Dec 31, 2014


A review copy was provided
Book Details
Author: Emily Costner
Release Date: November 2014
Genre: YA Fantasy

Told with vivid imagery and great mastery!

Kira happens upon two strangers...a boy who seems out of place and a woman who foretells of her future.

For it seems that an evil force is descending upon the kingdom in the form of the newly betrothed princess...and she is bringing with her a darkness that is overshadowing all the light.

Now, according to legend, it is up to Kira, the chosen one, to find five hidden treasures that will help her overcome this foe.

Battles will be fought~
Dragons will fly~
Sorcery will be used~
Friendships will be forged~
And a journey will be taken~

Can Kira bring back the light before all is lost?


About the Author
I'm a mother of 3 boys and enjoy sewing, writing (of course), and general being creative. I enjoy writing fantasy-romance and children's stories. I love my mountain home and 80's Fantasy Movies... and chocolate... lots of chocolate!

Dec 30, 2014

Four Christmases

A review copy was provided
Book Details
Author: Loretta Livingstone
Release Date: December 2014
Genre: Christmas


Grab a copy of this book before the season is officially over to add that one last sparkle of Christmas spirit.

SO. SO. SO. GOOD! Surprise endings will leave you smiling!

Joey's Christmas: Will Joey's heart be broken? This story starts the book off with a very intriguing tale. You will think it is going one way until you finally see which way it is really will leave you chuckling long after it has been read.

Sophie's Reward: Will Sophie survive the tedium of this Christmas? A fun regency romance dropped right in the middle of this book will warm your heart and make you smile. And a Christmas setting just makes it all that much better.

Street Christmas: What if...? This story will tug at your heart and open your eyes to a whole world that we so often overlook. So tender and sweet!

A Very Special Christmas: Anisha's first Christmas in the UK. Will it be as lonely as she thinks? Being away from home is always harder at the holidays...but a very special person steps into Anisha's life and shows her a place she can go to make new friends.

About the Author
British author Loretta Livingstone lives with her husband in a beautiful area of the Chilterns. She writes both rhyming and free verse about anything which happens to capture her imagination. She enjoys writing fiction, but also writes love poems, inspirational verse, verse about her strong Christian faith, and humorous poems. Her first foray into the world of fiction was her novelette, Where Angels Tread - a story about a young, homeless girl. More fiction is following fast. She says of her work, "Above all, I want to leave my readers with smiles on their faces."

You can find out more about her on her Goodreads author bio.

Dec 29, 2014

Drop Zone

A review copy was provided
Audiobook is free with Bookshelf Plus

Book Details
Author: Traci Hunter Abramson
Release Date: October 2014
Publisher: Covenant Communications
Genre: Suspense

The Saint Squad just got a new member and Vanessa Johnson just got a new assistant...

But change is hard especially when lives are at stake.

So Damian Schmitt (new squad member) is left behind when the team is called into action.

Of course it didn't help that on his first training mission someone is almost killed...and the team suspects it wasn't an accident.

Since Damian and Paige Vickers (Vanessa's assistant) are both new it seems only reasonable that they would be drawn together to help each other out.

As Damian helps Paige move into her new apartment word comes that the squad is missing in action.

Vanessa is worried about her husband and jumps at the change to go find him herself.

Now it is up to Damian and his SEAL training and Paige with her background in psychiatric nursing to put all the pieces together and help bring the team home.

Twists in the plot will keep you turning page after page to see if these two newbies can stand up to the pressure and truly become part of the Saint Squad family.


About the Author
Growing up, Traci always dreamed of being a novelist, but the practical side of her prompted her to study finance and international business at BYU. She was recruited by the Central Intelligence Agency right out of college and she thoroughly enjoyed working there. Her love of reading and writing never left her, however, and after leaving the CIA, she indulged in both hobbies. She spent about seven years writing her novel, Undercurrents, and ultimately pursued publication. She has been writing and publishing ever since.

Dec 25, 2014

Wishing you a....


