May 22, 2014

Miss Armistead Makes Her Choice w/ Giveaways
A themed tour with Prism Book Tours

We're launching THE ROSE GARDEN TOUR for
Miss Armistead Makes Her Choice
by Heidi Ashworth

Roses in the Miss Delecourt Series

It all begins when the Dowager Duchess of Marcross sends her grandson, Sir Anthony Crenshaw, to accompany her niece, Miss Ginny Delacourt, to their country estate to check on the roses. The Dowager is concerned since her neighbor is keen on stealing cuttings from her spectacular rose garden for Rosehaven, his rose-inspired country home. On the way, they have a carriage accident and are held up by highwaymen but it isn't until they are quarantined at Rosehaven for the pox that Ginny's and Sir Anthony's love begins to bloom.

Thus the series begins...

Miss Armistead Makes Her Choice
by Heidi Ashworth
Adult Historical Romance
Ebook, 274 pages
April 24th 2014 by Dunhaven Place Publishing

Mr. Colin Lloyd-Jones and his friend, Sir Anthony Crenshaw, make a pact to avoid the fair sex during the course of an entire season in order to nurse their wounded hearts. As they shake hands on it, they have no idea that one would soon be off on a trip to escort a young lady to the country and the other soon to fall head over heels in love with Miss Elizabeth Armistead. Sadly, Miss Armistead is only interested in those she trusts not to become so besotted with her beauty that they cannot see her true self. Prior to meeting Colin, she had only met one man fitting that description and she has promised to be his bride. However, Mr. Cruikshank is not due to arrive in London for a full month. Can Colin convince Miss Armistead that he loves her for more than her beauty before her betrothed's ship arrives on British shores?

Purchase from Amazon.

More About Miss Armistead Makes Her Choice and the Author, Heidi Ashworth

1. What is your motivation behind this book? Why did you want to write it?

In my novella, The Lord Who Sneered, there is a character who is briefly mentioned who has been terribly wronged. I wanted to give him a happy ending.

2. What do you hope readers take with them when they read your book?

I hope that they develop a lingering affection for the characters and that they get something more from it than pure entertainment. I hope that my stories illustrate what it means to truly love someone rather than to simply be infatuated or "in lust" and that there is a realization that great relationships require work and sacrifice.

3. Do you have a favorite scene?

I guess the scene in the churchyard b/c it is the most romantic.

4. Share something about you that is unique - maybe about how/where you write... or favorite snack foods?

I have a certain playlist on my computer that I listen to when I write. And I must be availed of a quantity of chocolate. Music and chocolate are my muses.

Heidi Ashworth, author of the popular Miss Delacourt series, including the award-winning Miss Delacourt Has Her Day, is a busy wife and mother who's grateful for a bit of peace and quiet in which to write. An unapologetic anglophile, she is determined to return to England to see the home of Jane Austen, a landmark she missed during her first trip across the pond, though she knows Lord Byron's house to be a suitable substitute. She's smitten with books, chocolate, and roses, not necessarily in that order, and is never averse to a round of Guitar Hero.

Website - Blog - Goodreads - Facebook

Some EXTRA FUN things to know about Heidi

What is your favorite time of day?
This is where I must explain that it has always been very difficult for me to narrow anything down to one favorite with one or two exceptions. The answer to this question changes with the seasons. In spring, it would have to be late morning. In summer it would be dusk.

What is your favorite color?
This is one of the exceptions: pink. It always has been and always will be.

What is your favorite food?
Chocolate. (It's kind of embarrassing but it's true.)

What is your favorite day of the week?
Sunday. It's a lovely day. I attend church with my family and spend a lot of time at home eschewing work and being together.

What is your favorite flower?
This is also one of those exceptions: roses (though I really love tulips, daffodils, impatiens...sigh, there are so many gorgeous flowers!) But roses are, hands down, my favorite. Yes.

Tour-Wide Giveaway
- US Grand Prize: $50 Amazon gift card and paperback copy of Miss Armistead Makes Her Choice
- 3 ebooks of Miss Armistead Makes Her Choice (US and open INT to these countries: England, Canada, Belguim, Germany, Ireland, Mexico, Poland, Italy, France, Japan, and Australia)

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  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!
      Good luck with the giveaway :)

  2. Replies
    1. So glad you stopped by and left a comment!
      Good luck with the giveaway :)

  3. I'm partial to daisies and sunflowers. They are so happy, but I love pansies and petunias, too. Oh, I can't decide...

    1. It IS hard to choose just one...
      I am happy you stopped by and left a comment!
      Come back again soon :)

  4. I cannot wait to read this one! I love the roses here. It's so much fun to be apart of this rose garden tour!

    1. So glad you stopped by!
      Roses are WONDERFUL!
      Come see me again soon :)

  5. Replies
    1. Night blooming jasmine ARE intriguing!
      Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!
      Come back again soon :)



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