Jul 31, 2014

A Portrait for Toni Book Blast w/ $50 Amazon or PayPal Giveaway

A Portrait for Toni book cover
  Book Blast

A Portrait for Toni 
by Annette Lyon 

Toni has no idea what she’d do without her best friend, Carter. Who else would she be able to vent to about her parents, her job at the dance studio, or her latest relationship woes?

When Toni’s father lands in the hospital, Carter, as always, is there for her.

That is, until he starts questioning Toni, saying he thinks she has an eating disorder.

Then she starts dating Clint, the hot new guy at the studio, and somehow that puts a deeper wedge between her and Carter.

When she’s hospitalized after an on-stage collapse, and Carter stupidly starts in with advice about food and weight, she sends him away—then instantly regrets it.

One night after a performance, Toni tries to mend the hurt between them. Instead of finding Carter, she stumbles onto proof that he has feelings for her that go way beyond those of a friend.

Toni is left with the very real prospect of losing Carter forever, unless somehow she can return his feelings—but that’s impossible. Isn’t it?

Praise for the Book
"I finished this book several days ago and have since read another book, but I cannot get this one off of my mind. It was so genuine, thought provoking and the love story was such a good one. There were times when I cried, felt anxiety for the main characters, laughed and felt my heart breaking. . . . I want to go back and read it again because having finished it, I feel a loss, like I lost my best friend. It really was so excellent, and one of the best books I have read in a long time." -Brookeyloo on Amazon

 Excerpt “Now you tell me about your ultimate dream. Do you still see yourself as a famous artist living out of a penthouse in Paris? Or is it Rome now?” Carter couldn’t take his eyes from Toni’s. He wished she could hear his thoughts, know his feelings. “My dreams aren’t too different from yours. I’d love to settle down with a wife, be a dad, have kids.” He gazed into her eyes. Figure it out! “Hey, here’s an idea,” Toni said with a laugh. “In another ten years if we’re both single, let’s get married. What do you say?” She put out her hand as if to seal the deal, but Carter just laughed sardonically. Great. She was making a mockery of the one thing he hoped for. She lowered her hand. “What, am I that repulsive?” “Of course not.” Carter’s mind was spinning. What could he say that was both true and hid the truth at the same time? “I can’t see either of us marrying without—‌” He cut off, but Toni smiled, seeming to know what he meant. “Without what, romance? Falling madly in love? All that stuff is highly overrated. Trust me, I’ve been there.” She shook her head derisively. All that stuff was hard to deal with when the object of your feelings didn’t return them. He’d been there. “Do the math, Toni. In ten years, you’ll be thirty-seven. You may not be able to get in two or three kids.” “Then I’ll settle for one.” She punched his shoulder. “We could even adopt kids to avoid the whole ‘we’re not in love’ issue.” “Oh, right,” he said, rolling his eyes. She raised her eyebrows provocatively. “Fine. We can be married... with benefits.” She laughed. His face went hot; he had to turn around so she wouldn’t see his reaction. No way did he want her guessing how much he wanted to hold her, wake up beside her — ‌make children together. He leaned against the car and laughed along. With any luck, it sounded natural. Instead of shaking on the deal or giving her a direct answer, he opened her car door so she could get in. And so he could escape. She sat down and put her purse on the passenger seat. “Thanks for inviting me.” “You bet. Talk to you later.” Carter watched her drive off. When she waved, he lifted one hand and did the same. You’re killing me, Toni.

About the Author
annette lyonAnnette Lyon is a Whitney Award winner (Band of Sisters, Best General Fiction 2010). She has also been a Whitney finalist two other times, for Spires of Stone (2007) and Paige (2012). She has received Utah’s Best of State medal for literary arts in fiction twice (2007 and 2013) in addition to five publication awards from the League of Utah Writers, most recently the Silver Quill Award in 2013. She’s published well over a hundred articles and more than a dozen books, including novels, novellas, a cookbook, and a grammar guide. She’s one of the coauthors of The Newport Ladies Book Club series and one of the standing contributors to the Timeless Romance Anthology collections. When she’s not mothering, writing, knitting, or eating chocolate, she can be found ignoring the spots on the kitchen floor.  

book blast button
Blast Giveaway 
 $50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash 
 Ends 8/24/14 

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Amazon.com Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the publisher. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

Jul 30, 2014

Summer Fun $175 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway


What would you do with a 
$175 Amazon Gift Card?