Dec 23, 2014

I Know My Savior Lives

Book Details
Author: Kimiko Christensen Hammari
Release Date: November 2014
Publisher: Cedar Fort, Inc.
Genre: Family Activity

This book is SIMPLY AMAZING!
Makes it SO EASY to put together a family lesson!

52 lessons ~ 1 per week ~ help you teach about the Savior.

Teach the lesson in order to help reinforce what your child is learning in Primary.

You are given RESOURCES, LESSONS, ACTIVITIES, and a CHALLENGES with each lesson.

I have used these kinds of books in my family and have found that it brings greater interest to the lessons with:

* Coloring Activities
* Hidden Messages
* Matching Games
* Mazes
* Secret Codes
* Word Scrambles
* Crossword Puzzles
* Pin the Smile on the Happy Face
* and More

Great for ALL AGES!
PERFECT for 2015!

A CD-ROM is included to help print out handouts, challenge cards and other lesson materials. The CD-ROM also allows you to print out the lesson in color.


A few SIMPLE, KID-FRIENDLY FUN FOOD recipes are also included for your treat of the night :)

About the Author
Kimiko Christensen Hammari graduated from BYU with a degree in English. She grew up in California and Utah, and served an LDS mission to Winnipeg, Canada. She enjoys writing literature for children and has been the editor of an educational children’s publication. She currently works as a writer and editor for a publishing company in Utah.

(A review copy was provided, however, all reviews are of my own opinion :)

Dec 22, 2014

The Ready Resource for Relief Society 2015: Teachings of the Presidents of the Church ~ Ezra Taft Benson

A review copy was provided
Book Details
Author: Trina Boice
Release Date: November 2014
Publisher: Cedar Fort, Inc.
Genre: Gospel Teachings

If you are a Relief Society teacher this book will be a VALUABLE tool for 2015!

Each chapter correlates with a chapter in the teaching manual~ Teaching of Presidents of the Church~ Ezra Taft Benson and gives you:

* a Quick summary

* Music suggestions (GREAT help for your music leader)

* Quotes from General Authorities

* Gospel Art pictures suggestions

* Church video suggestions

* Object lessons

* Church magazine articles

* Correlating Seminary Scripture Mastery verses

* Correlating Preach My Gospel pages

* CUTE handout

* and a CHALLENGE for the class

This book is packed so full of ideas you will run out of time before you run out of materials... AND all materials included in this book are CHURCH APPROVED.

Match it up and mix it up to enhance your teaching and learning experience.

"With all the prep work done, you can focus on personalizing your lessons to fit the needs of your dear sisters."

Trina Boice has made is SO EASY for us!

About the Author
Trina Boice grew up in California, but currently lives in Las Vegas, Nevada. She worked as a Legislative Assistant for a Congressman in Washington D.C., and was given the “Points of Light” Award and Presidential Volunteer Service Award for her domestic and international community service. She wrote a column called “The Boice Box” for a newspaper in Georgia, where she lived for 15 years. She taught Spanish at a private high school and ran an appraisal business with her husband for 20 years. She currently writes for several web sites and is the Entertainment News Editor for Bella Online. Trina was selected by KPBS in San Diego to be a political correspondent during the last presidential election.

Dec 20, 2014

Celebrating A Christ-Centered Christmas

A review copy was provided.
Book Details
Author: Emily Belle Freeman
Release Date: September 2014
Publisher: Ensign Peak
Genre: Christmas

Emily Belle Freeman is my "go-to" when I need a book that will draw me closer to Christ.

And this book does just that!

I LOVE her starting story....

She was in her car with her little daughter listening to Christmas songs when her little girl said:

"Mom, I believe in Santa Claus and you believe in Jesus Christ."

Right then Emily decided that they were going to spend the season teaching about Jesus Christ as much as they taught about Santa Claus.

ANOTHER THING I LOVE ABOUT EMILY...she takes where you are at and builds upon it....

"This book is not to add something more to an already packed holiday season--it is to add something DIFFERENT."

