. Now, she must convince Nick that her dreams are real and find a way to prevent his death.

In Elana Johnson’s chilling story THE GHOST OF MILLHOUSE MANSION, Naomi knows her crush on Colt Jennings is unreasonable. When he invites her to his reclusive mansion to restore an old wooden rocking horse, Naomi can’t resist accepting the job. The more time Naomi spends touring his home, the more interested she becomes in Colt. Until she sees a man in the library who vanishes into thin air. She thinks she’s losing her mind until Colt tells her about the ghosts he’s been seeing for years.

Get your copy HERE for only 99 cents 
between now and Halloween

Oct 24, 2017

Christmas Grace

A review copy was provided

by Jennifer Moore, Krista Lynn Jensen, Anita Stansfield, and Chalon Linton

This book is SO GOOD! Four delightful stories will help bring in the yuletide spirit. Grab a cup of hot cocoa and curl up in a blanket and enjoy this book while it brings warmth to your heart.
I highly recommend this one! A Christmas MUST-READ!

Let Nothing You Dismay by Jennifer Moore- After their childhood friendship blossomed into love, one young couple's whirlwind romance ended in bitter disappointment. Now, years later, can a long-overdue Christmas gift heal two wounded hearts?

Christmas at Canterwood by Krista Lynn Jensen- A charming new governess is determined to create a magical Christmas for her young charges. What follows is a season of warmth, laughter, and even the promise of an unanticipated love.

Winter Angel by Anita Stansfield- For generations, one small London bakery has carried on the sweet tradition of delivering bread to the impoverished. When the lovely baker meets a down-on-his luck stranger, her kindness will open the door to a bright friendship—and an astonishing discovery.

Christmas Grace by Chalon Linton- After suffering a heartbreaking loss, one woman returns home to honor the family tradition of staging a Christmas celebration for the surrounding village. But when a severe snowstorm hinders her plans, help—and hope—find her in the most unexpected of ways.

(Covenant Communications will notify winner by email)

Links will help you find it on
Amazon - Goodreads


Oct 20, 2017

A Savage Ghost

by Donna K. Weaver

A very fun read with a castle, a ghost, and a sweet romance.
Perfect read for October! I highly recommend this one!

Lia Savage reluctantly puts her dream of opening a dessert boutique on hold to help her dad remodel a castle he's inherited in Washington State. Soon, a specter targets her younger sister.

Lia enlists the help of strapping Coop Montgomery, the head gardener and her former crush. As they search together for a way to rid the castle of its ghost, the romance she used to dream about with Coop kindles. But Lia's gentle giant means to stay in Washington while she's determined to return to California. She must find the courage to face both the ghost and her future.

With Coop. Or without him.

Find it on
Amazon - Goodreads

Oct 17, 2017

His Final Hours


by W. Jeffrey Marsh

I love studying the life of Christ. This book is so good! There are lots of insights into Christ and the final hours leading up to and including the atonement and the resurrection. This book will leave you pondering and your gratitude for Christ will increase.

His Final Hours traces the final thirty-six hours of the Savior's mortal ministry detailing the events and lessons of the central point in human history.

We have the sense of following the Savior through the streets of Jerusalem during the last hours of his life. Beginning with the Savior's triumphal entry into Jerusalem and the Last Supper and culminating with his resurrection and reunion with the Father, Brother Marsh identifies such lessons as handling trials without self-pity, enduring irony, dealing with unreciprocated love and understanding the importance of submitting to the Father's will.

We see dramatically that the events of his final hours bear eloquent testimony of the Savior's love and mercy for us, and we more fully understand how his grace can bear us up today. Christ's magnificent example encourages us to take his yoke upon ourselves and strive to develop his pure love.

Find it on BookshelfPlus - Amazon - Goodreads

AJ's IRELAND: A Wee Little Comedy

by Renee Riva

This book is ADORABLE!
Perfect for a middle-reader girl!
Lots of fun adventures--laughs--and family togetherness.