11 authors have come together
to give you some SUMMER FUN READING
and a $175 AMAZON GIFT CARD!

Click on the image to read a summary of each book :)

GIVEAWAY ends 8/31/14 

No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older and legally able to receive and use an Amazon.com Gift Code. This giveaway is not associated with Rafflecopter, Facebook, Twitter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

This giveaway was organized by I Love to Read and Review Books :) 
and sponsored by the participating authors.
A.L. Sowards
Christy Monson
Ashley Lavering
In This Together Media
J. C. Whyte
Debbie Peterson
Rebecca Belliston
Rebecca H Jamison
Rachelle J. Christensen
Alivia Anderson
Julie Coulter Bellon

The Terrible Neck Pain of Sunny the Sunflower

Book Details
Author: Victoria Novillo Saravia
Release Date: December 2013
Publisher: CreateSpace
Genre: Children's Picture

The first thing that caught my attention was the title!
I LOVE the title!

Then you open it up and the illustrations are DARLING and the story is FABULOUS!

"Sunny the Sunflower woke up with a TERRIBLE NECK PAIN!"

Dolly the Dove was the first to notice
Then she told Montgomery the Monkey
And he told Henrietta the Hen
and Henrietta the Hen told everyone else :)

One by one Sunny's friends came to see if they could help.

Each offers a suggestion...

Read to see what they finally come up with to help Sunny the Sunflower overcome "the terrible neck pain."

A GREAT WAY to teach about friendship and helping someone else.

About the Author and Illustrator
Victoria Novillo Saravia is an industrial engineer who loves reading and writing. Together with her sister Maria, they founded BEAUTeBOOK, where they design book covers and enjoy doing books with authors from all around the World.

This tale is illustrated by Florencia Márquez. Florencia is Victoria and María's cousin. She has inherited from her mom her artistic talent, and from her dad, her crazy creativity, which she displays on her blog www.laflorayelfauno.com.ar.

(A review copy was provided, however, all reviews are of my own opinion :)

Jul 29, 2014

True Colors w/ $25 Amazon or PayPal Giveaway

Book Details
Author: Krysten Lindsay Hager
Release Date: June 2014
Publisher: Astraea Press
Genre: YA Fiction

Landry Albright enters a modeling competition with her two best friends, but runs into jealousy when she advances to the next level without them. Enter the gorgeous Devon, who also makes the first cut of the modeling contest. Devon seems like the perfect new best friend, but can their friendship survive the competition? Throw in a new boy, jealousy and loyalty issues, and insults from hair stylists. How’s a girl to deal?

“Landry, they’re having modeling tryouts to be on the American Ingénue show,” Ericka said, showing me the ad she had torn out of the Grand Rapids Press. “The Ingénue judges are trying to find local teens to compete on their reality show.”

I watched every second of the last show. Talisa Milan won and got a Little Rose cosmetics contract and was on this month’s cover of Bright and Livelymagazine. She was also a host on Hot Videos Now, a music video show. Melani Parkington, the runner-up, was the new spokesperson for Bouncy Hair conditioner. You were almost guaranteed to be famous if you made it to the final round of the contest.

“First you have to win in your city, and then your state, and then the regional competition,” Tori read. “Then you get to the tough part of the competition where they vote off someone new each week on national TV.”

“It’s an amazing opportunity to get discovered,” Ericka said, checking out her reflection in her spoon.

“Yeah, except for the fact the judges are known to be brutal when they’re honest. Like when they told Melani her gorgeous face was too pinched, her forehead was too low, and her eyebrows were too high,” I said. “They also told one girl she was pretty, but her lips looked like she had walked into a sliding glass door.”