Taking an item we already love and use...the nativity set...Emily has added a DIFFERENT twist to bring it more Christ-Centered.

She focuses on 7 pieces:

* Mary * Joseph * The Angel * The Shepherd 
* The Wise Men * The Lamb *The Christ Child

With each piece she has spent great time thinking about how that person or animal played a part on that first holy night.

Then she has given us a "lesson" and a "tradition" around that nativity piece.

For example...

When Mary was told that she would be the mother of the Son of God she "PONDERED THOSE THINGS IN HER HEART...Mary can teach us about pondering the things of God.

Here is a sample lesson --->

Each piece has it's own chapter with stories, scriptures, a lesson and possible tradition ideas.

You can simply read this book in one night like I did...

Or you can split it up as a countdown to Christmas placing the pieces in the nativity set as you study about them.

Either way you will never look at a nativity set the same way again...From now on your heart will be more Christ-Centered.

Let your heart be more Christ-Centered this season!

About the Author
Emily Belle Freeman is a coach’s wife, a mother to four children and a few others who have found refuge in her home, author of several bestselling books, and sought-after inspirational speaker. Her days are spent watching over teenagers, her flock of pampered chickens, and a rabbit that she adores. She finds great joy in studying the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Her deep love of the scriptures comes from a desire to find their application in everyday life. For a few minutes every day Emily forgets about the laundry, leaves the dishes in the sink, and writes. She coauthors a blog that is a stopping place for hearts seeking all that is good:

Dec 19, 2014

A City Full of Santas w/ $50 Amazon or PayPal Giveaway


A City Full of SantasBOOK BLAST

A City Full of Santas 

 Ranked as #1 BestSeller on Amazon India

This Christmas is special; really special for Santa.

Read this lovely Christmas tale that would re-define the meaning of Christmas.

A must read for everyone.

Just like Pooja's other books, this book brings love, warmth, and a special message.

A story that parents would love to read to their children.

Praise for the Book "Such a lovely story that brings back the meaning of Christmas, one that many will want to read." "Parents/teachers will enjoy reading this story to their children. The children will be full of questions and want to discuss Santa's surprise." "Artwork "pops" off the pages pleasantly and storyline has a great message. A fine addition to any Christmas collection and it is a children's book that I would recommend!"

PoojaAbout the Author
Pooja Sardana, is a mother, a teacher, an illustrator, an author, a visionary and the co-founder of PictureBookTree. Her books and her initiative - PictureBookTree have been widely covered in Indian media and abroad. Titled as one of the Unsung Hero in 'Saga of the Unsung Heroes of India" , she continues to touch lives of many through her books and her work. Her picture books for children can be availed free of cost by NGOs or individuals working with Under-privileged children. If you work with under-privileged children, you can drop an email at Picturebooktree (AT) GMAIL (DOT) COM to receive your free copy.

Book Blast Giveaway 
 $50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash 
 Ends 1/4/14 

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

A God For All Seasons w/ eBook Giveaway

A review copy was provided
Book Details
Author: Patti Tingen
Release Date: August 2012
Publisher:, Inc
Genre: Inspiration

This book is PHENOMENAL!

Just as there are season in nature... So too we have seasons in our lives and in our spiritual and emotional development.

Patti starts out by sharing her "winter season" where life was really dark and cold and dreary.

Learning from that season Patti understood that:

"Life is never static. 
Physical, emotional, financial and spiritual ups and downs are all a part of this journey called life."

Patti realized that she was experiencing something actually wonderful...

Now she shares her thoughts and stories and scripture gems with us to explain the seasons we all go through...

And she gives us a "year of exploration and reflection."

Broken down into the months of the year Patti gives us things to do to strengthen our hope no matter what season we might find ourselves in.

I so wish I could just copy/paste the entire book in is THAT GOOD!

Here is a very brief highlight of December and January:

* December: A time to hope~ December is a season to turn to our Savior. A season of joy; but it can also be a season of dark.  "Only when we have endured the blackest of nights and the darkest of days can we truly appreciate the light...Nothing can compare to the gut-wrenching process of drawing near, pressing in, and clutching onto God when little else is left." As you go through a "winter season" in your life do not turn away from your Heavenly Father; turn to Him.

