Apr 30, 2015

The Cokeville Miracle


Coming to theaters June 5th
  • On May 9, 1986, in the small, ranching community of Cokeville, Wy, David and Doris Young took an elementary school hostage for several hours before detonating a bomb inside a single classroom that held every teacher and student in the school. In the wake of the madness, Ron Hartley, whose children were inside the classroom, must fight his skepticism and unbelief as he hears eye witness accounts from the students of miraculous, heavenly intervention during the crisis. When tragedy strikes... what do you see?
    Written by Excel Entertainment.


* The Cokeville Miracle was written and directed by T.C. Christensen. T.C. is best known for his films, 17 Miracles and Ephraim's Rescue.

* The Cokeville Miracle was produced with the intent to appeal to believers of all faiths.

* The Cokeville Miracle was the recipient of the 2015, Audience Choice Award at the LDS Film Festival.

* The Cokeville Miracle is based on actual events. The claims of divine assistance, angles and heavenly messengers were actually made by many of the children who survived the hostage situation.


* See The Cokeville Miracle as a way to tell Hollywood that uplifting entertainment still has a place at the box office. The Cokeville Miracle will open June 5th, the same weekend as a major Hollywood "shoot 'em up" film and a Hollywood horror film.

* Please encourage all your friends to go see the film opening weekend. The Cokeville Miracle is an independent film. Independent films only have opening weekend to prove to the theaters that they can draw an audience. The more movie-goers we can encourage to see The Cokeville Miracle on June 5th, the longer the film will be in theaters. 


* May 16th will be the 29th anniversary of the Cokeville hostage crisis. 

* As a way to honor those whose lives have been impacted by the horrific experience of school violence and out of respect to the survivors, you are invited to join in the digital day of silence by turning off your devices and spending 3 hours with the people you love.

If you’d like to share your experiences, please use

Click HERE to read my review

My Fairly Dangerous Godmother

A review copy was provided

by Janette Rallison

Some people bomb auditions. Sadie Ramirez throws up during her tryouts on TV show America's Top Talent.

Her performance is so bad, it earns her a fairy godmother through the Magical Alliance's Pitiful Damsel Outreach Program. 

Enter Chrysanthemum Everstar: a gum-chewing, cell phone-carrying, high heel wearing fairy godmother in training. 

She misinterprets Sadie's wishes and sends her back in time to be a part of The Little Mermaid story and then makes her one of the twelve dancing princesses. 

Wishes are permanent, and if Sadie wants to get back to her home, she'll have to strike a magical bargain--one that involves stealing a goblet from a powerful fairy queen.

My Review
I absolutely love this series! A GREAT distractions from the woes of my own life! 

I love Chrissy and her wish-making foibles--which make the story very entertaining :) 

And I am always happy with a mishmash of fairy tales!

This book was truly a delightful read! I really liked the way the character developed and how it all played out with a twist to the positive side of looking at things.

I have now read quite a few books from this author and I am very impressed with her talent!

This series is DARLING!
I highly recommend it!

Good clean fun with a touch of magic!

About the Author
Janette Rallison is old. Don't ask how old, because it isn't polite. Let's just say she's older than she'd like to be and leave it at that.

Janette lives in Chandler, Arizona with her husband, five children and enough cats to classify her as "an eccentric cat lady." She did not do this on purpose. (The cats, that is; she had the children on purpose.) Every single one of the felines showed up on its own and refuses to leave. Not even the family's fearless little Westie dog can drive them off.
Since Janette has five children and deadlines to write books, she doesn't have much time left over for hobbies. But since this is the internet and you can't actually check up to see if anything on this site is true, let's just say she enjoys dancing, scuba diving, horse back riding and long talks with Orlando Bloom. (Well, I never said he answers back.)

Apr 29, 2015

Crooked House w/ Book Giveaway

A review copy was provided

by Marlene Bateman

I so ADORE the Erica Coleman series!
Delightfully FUN cases of mystery and intrigue!

When Megan's roommate, Liz, starts to have a series of "accidents"...

Megan suspects that it is more than mere coincident and calls her mom's best friend, Erica, to come investigate....

As Erica arrives to Crooked House she is fascinated at the history of the house.