“Well, they did,” Ericka said shrugging. They were holding auditions at the Perry Mall, which was the smallest mall in Grand Rapids. There weren’t a lot of stores there, so you usually just saw old people mall walking around there. Still, it had a decent bookstore and a cute clothing store, so I said I’d go watch while they tried out.

“No, we’re all trying out,” Ericka said, grabbing the ad back from me.

About the Author
Krysten L
Krysten Lindsay Hager is an author and book addict who has never met a bookstore she didn’t like. She’s worked as a journalist and also writes middle grade, YA, humor essays, and adult fiction. Her debut novel, TRUE COLORS, will be out June 17th from Astraea Press. She is originally from Michigan and has lived in South Dakota, Portugal, and currently resides in Southern Ohio where you can find her reading and writing when she’s not catching up on her favorite shows.
Blog Tour Giveaway 
$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash 
Ends 8/15/14 

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Amazon.com Gift Code or Paypal Cash.  Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the publisher. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.  

Julia Jane in the Rain

Book Details
Author: Audrey Muller
Release Date: July 2014
Genre: Children's Picture

Have you ever NOT LISTENED to your mother...Only to find out later that she was right?

Julie Jane LOVES to play in the rain!

But the rain has turned to MORE...

"Mum is calling from indoors 
as the THUNDER outside roars!"

But Julia Jane LOVES to play in the rain and begs to stay out longer.

See what FINALLY gets Julia to go inside :)

Fun rhyming rhythm!


About the Author
Audrey enjoys writing and illustrating fun, positive stories for children.

She believes that reading promotes development in literacy, stimulates a spark for imagination, provides opportunities for discussion in a fun way as well as helping create a bond between child and parent, resulting in special moments and joyful memories.

Stories that make you smile. www.ReadSmileAwhile.com

(A review copy was provided, however, all reviews are of my own opinion :)

Jul 28, 2014

Accidentally Married w/ SIGNED Book Giveaway

Book Details
Author: Victorine E. Lieske
Release Date: June 2014
Genre: Contemporary Romance

This book is SUCH A DELIGHT!
An ENJOYABLE TWIST in how one could happen to 'accidentally' get married.

Madison Nichols needs a job!

And when her friend overhears a woman saying she is quitting her job, the friend tells Madison, and Madison quickly goes in to Jameson Technologies to apply.

Jared Jameson, CEO of Jameson Technologies, takes one look at Madison and says "you will do."

No interview, no explanation, no nothing.

Then he proceeds to take her down to the parking garage.

Completely confused Madison asks what is going on.

He proceeds to tell her that his family is expecting him to show up for a family dinner with a date on his arm.

NO WAY! This was not the job she was here to apply for!

But with rent do and no other prospects Madison goes with him...after all she is also an aspiring actress.

As 'sweet revenge' Madison not only shows up as Jared's date, but also announces that she and Jared are engaged.

Jared plays along as he will just tell his family in a couple of weeks that they broke it off.

But the next day Jared's aunt becomes deathly ill...

Her dying wish?

To see Jared get "married before she dies!" 

One lie turns into another, misunderstandings happen, and before you know it Madison and Jared are planning a fake wedding.

How are they ever going to get out of this one?

Will DEFINITELY read more from this author!

ON SALE for only $ .99 for a limited time 

Victorine has graciously offered a 

(US Address only please)

She is also giving away 2 copies on GoodReads
YES, you may enter BOTH :)
(offer ends 8/12)

About the Author
New York Times best selling author Victorine and her husband live in Nebraska where they raise their four children. They manufacture rubber stamps for the craft industry. Victorine self-published her first book, Not What She Seems, in April of 2010. In March of 2011 the book hit the New York Times best selling ebook list, where it stayed on the list for six weeks. By May 2011 she had sold over 100,000 copies. She is represented by literary agent Jason Ashlock of Movable Type Literary Group. Her book, How to Find Success Selling eBooks, details how she found success, and gives advice to other writers wanting to sell eBooks in the genre fiction market.