In 1967, Nine-year-old AJ wins a trip to Ireland to spend Christmas in a medieval castle. There's only one drawback; she has to bring her big Italian family along. It doesn't take long for AJ to drive her Prom Queen sister crazy with her newly acquired Irish accent and the gift of gab, or to take revenge on her brother with her Spooky Sally doll. Come enjoy Ireland through the eyes of quirky AJ, you will never see Ireland the same again.

Find it on

Oct 3, 2017

That We May Be One: A Gay Mormon's Perspective On Faith and Family

A Gay Mormon's Perspective on Faith and Family
by Tom Christofferson

This book is very tastefully done and filled with amazing insight!
Tom Christofferson gives counsel on how to act with, and around, someone who has expressed feelings of gay tendencies.
I love how supportive his family is-- very inspiring!

"'A happy gay Mormon.' That's the shorthand I often use to describe myself," writes Tom Christofferson. "Some of my gay friends—as well as some of the LDS friends—are a little surprised that I think it's possible to be a gay Mormon."

In That We May Be One, Tom Christofferson shares perspectives gained from his life's journey as a gay man who left The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and then returned to it. After having asked to be excommunicated from the faith he was raised in, Tom spent two decades in a loving relationship with a committed partner. But gradually, the love of family, friends, and strangers and the Spirit of the Lord worked on him until he found himself one night sitting in his car in front of the bishop's house...

This book is about the lessons Tom, his family, and his fellow Saints learned while trying to love as God loves. It is about the scope and strength of this circle of love and about how learning the truth of our relationship with God draws us to Him. For anyone who has wondered how to keep moving forward in the face of difficult decisions and feelings of ambiguity; for anyone who needs to better understand the redeeming power of our Savior, Jesus Christ; for anyone who seeks to love more fully; this book offers reassurance and testimony of God's love for all of His children.

Sep 12, 2017


by Debra Erfert

This book is FANTASTIC!
Unique circumstances bring these two together and the path is rocky, with Abigail falling into multiple mishaps, but your heart will be entwined with theirs as your root for their love to grow. 

Artist Abigail Carson crashes off the deserted highway during a Wyoming blizzard while driving to reach her dying mother. Carbon County Sheriff Jackson Reynolds rescues her, leaving her Jeep in the snowdrift as the storm becomes a whiteout. They’re trapped at his ranch for the week leading up to Christmas, along with his two young daughters, a protective mother-in-law, and a bitter memory of his dead wife.

Tensions rise as Abby’s attraction grows for the tough sheriff. She must crack through his emotional wall before the storm breaks or lose her only chance for real love. But if the storm doesn't stop soon enough, Abby may lose her opportunity to ask her mother's forgiveness for running away almost ten years before.

Snowdrift is a story about love, faith, and forgiveness.

Links will help you find it on

Sep 1, 2017

Tuned In


by Jack Marshall

You will laugh out loud with this one!
How are you and your family handling the media--
Are you an "addicted media junkie?"
Can you go 24-hours without any media at all?
Do you allow the media to dictate you thoughts, or self-image?
Do you listen to media more than you listen to the Holy Ghost?
This talk will really make you think about your media habits.
Let's all "fight the good battle."

"We are so tuned in on electronic things, it may be very difficult for us to tune into the spirit."

While the fight between good and evil is nothing new, Satan is constantly adding modern weapons to his armory in his attempts to bring down today's youth. In this entertaining and thought-provoking talk, popular speaker Jack Marshall shares insights into how to overcome today's high-tech temptations. "Your generation is challenged with something no other generation has been challenged with," says Brother Marshall, "and that is high technology and how the adversary uses it for your downfall.

One of the last great battlefields down here is the media-the negative use of television, movies, radio, Internet, billboards, and iPods-there really is not escaping the reach of this Goliath if we're not careful."

With inspiring stories and quotes, personal examples, and teachings from the scriptures, Brother Marshall helps arm the youth with an arsenal of real tools to help them be "battle ready." In a world filled with mixed signals and confusing clamor, Tuned In will be a welcome message for every Latter-day stripling warrior.

Check Me Out

A review copy was provided

by Becca Wilhite

This book is SO ADORABLE!
You will love it from the very first page as the setting is in a LIBRARY -- what a perfect place that we all cherish!