Called Crooked House because it is deteriorating and therefore leaning at crooked positions it is also a historical landmark and protected.

But a menacing neighbor wants the house to be fixed up.

Liz just doesn't have the money to do that.

As Erica digs deeper the "accidents" become more sinister as shots are taken and bombs are planted...

Is Liz still the target or has Erica now made some enemies?

See if you can follow the clues and figure it out before Erica does...

A "tangled web of love, money, and greed" await in this very ENJOYABLE mystery!


I also especially loved the fact that while you are delving into the clues you also get pockets of humor and mouth-watering recipes to explore!

Do not miss out on this one!

Crooked House is also available at physical bookstores,
including Deseret Book and Seagull Book.

The author has graciously offered a
BOOK GIVEAWAY for one of my followers :)
(US Address only Please)

About the Author
Marlene Bateman was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, and graduated from the University of Utah with a BA in English. She is married to Kelly R. Sullivan. Her hobbies include gardening, camping, reading, and enjoying her four cats and three dogs.

Marlene’s first novel was the best-selling Light on Fire Island. Her next novel was Motive for Murder—the first in a mystery series that features Erica Coleman, a quirky private eye with OCD. The next book in that line, (they do not have to be read in order) is A Death in the Family.

Marlene has also written a number of LDS non-fiction books under the name Marlene Bateman Sullivan. Those books include: Gaze Into Heaven; Near-death Experiences in Early Church History, which is a fascinating collection of over 50 documented near-death experiences from the lives of early latter-day Saints, Heroes of Faith, and Latter-day Saint Heroes and Heroines. Marlene also wrote three books about documented accounts in early LDS church history when a person either saw or heard an angel; Visit’s From Beyond the Veil, And There Were Angels Among Them, and By the Ministering of Angels.

Excerpt from Crooked House

“I’m scared.”

Erica’s heart turned over when she heard the quaver in her young friend’s voice on the phone.

Then Megan asked, “Can you come?”

“Of course.” Erica’s reply was automatic. She would do anything she could to help. Although she often received emotionally-laden phone calls in her job as a private investigator, there was a difference when the call came from the teen-aged daughter of her best friend. The very fact that Megan—who was usually so calm and composed—sounded frightened out of her wits, put Erica on high alert.

“I think someone’s trying to kill my roommate, Liz,” Megan said.

“What makes you think that?” Erica asked. “Has someone threatened her?”

“No, but Liz has had a couple of serious accidents lately—at least she says they’re accidents, but either one of them could have killed her.”

Erica made an effort to reel in her skepticism. “Tell me about them.”

“First, someone tampered with her car. The brakes went out and Liz ended up driving across someone’s yard and hitting a tree. Fortunately, she was okay. The second one happened downtown. Liz was on the sidewalk waiting for the bus when someone shoved her. She fell into the road. A truck was coming and if a guy hadn’t pulled her back, Liz could have been killed.”

Still, they could have been accidents, Erica thought, at least until the third one occurred—this time at Crooked House.

Recipe from Crooked House


1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 cup ranch dressing
3 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
1 Tbsp. dried rosemary
2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. lemon juice
1 tsp. white vinegar
1/4 tsp. black pepper
1 Tbsp. sugar
4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts

1. Mix all ingredients except chicken. Let stand 5 minutes.
2. Cut chicken breast in half, and pound to 1/2" thickness.
3. Coat chicken with marinade, and refrigerate for 8 hours.
4. Grill chicken for 8-12 minute, or until chicken is no longer pink in center and juices run clear.

Apr 28, 2015

Strength and Stillness

by Patricia T. Holland

With all the choices facing women today, and all the opportunities open to them, it can be difficult to find unity in our diversity. As Sister Patricia T. Holland says, in our turbulent era we may search in vain to find the calming strength and stillness for which our sex has always been known. In our efforts to improve or find ourselves, we can sometimes become caught up in comparison and competition. And by seeking external fulfillment, we can be thrown off balance even more.
But have we considered what lies within our own souls?