(A review copy was provided, however, all reviews are of my own opinion :)

Click on the book cover to read summary 

Jul 26, 2014

Eastward to Zion

Book Details
Author: Susan Aylworth
Release Date: June 2014
Publisher: Covenant Communications
Genre: Historical Fiction


This book is based on Susan's own great-great-grandparents...

And while not everything in the book happened to her family...the events did happen...to real people.

In 1852 a gold rush hit Australia. James Martin was easily persuaded to seek his fortune.

Not wanting the back-breaking work of seeking a treasure James settles down as a merchant.

One day on the dock where he was meeting a shipment he happens to meet Miss Eliza Wells.

Eliza has come to Australia on the ship carrying many mail-order brides...

Although she has not come as a mail-order bride...

She has come to claim the a job at the prosperous Pembroke home.

Smitten from the beginning James seeks out Eliza and asked permission to court her.

The only trouble is...

They have a difference in religion.

At the time that is a BIG DEAL and Eliza fears her soul will be in jeopardy is she should ever marry James.

James can be very persuasive and soon the couple weds.

But deep in each other's heart is the hope that their spouse will convert to 'their church.'

When Mormon missionaries bless and heal their very sick son...

James and Eliza start a journey that will thrust them into an "epic tale of faith...in the midst of intolerance...culminating in a journey that will take them around the world in the pursuit of Zion."

You will read of love and hope, fear and trials, tenderness and bravery, hatred and friendships.


About the Author
Susan Aylworth started her first book when she was nine. "It was called Buff, The Proud Stallion. I wrote eight whole pages." For her fifth grade career day, she stated her ambition to become "a rich and famous author." Decades later, she is pleased to have achieved the 'author' part of that goal. A former university professor, she enjoys researching backgrounds and careers for her novels. "It's one way to live many lives all at once."

The property of a protective mutt dog and servant to two spoiled cats, she lives in northern California with her husband of 43 years and their small menagerie. She loves hanging out with her seven children, their perfect-for-them spouses and 21 grandchildren, soon to be 23. When she can't be with her blood family, she hangs with her fictional characters, the children of her mind. She has eleven books available and a 12th scheduled for publication in June 2014.

"I love travel, great music, and good raspberry jam," she says, "and every author loves good reviews." She points out that 4* and 5* reviews on Goodreads.com and Amazon are highly valued in the publishing industry. "You can do every good book a favor by giving it a strong Goodreads review."

"If you enjoy my books, please tell everyone you know: friends, relatives, neighbors, the person who delivers your mail, people you meet in line in the grocery store, everyone!" She welcomes ideas for new books and characters.

"I always love hearing from readers, especially those who relate to the characters in my stories."

(A review copy was provided, however, all reviews are of my own opinion :)

Pioneer Children Sang As They Walked

Book Details
Author: Jessica Warner
Release Date: July 2014
Publisher: Covenant Communications
Genre: Children's Picture

This book is SO BEAUTIFUL!
Written easy enough to understand by a child...
Enjoyable for all ages :)

Twenty-five-thousand children took the journey from Nauvoo, IL to Salt Lake City, UT.

They worked and played....

Sang and prayed...

But mostly they walked and walked and walked.

Elizabeth Fetzer Bates wrote a song that has been sung for generations.

Now it is beautifully illustrated and in a keepsake book!

Fascinating facts on the page sidebars give answers to some of these questions:

* Why did the pioneers leave during the winter?
* What animals did the pioneers bring with them on the trail?
* How often did they wash their clothes?
* What did they use for kindling when they couldn't find any wood?
* What kinds of games did the children play?
* What time of day did they get up?
* Where did the pioneers sleep?
* And more

The Mormon Pioneer Trail is 1,300 miles long...for the average 12-year-old that is about 2,990,100 steps!

The book gives you a link to a website where you can look up to see if any of your ancestors were pioneers.

Also included is the music and a vocabulary list.