When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. ~Isaiah 43:2*

* January: A time to renew~ A brand new year! A time most people get serious about losing weight and transforming their bodies. Spend some time this January working on an "extreme spiritual makeover." Patti teaches us how to have a spiritual nose job, a spiritual face lift and a spiritually new wardrobe and even more in this chapter. A physical makeover is expensive while a spiritual makeover is a gift.

Spend your time and energy in training yourself for spiritual fitness. Physical exercise has some value, but spiritual exercise is much more important, for it promises a reward in both this life and the next. ~1 Timothy 4:7b-8*

Are you in a "WINTER season" of hoping, renewing, and waiting?
Or are you in a "SPRING season" of changing, planting, and trusting?
Or are you in a "SUMMER season" of giving, celebrating, resting?
Or are you in an "AUTUMN season" of harvesting, believing, thanking?

No matter what season you are in this book will enlighten your mind, bring hope to your heart, and give you much to ponder~

Take time each month to study and understand that we worship "A GOD FOR ALL SEASONS." He will ALWAYS be with you :)


About the Author
Patti Tingen is an award-winning author and speaker, bringing God's message that we all have value and purpose. She also serves as an elder at her church and is involved in various ministries including prayer and teaching. Patti's nonfiction inspirational books have offered hope and encouragement to many. Her book, A God for All Seasons: Inspiration and Reflection for All Times, won the 2014 Readers' Favorite Silver Medal for Christian Non-Fiction. Patti's prayer is that her words of personal experience, humor and testimony will continue to bless and inspire others. Patti lives in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania with her husband Doug and their cat Braveheart. Please visit to learn more.


1. I live in Lititz, PA - named America's Coolest Small Town in 2013.

2. Popcorn is my favorite food.

3. People have said my teaching is both simple and profound at the same time.

4. I find it hilarious to be an author when I never much cared for reading.

5. Sleeping is one of my favorite activities.

6. My cat Braveheart is afraid of everything.

7. I love "based on a true story" movies.

8. A God for All Seasons won the 2014 Readers' Favorite Silver Medal for Christian Non-Fiction. I'm an award-winning author!

9. Since being an author, I've made connections with people in 38 states and 15 countries.

10. I'm continuing to learn the blessing of touching one life at a time - each one of us has value and purpose.
* Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation; please feel free to compare them to your own version of the Bible.

Dec 18, 2014

Falling for You


A review copy was provided.
Book Details
Author: Krista Lynne Jensen
Release Date: February 2014
Publisher: Covenant Communications
Genre: Sweet Romance

Following in the footsteps of The Orchard~ Krista Lynne Jensen breathes life into Elizabeth's story.

Elizabeth used to be called "the wild one."

But things are changing and Elizabeth has been offered a partnership at a quaint boutique in quiet Jackson, Wyoming.

Elizabeth's friend, Nancy, has reserved a room at a beautiful bed and breakfast for her and pushes Elizabeth towards the handsome man at the front desk.

Elizabeth is wary as her past still haunts her.

The handsome man, Ryan Brennan, has a past too and is raising three children on his own. The last thing he wants is to fall in love with someone other than his late wife.

But when Ryan keeps running into Elizabeth ~ literally ~ (fun scene)

And Elizabeth keeps falling into his arms ~ literally ~ (more fun scenes)

Their friendship grows...

But along with it also grows Elizabeth's doubts and fears.

Can she ever believe that "she is more than she thinks she is?"

Will DEFINITELY read more from this author!

About the Author
Nearly every one of Krista Lynne Jensen's elementary school teachers noted on her report card that she was a "day-dreamer". It was not a compliment. So, when Krista grew up, she put those daydreams down on paper for others to enjoy. When she's not writing she enjoys reading, hiking, her family, and sunshine. But not laundry. She never day-dreams about laundry.