Sister Holland helps women unlock the five nested boxes of our souls to find the stability and peace we long for. Whether married or single, a mother with children or a mother at heart, we can be united in our diversity as we seek our own divine missions. Even amid times of trouble and worry, as we turn  toward the Son, we will find true inner peace.

My Review
As I was reading this book I thought...this book is JUST WHAT I NEED TO HEAR... and this book is FOR MY FRIEND standing over there... she needs to read this! This book is FOR EVERY WOMAN!
Filled with a POWERFUL message that we SO NEED today!

About the Author
Patricia T. Holland attended LDS Business College, Dixie College, and the Juilliard School. She married Jeffrey R. Holland in 1963, and in 1984 she was called as a counselor in the general Young Women presidency, serving with Ardeth Kapp. Patricia has supported her husband through his work and service as president of Brigham Young University, in the First Quorum of the Seventy, and as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. In 2002 Sister Holland received the Distinguished Alumnus Award from LDS Business College for her community, familial, and church service. Patricia and Jeffrey R. Holland are the parents of three children and thirteen grandchildren.

Apr 27, 2015

What Makes Us Sisters

A review copy was provided

by Bonnie L. Oscarson

There is a really strong influence among us today to criticize, judge, and compare...

Especially among women.

What Makes Us Sisters counsels us to turn that around~

"We need to care for each other, comfort each other, and [be] there for each other."

Throughout this book you will read messages that strengthen us as sisters.

You will notice counsel to help us embrace the differences between us.

"We have been blessed with charitable natures."

This book reminds us to "realize just how much we need each other."

Filled with beautiful pictures of women in all stages of life.

This is a book to be read and re-read and then shared.

About the Author
Bonnie L. Oscarson was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, but her family moved often and she lived in five different places in the United States before attending Brigham Young University to study commercial art. She met her husband, Paul Oscarson, at the temple site in Far West, Missouri. They later married in 1969 in the Salt Lake Temple and are the parents of seven children and grandparents of 24 grandchildren.

She served with her husband when she was still a young mother as he presided over the Sweden Göteborg Mission and then 30 years later returned to Sweden where she and her husband served as matron and temple president of the Stockholm Sweden Temple. She has served as a ward Young Women president three times, in a stake Young Women presidency twice, and taught early morning seminary for nine years. Sister Oscarson loves working with the youth of the Church. She doesn’t regret any of the sleep she missed while teaching seminary. She returned to school after 35 years and earned a bachelor’s degree with an emphasis in British and American Literature. One of Sister Ocarson’s favorite scriptures is in Doctrine and Covenant 101:16 “Be still and know that I am God.”

Apr 25, 2015

7 Day Minimalist Cleaning

Book Details
Author: 7 Day Guides
Release Date: January 2015
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Genre: Self-Help

I am a minimalist...So I was excited to see this book!


Most people let things pile up during the week and spend the weekend cleaning...

The biggest secret to keeping a clean home 7 days a week is to develop routines.

Some of the ideas from this book include:

* Downsize and de-clutter

* Only own what you truly need

* Have a cleaning routine 

* Rotate decorations instead of having them all out at the same time

* When you bring something new into the house, get rid of something you no longer use

* and More


These practices are tried and true...
I follow most of them...
You can too!

Apr 24, 2015


A review copy was provided

by Nathan Huffaker

If you LOVE suspense thrillers like I do - 
You will LOVE this book!

Civil unrest has escalated and the LDS missionaries have been called to leave the city.

While boarding the train one of the Elders realizes he has left something very important behind.

He is only trying desperately to get it before the train leaves, but all anyone sees is two American Elders fleeing the train right before the bomb goes off.

And to make matters worse one of the Elders can ID the man who is responsible.

Now the Elders have been labeled as marked men--seen as terrorist--

"Wanted by the police for questioning and wanted dead by the Mafia and sometimes both were the same thing."

While all around them is falling apart these two Elder have to make it on their own to the US Embassy.

"A terrorist attack leaves two missionaries 

See how it all plays out in this PHENOMENAL thriller!

AMAZING story! AMAZING writing!
It will captivate you from the very first page and hold your attention to the very end!