About the Author
Jessica Warner's interest in her own pioneer ancestors was piqued by her grandmother's Christmas cactus. Its vibrant red blooms in the middle of winter caught her attention, and her grandmother told her how that very plant had made the journey from England across the plains in a handcart with a pioneer ancestor. That cactus has been passed down from generation to generation ever since. Pioneer stories and traditions like this have always been a part of Jessica's life--things like making corn-husk dolls and gypsum marbles, playing Fox and Geese, and using "homemade" lye soap.

Jessica grew up in Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah. She participated in a pioneer trek reenactment in Utah's west desert as a young adult (where she experienced the joys of a sprained ankle and chopping off chicken heads), and has visited most of the historic sites along the Mormon Pioneer Trail (including an off-road adventure over Rocky Ridge that ended in a destroyed tire). She and her husband are now raising their own family in New England, where they have grown to love the land so many of the pioneers left behind when they migrated West.

Jul 25, 2014

Show Your Love and Win

It's time for the annual LDStorymakers Midwest Conference Show Your Love contest! 

All you have to do is share the conference!

It's that easy, 
and there are various ways to do that to help you gain more entries.

Easy way you can share

Facebook (post or change your cover photo or profile photo)

Facebook Cover Image

Profile Picture Image

Other places you can share
Twitter (tweet or change a photo)
Online writing group board or community 
Blog post 
Email friends

Additional Entry Points: The Storymakers Badge
Put the Storymakers Badge on your blog/website and you can get an extra entry!

2014 LDStorymakers Conference

<div align="center"><a href="http://ldstorymakers.com/conferences/2014-conference-2/" title="2014 LDStorymakers Conference"><img src="http://ldstorymakers.com/wp-content/uploads/Logo-website-e1386303541763.jpg" alt="2014 LDStorymakers Conference" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

The prizes packages are listed below, so check out the spectacular things you could win. Rafflecopter will choose 6 random winners in order. Sorry, but this contest is only open to those living in the U.S. Winners will be notified via email and must respond within 48 hours to claim their prize, or another winner will be chosen. You have from now until the stroke of midnight Central time on August 1st to rack up as many points as you can. Attendees and presenters are eligible. We will announce the winner at the beginning of August.


Bundle #1:
1st Chapter Critique by Melanie Jacobson
Ebooks: Winter Queen by Amber Argyle, Muffins & Murder by Heather Justesen, and The Last Bride by Heather Tullis

Bundle #2:
1st Chapter Critique by Angie Lofthouse
Ebooks: To Sleep No More by Kathleen Marks, Sweet Confections by Danyelle Ferguson, and Dragonbound: Blue Dragon by Rebecca Shelley

Bundle #3:
1st Chapter Critique by Rebecca Belliston
Ebooks: Fallen Angel by Lisa Swinton, Soul Windows by Jaleta Clegg, and Awakening by Christy Dorrity

Bundle #4
1st Chapter Critique by Julie Daines
Ebooks: Family Size by Maria Hoagland, Loyalty's Web by Joyce DiPastena, and Elevatedby Elana Johnson

Bundle #5
1st Chapter Critique by Danyelle Ferguson
Ebooks: Reluctant Guardian by Melissa J. Cunningham, The Princess and the Prom Queen by Jaclyn Weist, and
Citizens of Logan Pond: Life by Rebecca Belliston

Bundle #6
1st Chapter Critique by Janette Rallison
Ebooks: Elias of Elderberry by Theresa Sneed, Slayers by C.J. Hill, and 
Trouble at the Red Pueblo by Liz Adair

The contest closes August 1st at midnight (PST).

So what's the LDStorymakers Midwest 2014 Contest? Here's a brief summary, but you can find out more details on their website. The 2014 LDStormaker writers conference will be in Overland Park, KS, on Sept 20. This is the writing conference you can't afford to miss

Be sure to mention to your non-writing friends that we have keynote only tickets so anyone can come listen to Adam Glendon Sidwell's keynote.

To stay tuned for future contests and conference updates, join our mailing list HERE (with no more than 12 emails per year, usually on a monthly basis). 

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