The writing is fantastic with lots of humor and wit.
The texts that go back and forth are heart-capturing.
Do you have a "history crush?" Greta does--
Wait until you find out who it is :)

Grab a copy and then come back and tell me what you think of 
Greta, Will, and Mac


Greta loves her job as assistant librarian. She loves her best friend, Will, the high school civics teacher and debate coach. She even loves her mother despite her obvious disappointment that Greta is still single.

Then she meets Mac in the poetry section of the library, and she is smitten. Mac is heart-stoppingly gorgeous and showers her with affection, poetic text messages, and free hot chocolate at the local café where he works. The only problem is that he seems to be a different person in his texts than in his face-to-face conversation.

When the Franklin Library is threatened with closure, Greta leaps into action. She arranges for a "battle of the bands" book jam, hosts a book signing by a famous author, and finally, stages a protest that raises more than a few eyebrows.

Through it all, she slowly realizes that it is Will, not Mac, who she turns to for support and encouragement. Mac has the looks; Will has the heart. How can she choose between them?

Check Me Out is a contemporary romance--with just a hint of Cyrano de Bergerac--that reminds us that it is what's on the inside that matters most.

Links will help you find it on

Redefining Joy in the Last Days


by Chris Stewart

Life can be HARD!
Books like this one help us remember to look at the big picture.

Chris Stewart is an amazing writer!
He shares personal experiences in this book that will really help you relate to what he is teaching-- and show you how to find JOY.

What is the purpose of our being? 
How much joy are we supposed to feel in a troubled world? 
Can our trials make us happier as well as stronger? 
If joy is the absence of sorrow or disappointment, 
then how could God be happy (because surely He has reasons for both!)? 

Drawing on unforgettable real-life experiences and rich examples from the scriptures, Chris Stewart offers suggestions for reorienting our lives in order to achieve greater joy and happiness — even in the most challenging times. 

Redefining Joy looks at some of life’s most difficult questions. But be prepared. The answers may surprise you.

You can also find it on

Aug 28, 2017

Sweet Romance Giveaway


Authors Cami Checketts, Taylor Hart, Lucy McConnell, Jennifer Youngblood, and Jeanette Lewis have teamed up to bring you a chance to win $300 ... Just in time for back to school! 

There are lots of ways to enter (no purchase necessary). 
The more things you do, the more chances you'll have to win!

(Authors will contact winner)

Aug 26, 2017

All That Makes Life Bright

A review copy was provided

by Josi S. Kilpack

I am really liking these "Proper Romance" stories Josi S. Kilpack is putting out-- very interesting to read the love stories of some of the more famous people from our history. I was so excited to learn the love story of Harriet Beecher Stowe. I didn't know much about her and have such a greater appreciation now. 
I really liked this book! Wonderfully written!

When Harriet Beecher marries Calvin Stowe on January 6, 1836, she is sure her future will be filled romance, eventually a family, and continued opportunities to develop as a writer. Her husband Calvin is completely supportive and said she must be a literary woman. Harriet's sister, Catharine, worries she will lose her identity in marriage, but she is determined to preserve her independent spirit. Deeply religious, she strongly believes God has called her to fulfill the roles of wife and writer and will help her accomplish everything she was born to do.

Two months after her wedding Harriet discovers she is pregnant just as Calvin prepares to leave for a European business trip. Alone, Harriet is overwhelmed-being a wife has been harder than she thought and being an expectant mother feels like living another woman's life. Knowing that part of Calvin still cherishes the memory of his first wife, Harriet begins to question her place in her husband's heart and yearns for his return; his letters are no substitute for having him home. When Calvin returns, however, nothing seems to have turned out as planned.

Struggling to balance the demands of motherhood with her passion for writing and her desire to be a part of the social change in Ohio, Harriet works to build a life with her beloved Calvin despite differing temperaments and expectations.

Can their love endure, especially after "I do"? Can she recapture the first blush of new love and find the true beauty in her marriage?

You can also find it on
Amazon - Goodreads

Other "LOVE STORIES" based on true accounts by Josi S. Kilpack

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