About the Author
Born and raised in Springville, Utah, the first time Nathan Huffaker boarded a plane was when he left home to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Kiev, Ukraine. The two years he spent in Kiev later helped him to base parts of “Stranded” on his missionary experiences. Huffaker recently graduated from Utah Valley University with a degree in English and now resides in Spanish Fork, Utah, with his wife and five kids.

Apr 23, 2015

The Legend of Shannonderry

by Carol Warburton

Gwyneth Beddows, a young woman of nineteenth-century England, has often felt lonely and unloved by her father, who believes the rumors that his pretty daughter might not actually be his child. The one place the young woman can find consolation is in the saddle of her spirited stallion. The magnificent horse shows promise as a racehorse and has drawn the attention of Irish horse master Cormac D’Arcy, who is visiting England on business. The handsome young man also brings a lifechanging message from Gwyneth’s grandmother — a frail yet feisty Irish woman Gwyneth has never met.

Events orchestrated by her father force Gwyneth to flee England, and with the help of D’Arcy, she arrives at Shannonderry, her maternal family’s ancestral home, where Gwyneth learns of a legend that will have a profound impact on her life and the lives of those around her.

Touched by the promise of destiny, Gwyneth seeks to save the family estate from certain ruin. But with fierce rivals on the scene and her embittered father in the periphery, Gwyneth faces grave danger that may place her far beyond the reach of D’Arcy’s rescuing hand — and she must call on the strength of her heart if the historic legend of Shannonderry will ever be fulfilled.

My Review
I thoroughly enjoyed this book! It is a WONDERFUL read! I fell in love with all of the characters and the setting- I highly recommend this book!

Apr 22, 2015

The Continuous Atonement for Teens

A review copy was provided

by Brad Wilcox

When Brad Wilcox wrote The Continuous Atonement it changed the way we understood this most important role of our Savior. The atonement is not just a one-time-deal...it is continuous!

Now the book has been adapted for teens...giving them relevant stories and examples that more closely apply to where they are right now.

You will learn that it is okay to struggle along..."however long it takes."

You will read about "who needs a savior" and how "He's got us covered."

Wait until you read the story of the "one lone branch." WOW! SO GOOD!

And what does "after all we can do" really mean~

Sometimes we believe that we are not worthy for the Lord's help, or that we are broken --- beyond repair.

Brad Wilcox gently teaches that:

"Christ doesn't just make up the difference,
He makes ALL the difference."

Filled with a message of HOPE!
A better understanding awaits!

About the Author
Brad Wilcox has lived in Ethiopia, Chile, and New Zealand; he and his family now make their home amid the Rocky Mountains. Brad taught sixth grade before obtaining his PhD in education from the University of Wyoming. His contributions as an author and teacher have been honored by the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, and his work has appeared in Guideposts magazine and Reader's Digest. He once served as a member of the National Executive Board of the Boy Scouts of America and has addressed thousands of youth and adults across the United State, Europe, Australia, and Japan. He and his wife, Debi, are the parents of four children.

Apr 21, 2015

My Unfair Godmother


by Janette Rallison

Tansy Miller has always felt that her divorced father has never had enough time for her. But mistakenly getting caught on the wrong side of the law wasn't exactly how she wanted to get his attention. Enter Chrysanthemum "Chrissy" Everstar, Tansy's fairy in shining, er, high heels. Chrissy is only a fair godmother, of course, so Tansy's three wishes don't exactly go according to plan. And if bringing Robin Hood to the twenty-first century isn't bad enough for Tansy, being transported back to the Middle Ages to deal with Rumpelstiltskin certainly is. She'll need the help of her blended family, her wits, and especially the cute police chief's son to stop the gold-spinning story from spinning wildly out of control. Janette Rallison pulls out all the stops in this fresh, fun-filled follow-up to the popular My Fair Godmother.

My Review
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this series! Amazing writing! FUN, FUN, FUN story! SO CUTE! Can't say enough good about it! Grab a copy and get wrapped up in Chrissy's wish-making debacles...It will bring a smile to your face!

About the Author
Janette Rallison is old. Don’t ask how old, because it isn’t polite. Let’s just say she’s older than she’d like to be and leave it at that.