Krista writes LDS romance, and fantasy. She is the author of OF GRACE AND CHOCOLATE (2012 Whitney Award Finalist) and THE ORCHARD (2013), through Covenant Communications. 

She is a member of ANWA, Author's Incognito, and LDStorymakers. 

Dec 17, 2014

Picture Frames


Look how amazingly stunning these PICTURE FRAMES 
are by Deseret Book Company...

This is the one I got to keep :)
Frame size: 5" x 7". Holds one 4" x 6" print.

LOVE LOVE LOVE this one! 
The lettering stands away from the frame for a 3-D effect
Frame size: 11" x 8". Holds one 4" x 6" photo and one 4" x 4" photo.

If you have a missionary then this is definitely one you will want!
Frame size: 11" x 8". Holds one 4" x 6" photo and one 4" x 4" photo.


A Timeless Romance Anthology: Silver Bells Collection

A review copy was provided

Six Award-Winning Authors have contributed new stories to 
A Timeless Romance Anthology: Silver Bells. 

These stories are fun and captivating. There is wit and charm and romance and of course a Christmas setting. Each has the distinctive flair of it's writer and they are pulled together in a masterful way. I am a fan of short, quick tales as life gets so busy for me. I love that you get 6 different stories all in one book and all for one low price! I also love that I get to read from my favorite authors while being introduced to new authors. Take a few moments and savor the season with these fun, sweet novellas.

In NY Times & USA Today’s bestselling author Lucinda Brant’s delightful novella, FAIRY CHRISTMAS, Kitty Aldershot is orphaned and forced to live on others’ charity. Offered a home under the generous roof of her relatives, the Earl of Salt Hendon and his countess, Kitty wants for nothing, not even the affections of Mr. Tom Allenby. But when Kitty stumbles across a letter written by Lady Caroline that reveals how Mr. Allenby would be ruined should he marry the likes of Kitty, she realizes she has been fooling herself all along. Kitty’s world crumbles around her as she recognizes she will forever be alone with no prospects at all.

Sarah M. Eden’s charming romance novella A CHRISTMAS PROMISE, Sean Kirkpatrick is trying to get to his new place of employment, Kilkenny Castle, in order to start as the new stablehand. His only requirement is to drive a team of high-spirited nags from Dublin to Kilkenny in a certain amount of time. Unfortunately he winds up in a muddy field, stuck, lost, and running out of time. He’s about to lose the job before he can prove himself capable of finishing his first assignment. When Maeve Butler arrives on the scene, Sean isn’t sure if she’s intent on rescuing him or bent on torturing him with her fiery wit and lovely dark eyes.

In Heather B. Moore’s enchanting novella, TWELVE MONTHS, Lucien Baxter’s best and most incorrigible friend, Will, dies unexpectedly, leaving behind his new bride and unborn child the week before Christmas. Will’s last request is that Lucien watches over Cora, not just as a benefactor, but as a husband. When Lucien does his duty and proposes to Cora, he’s turned down flat. But over the course of the next few days, Lucien discovers that marrying Cora wouldn’t be any sort of duty after all, but a matter of following his heart.

In Lu Ann Staheli’s sweet romance novella, A FEZZIWIG CHRISTMAS, Dick Wilkins and his best friend Ebenezer Scrooge have been looking forward to the annual Fezziwig Christmas dance for weeks. Ebenezer is practically engaged to Annabelle Fezziwig, and Dick hopes to start courting her younger sister, Pricilla. Once the dance starts, and Pricilla arrives, as pretty and charming as ever, Dick discovers that he’s not the only man vying for her attention. His best friend advises Dick that he has to win Pricilla’s heart, as well as her mother’s favor. Losing his heart has suddenly become very complicated.

A TASTE OF HOME, a captivating romance by Annette Lyon, we meet Claire Jennings, who’s on her way to spend Christmas with her family. As she rides the train with William Rhodes, who grew up across the street, memories of Christmases past flood her mind. He may be twenty-one now, but she can’t forget his torturous teasing from their school years. At the rail station, Claire discovers that her home is under quarantine because her little brother has measles. She's stuck in town, away from her family, on her favorite holiday. William stays behind with her, and as Christmas Day approaches and her homesickness deepens, she discovers that perhaps he has changed in more ways than one.

Becca Wilhite’s entrancing novella, MY MODERN GIRL, follows Margie, who lands her dream job as a clerk at Macy’s department store in New York City. Margie might be new in town, but she’s determined to succeed and prove to Henry that moving to the city was the right decision. As the Christmas season approaches, Margie realizes that being a “modern girl” might not be all she had dreamed of and Henry might have more to offer than she ever imagined.

Dec 16, 2014

Hope Rising w/ Book Giveaway

Review copies were provided

Hope Rising
by Stacy Henrie

In France at the height of World War I, American nurse Evelyn Gray is no stranger to suffering.

She's helped save the life of many a soldier, but when she learns her betrothed has been killed, her own heart may be broken beyond repair. 

Summoning all her strength, Evelyn is determined to carry on, not just for herself and her country, but for her unborn child. 

Corporal Joel Campbell dreams of the day the war is over and he can return home and start a family. 

When a brutal battle injury puts that hope in jeopardy, Joel is lost to despair . . . until he meets Evelyn. 

Beautiful, compassionate, and in need of help, she makes an unconventional proposal that could save their lives-or ruin them irrevocably. 

Now, amidst the terror and turmoil of the Western Front, these two lost souls will have to put their faith in love to find the miracle they've been looking for.

Watch for my upcoming review :)

I am LOVING the OF LOVE AND WAR series!
You can read my review of Book One: Hope at Dawn HERE

A Christmas Hope


Filled with love and romance and heart-ache and crushed dreams and teasing and determination and hope and healing.


World War I is waging and many women have filled in at the work force.

Maria is one of the first women to work as a bank clerk and she is determined to prove her worth.

She is also determined to bring the Christmas spirit into the bank.

Dale Emerson is now her new boss.

After being hurt in a battle and losing one eye, Dale has come home to take over at the bank.

But Dale has always dreamed of being a surgeon, not a banker.

Maria has the ability to see past Dale's injury and is as determined to secure his future as she is her own.

But when a medial school teaching offer AND an old girlfriend show up Maria wonders if all of her efforts have been in vain.

Now Dale must decided what he wants more...


About the Author
Stacy Henrie has always had an avid appetite for history, fiction and chocolate. She earned her B.A. in public relations from Brigham Young University and worked in communications before turning her attentions to raising a family and writing inspirational historical romances. Wife of an entrepreneur husband and a stay-at-home mom to three, Stacy loves the chance to live out history through her fictional characters, while enjoying the modern conveniences of life in the 21st century. In addition to author, she is a reader, a road trip enthusiast and a novice interior decorator.


1. If it isn’t CHOCOLATE, it isn’t dessert.

2. I have a severe fear of heights, flying, and sharks. Thankfully we don’t encounter many sharks in Utah.

3. I am not a big fan of candy – I’d rather have a treat with substance, like cookies or brownies. The one exception is Dove dark chocolates.

4. The only time I knowingly read books with tragic endings is for book club! Other than that, I have to have a happy ending.

5. I think every good romance novel needs a kiss in the middle of the story – sort of a treat to the reader for sticking with this couple thus far.

6. I did acting in junior high, high school, and college – and loved it! Though I sometimes miss doing plays, monologues, and scenes, I enjoy “getting into the part” of my characters.

7. I wanted to be a writer since I was a kid, but it wasn’t until my oldest child was born that I finally wrote my first full-length novel. Which will definitely remain unpublished.

8. I have never read a Harry Potter novel.

9. I love good romance movies. But, to my husband’s great joy, I was raised on Star Wars and Indiana Jones, so I also like action movies from time to time.

10. I have the same birthday as my great-grandfather who was also an author of historical romance back in the late 40’s and 50’s.