Janette lives in Chandler, Arizona with her husband, five children and enough cats to classify her as “an eccentric cat lady.” She did not do this on purpose. (The cats, that is; she had the children on purpose.) Every single one of the felines showed up on its own and refuses to leave. Not even the family’s fearless little Westie dog can drive them off.

Since Janette has five children and deadlines to write books, she doesn’t have much time left over for hobbies. But since this is the internet and you can’t actually check up to see if anything on this site is true, let’s just say she enjoys dancing, scuba diving, horse back riding and long talks with Orlando Bloom. (Well, I never said he answers back.)

Apr 20, 2015

Whatever You Choose To Be

by Ann Romney

This book is inspired by a 2014 commencement speech Ann gave--

A speech offering eight practical tips...or "pieces of advice she wishes someone had given her at her own graduation..."

While she was speaking to graduates...this book has life skills that we can ALL benefit from.

Advice such as as these:


Ann sweetly shares stories and examples from her own personal life in which she learned these truths.

A small book filled with a large, powerful message!

Grab a copy for a graduate, spouse, friend, parent, etc.
Grab a copy for yourself too :)

About the AuthorAs the first lady of Massachusetts Ann Romney worked to focus attention on the challenges facing at-risk youth and served as the Governor's Liaison to the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. After being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis she founded the Ann Romney Neurological Research Center at Brigham and Women's Hospital and works to raise research funding and public awareness.

The Line That Divides

A review copy was provided

by Melanie Mason

What an AMAZING book!
So well written you will feel as if you are immersed in the time and place; the emotions reeling you along.

Marianne Leichtner is given the opportunity to go to school in Dusseldorf, a privilege she should be grateful for...

Yet WWII is raging and this school seems more like a prison to her.

Then one night the school is bombed in an air raid. Marianne is paralyzed with fear.

Her friend is hurt and Marianne feels responsible.

Being sent back home to Austria due to the school closure Marianne faces the nightly nightmares that come.

They seem to be getting better until another loud boom crashes close to her home.

An American plane has gone down and when she next goes into the barn she is surprised to find the two American crewmen hiding there.

With a quick decision she chooses to help Charlie and Sam...a secret she must keep well hidden.

If anyone should find out the repercussions could be deadly.

Keeping them hidden has become a big challenge with the arrival of the Nazis wanting to use her house as their base while searching for the Americans.

So Marianne and her mother put into play an escape plan.

Going down this path and already knowing multiple languages Marianne decides to defy the Nazis by joining the Austrian resistance...

Crossing "that line means choosing sides 
and the consequences that might come."

Such a GREAT read!

About the Author
Melanie is an author, designer, photographer, and flight attendant all rolled into one. She graduated from Utah State University with a degree in communications. She has published several articles and stories that are featured on HubPages.com.

Melanie won first place in the Beginning of Book Contest for Young Adult Fiction at the American Night Writers Association 2014 conference, and she is the editor of ANWA’s monthly newsletter.

Melanie has told stories all her life and finds her passion in sharing the plots that spin through her head. She now lives in Portland, Oregon, with her two dachshund-chihuahua dogs. She loves the beauty of the Pacific Northwest that feeds her imagination.

Melanie loves to belt Broadway songs in her living room and car when no one is listening. Someday she hopes to be on a flight where someone is reading her book.

Wedding Haters w/ $50 Amazon or PayPal Giveaway

wedding haters
Wedding Haters 
by Melissa Baldwin 

The exquisite dress, the dazzling menu, the family drama . . .

It’s the day every girl dreams of, and Madison Wales is no exception. Her wedding plans seem to be going perfectly thanks to her very talented wedding planner, Sienna Harris.

That is, until her grandmother and her two overachieving, bullying cousins suddenly want to become very involved in her big day.

But . . . why?

Madison’s perfect wedding dreams are dashed as things slowly start to unravel.

With family drama in her midst, she wonders if her cousins are behind each disaster or if she has truly become a paranoid bridezilla.

Will Madison be able to withstand all of the pressure and finally stand up for herself?

The idea of eloping with her fiancé, Cole, is looking better everyday, even if it means leaving her dream wedding behind.

Will she make the right choice?

About the Author 
Melissa graduated from the University of Central Florida with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications; she has always had a love for writing. An avid journal keeper, she fulfilled her dream with her debut novel, An Event To Remember . . . Or Forget. Melissa resides in Orlando, Florida, with her husband and young daughter. She is a master at organization and multi-tasking. Her daily jobs include mother, chauffeur, wife, PTA President, Fitness Trainer, and now Author. When she has free time, she enjoys traveling, fitness, decorating, fashion, and taking a Disney Cruise every now and then.

$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash 
Ends 5/11/15

Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by readinglight.com. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

Apr 17, 2015

Trouble in Loveland

Trouble in Loveland
by Jennifer Peel

Charlee Jensen had what she considered the idyllic childhood growing up in a town named for that most prized emotion of all, Loveland, Colorado. At seventeen, her teenage crush, a man eight years older than her, marries and she naively thinks this is the worst thing that would ever happen to her. Then her parents divorce and her world crumbles. She finds herself being whisked away from her beloved home and estranged from her father.

Now eight years later, with two degrees that she never wanted in hand, and no job prospects, her father offers her a position with his CPA firm. With no other options available, Charlee accepts his offer and returns to the hometown she loved. While rebuilding her relationship with her father, she discovers that perhaps a romantic relationship is in the cards for her, with her old teenage crush, Ryan Carter, who just happens to still live next door and is now a partner in her father’s CPA firm.

Newly divorced and single dad, Ryan Carter, isn’t quite sure what to make of the girl next door, who’s all woman now. He finds himself having a hard time resisting this beautiful yet annoyingly charming woman, but their age difference and his complicated relationship with his ex-wife cause quite a bit of trouble for the couple. Ryan finds himself torn between keeping the peace with his ex-wife and mother of his child and his feelings for Charlee.

Can they successfully overcome their troubles in Loveland? Find out in this clean romance filled with sparks, humor, and of course, a little bit of trouble.


Professional Boundaries and House Divided have been nominated for the 2015 Swoony Awards. You can vote for both if you would like to. Please see below on where to go to vote. Any votes would be appreciated.

Coming Soon
If you would like to learn more about Trouble in Loveland, please click here

2015 Swoony Award Nominee
To vote for Professional Boundaries please click here.

2015 Swoony Award Nominee
To vote for House Divided please click here.

Protect This

by Cami Checketts

With five female college students on the missing persons’ list, and the perpetrator still at large, Natasha is nervous about dating anyone. But, it’s hard to say no to Tony, the hot graduate assistant she’s been drooling over all semester. Too bad she’s not sure who to trust and all the men around her feel more like suspects than heroes. When Natasha gets into trouble and the man that should have been the safest…turns out to be her worst nightmare, Natasha has no choice but to fight for her life and the man she almost gave up.

Don’t miss this exciting prequel to Blog This and beginning of the Tenderness and Terror series by #1 bestselling inspirational author, Cami Checketts

My Review
First of all I LOVE THE COVER! Love how the girl is biting her lip..so eye catching and intriguing! And I absolutely LOVED the story! How FUN to have 3 guys who could have easily been the culprit! Cami is a master suspense writer! This one will keep you guessing with each page turn until the very end! I also admire that Cami touched on a sensitive subject in this book and so beautifully wrote about it. This series is a MUST-READ! I highly recommend it!

About the Author
Cami Checketts is married and the proud mother of four future WWF champions. Sometimes between being a human horse, cleaning up magic potions, and reading Bernstein Bears, she gets the chance to write fiction.

Cami graduated from Utah State University with a degree in Exercise Science. She teaches strength training at her local rec and shares health and fitness articles at http://fitnessformom.blogspot.com.

Cami and her family live in the beautiful Cache Valley of Northern Utah. During the two months of the year it isn't snowing, she enjoys swimming, biking, running, and water-skiing.


Robin's Reward w/ SIGNED book Giveaway

by June McCrary Jacobs

Bonita Creek’s librarian Robin Bennett is heartbroken after being abandoned by her husband, Thomas. The mysterious and handsome Jeff Clarke arrives unexpectedly and touches Robin’s life with his wit and warmth. Then, without warning, Jeff’s harsh words and abrasive actions scare her off, and Robin’s hope of finding true love withers again.

Just when it seems Robin and Jeff might have a future, Susan Stinson, whose cruel taunting has plagued Robin since they met as young teens, decides Jeff should be hers, not Robin’s. Susan’s anger and jealousy escalate dangerously. Her vindictiveness threatens the foundation of Jeff and Robin’s young relationship.

Robin’s journey through the peaks and valleys of her life meanders along the twists and turns of new challenges. Is a relationship which began with both parties harboring secrets destined to survive? Can they move past their troubles and the obstacles in their path to find love and happiness together? When their pasts rear their ugly heads, Jeff and Robin must use their faith to remain strong and true. But will it be enough for them to embrace a life of love, trials, and blessings . . . together?

"Robin's Reward, a sweet romance with great characters, is as refreshing as a walk among flowers." -
Author Rebecca H. Jamison, Sense & Sensibility: A Latter-Day Tale.

June is giving away TWO autographed copies of Robin's Reward-
Click HERE to enter to win :)

About the Author
Award-winning author, June McCrary Jacobs, was the winner of Cedar Fort Publishing’s 2013 Holiday Tale Contest for her debut novella, ‘A Holiday Miracle in Apple Blossom’. ‘Robin’s Reward’ is her first full-length novel, and is set in her favorite location in California—the Mendocino coastal region. This book is the first installment of the ‘Bonita Creek Trilogy’.

June’s original sewing, quilting, and stitchery designs have been published in over one hundred books, magazines, and blogs in the past few years. When she’s not writing, reading, or sewing, June enjoys cooking, walking, and visiting art and history museums. She also enjoys touring historic homes and gardens and strolling around the many historic Gold Rush towns in the Sierra Nevada foothills. In the summertime you can find June at a variety of county fairs and the California State Fair admiring the sewing projects, quilts, and handiwork other inspired seamstresses, quilters, craftspeople, and artists have created.

June enjoys connecting with readers, authors, aspiring writers, bloggers, designers, sewers, quilters, and crafters. Please connect with June at the following platforms:

Chapter One 
"I’m as hot and sticky as the center of a freshly-roasted campfire marshmallow, Miss Praise.” 
Perspiration trickled past Robin’s sunburned neck, under her collar, and down her back. Her blouse was plastered to her skin.

“I’m not feeling very feminine or lady-like in this condition, if you catch my drift. This brings us to my next question. What was I thinking starting up with this garden renovation project on the hottest March afternoon ever recorded in Bonita Creek? Am I nuts? Wait—don’t answer that.” 

Some sympathy from Miss Praise, like purring or even winding herself around Robin’s legs, would’ve been comforting. Instead, the elderly tabby was dozing comfortably in her cozy quiltlined basket on the shaded porch. Robin was drained from tangling with her vintage hydrangea bush for the past four hours. 

She’d read gardening was great exercise, but it gave Robin’s thoughts too many chances to wander. She dreaded those dark, dreary spaces in her mind permanently occupied by unhappy memories and heart-wrenching regrets. Since she wasn’t accomplishing much anyway, she released her shovel to take a break with a refreshing glass or two of her favorite iced tea. She straightened up and stretched her aching arms over her head. 

“I’m parched, how about you? Want something cold to drink?” She spoke in the direction of the faded gray cat. Apparently, Miss Praise had heard enough of Robin’s whining. The cat yawned, stretched, flicked her tail, and hopped daintily out of her basket. She lumbered down the brick path to seek refuge in the peaceful back garden. Naturally, Robin hadn’t expected Miss Praise to respond, but talking to the cat helped her feel connected to her Grandma Estelle. The older woman had passed on a few years ago and Robin still ached for her grandmother’s presence. She kneaded her fatigued lower back with her knuckles and sighed deeply. 

As she untied the ribbon of her straw hat and shook out her damp curly hair, Robin sensed someone’s gaze. A prickly feeling caused her to rotate her body where she came face-to-face with an unfamiliar—but attractive—man. A hint of amusement lit up his clean-shaven face as he stood on the walkway in front of her garden gate. When the stranger chuckled, Robin’s damp cheeks flamed scarlet. She wondered how long he’d been standing there listening to her grunt and groan and, well, whine. 

Since he couldn’t possibly have seen Miss Praise, he probably assumed Robin had been talking to herself. Swell. Just another example of the truckload of awkward moments in life when Robin wished she could vanish on demand. Speaking through clenched teeth, she attempted to use humor to cover up her self-consciousness. 

“Instead of breaking your neck staring at me, how about making yourself useful by helping me dig up this stubborn hydrangea?” Her embarrassment grew when the stranger’s sole response was a chorus of boisterous laughter. Lord, please get me out of here—now! Robin’s humiliation took over her common sense, and her sole goal was to flee. Grabbing her garden hat, she slammed it onto the gate post as she wrenched off her work gloves and tossed them on the ground near her birdbath. The sound of the man’s hearty laughter echoing in her ears brought her lifelong dislike of being the object of teasing and taunting racing to the surface. 

Like most school children, she’d suffered through her share of teasing and even some bullying. Truth be told, she was still occasionally bullied by a former classmate, Susan Stinson, almost ten years after they’d graduated. Robin had expected—and hoped—in her current stage of life, halfway between twenty-five and thirty, she would’ve overcome this affliction. The scorching feeling in her cheeks told her otherwise. I so do not want to deal with this guy. 

Attempting to give the illusion of self-confidence, Robin lengthened her spine and held her chin high as she stalked toward her cottage. In the safety of her cottage’s interior she’d find the solace and peace she was seeking. Far too often in the past she’d allowed her pride and confidence to be battered by a male. Okay, one male in particular. She vowed to handle her reaction in the current situation differently. She was determined to spare herself one more millisecond of humiliation. Today I’m going to stand up to my tormentors. All right, so maybe this stranger isn’t exactly tormenting me. Still, everyone knows laughing at a lady isn’t polite. 

Robin wasn’t going to stand there and let some stranger, however handsome he might be— and this guy was definitely above-average in the looks department—laugh at her in her own garden. Hot, briny tears stung her eyes. Time seemed to slow down, and she couldn’t make it to the front door fast enough. Embarrassing incidents from her not so distant past charged to the forefront of her mind as she made her way up the front porch steps.


At the front gate, Jeff froze. He’d offended her. His body felt as if he’d just finished running five miles at a training pace, as it had been since he’d first happened upon the woman. His heart thundered in his ears when he’d first seen her, his vision honed in on a lovely brunette. She was hard at work in her garden on such an oppressive afternoon. He’d never seen anyone so focused on one task. She appeared to be in a frenzy, trying to free the roots of a bush from the sun-dried, hardened soil. 

He had to admit, she looked as if she were accustomed to hard work. Strong, fit arms and legs peeked out from her short-sleeved blouse and khaki shorts. She sported a wide-brimmed hat and appeared unafraid of hard work if the sweaty sheen covering her neck and face were any kind of evidence. Smudges of dirt adorned her elbows, knees, and—he couldn’t help but notice—shapely calves. 

He’d been walking through the streets surrounding his rental home. Historical architecture was one of his hobbies, and he was checking out the architectural styles located on the streets in this older section of Bonita Creek, California. He’d already identified Craftsman, Victorian, Italianate, Tudor, cottage, ranch, and bungalow style homes. His mind, locked on his thoughts, was jarred when he heard a frustrated voice asking why she was trying to renovate her garden on this hot afternoon. The voice held such conviction he stopped to see if the speaker was seeking his personal opinion. When he realized the sun-kissed gardener was alone in the garden, he became enthralled by her movements and the timbre of her voice. 

Unsure of how long he’d been staring, Jeff was jerked out of his trance when the woman turned around and challenged him to come into the garden to help her dig up the bush. Embarrassed he’d been caught staring, his natural reaction was to laugh. Now the woman rushed away from him toward the door of the cottage dominating the center of the property. 

This scenario was not unfolding as he wanted. He blamed his complete lack of understanding of women and their mysterious ways for this latest gaffe. Now you’ve done it. You are clueless, Clarke. He needed to come up with something witty and wise to redeem himself. Otherwise, he’d lose a chance to meet this fascinating gardener who had his curiosity. 


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