(US/Canada address only please)

Excerpt from Hope Rising
Evelyn lowered her gaze to the root she’d tripped over rather than continue to stare at her gallant rescuer. “It’s mostly Louis and Pierre who’ve been interested in reading, but they’ve caught on well.” She slid a few more inches away from him, finagling her feet around the gnarled roots. Breathing was difficult with Joel so close.

He shifted to lean his shoulder against the tree trunk. “Is something wrong?”

She pressed her lips together and shook her head. “Are you angry at me? For coming over to the group, instead of staying away like we talked about?” Evelyn flicked a glance at those hazel eyes.

“No, not at all.”

Silence reigned for several heartbeats, then she felt his finger beneath her chin. He gently prodded her head upward until she had to look at him. Her stomach flip flopped as she peered fully into his handsome face. Light fuzz covered his chin and jaw. He needed another shave. A strange, irrational thought that she must be the one to do it filled her mind.

“Are you afraid of something, Evelyn?”


She kept the word sealed inside as her thoughts spiraled like a tornado. What if he didn’t reciprocate these growing feelings? What if he decided not to marry her next week?

There’d been times over the last few days when she thought Joel was beginning to soften toward her, even like her. She’d notice a lingering look from him or a smile, but they would disappear as quickly as they came and his manner would return to its usual, kind aloofness. Perhaps she ought to be asking him a similar question. What was he afraid of?

“I’m fine, really.” She swallowed hard. “Just a bit tired is all.”

Instead of releasing her chin as she expected, Joel lowered his gaze to her mouth. The rush of sound in Evelyn’s ears grew as thunderous as a windstorm.

Was he going to kiss her? Should she let him?

Yes, her heart cried.

She wanted him to kiss her, had dreamt of this moment She held her breath as Joel leaned forward. Closing her eyes, she waited for his lips to reach hers. Would his kiss be as glorious as she’d imagined? Or better? She felt his breath brush her chin, sending her stomach into another frenzy of flutters.

The sudden blare of horns dropped like a bomb into the quiet of the trees, obliterating their shared moment. Evelyn opened her eyes and turned toward the hospital. “More wounded soldiers.”

Joel straightened, robbing her of the warmth of his closeness. “Which means more surgeries.”

His disappointed tone had her hopes soaring heavenward again. Did it mean he cared? “Yes, it does. Will you watch after Louis for me?”

“I don’t profess to be as good a teacher as you, but I’ll try.”

“Thank you.”

She turned to go, but Joel caught her hand, stopping her retreat.


“Yes?” She wished she didn’t sound so breathless.

Wished she didn’t have to leave him.

He released her hand to brush her cheek with his thumb, heating her skin with the tender touch.

“Good luck.”

Dec 15, 2014

Pierced By Love

Book Details
Author: Laura L. Walker
Release Date: December 2014
Publisher: Bonneville Books
Genre: Drama


Noelle has just been dumped by her boyfriend...

But it gets worse...

The boyfriend dumped her so he could marry Noelle's sister...

YEAH! It's true!

Pierce comes from divorced parents and so he has commitment issues that label him as a player.

But for some reason Pierce fiercely feels the need to protect and help Noelle.

Not wanting her to drive alone he offers to take her.
Not wanting her to be alone during spring break he extends to invitation to come with him.

Noelle makes it very plain that they are "just friends."

Pierce is perfectly fine with that.

But when two people spend a lot of time together the heart creates a mind of its own :)

And slowly they are both "pierced by love."

I LOVE the play on Pierce's name for the title...very clever!

"Told with equal parts wit and charm, Pierced by Love will remind you that there is life after love, and that trusting your heart can lead you to unexpected places."

I thoroughly enjoyed this one!

About the Author
Laura Walker grew up in southern Arizona. She met her husband, Rob, at Northern Arizona University where she earned her bachelor degree in Elementary Education. She and Rob are raising their six children. Her hobbies include water aerobics and sewing. At the end of the day, Laura loves to curl up with a good book or write one of her own. Pierced by Love is her first published novel.

(A review copy was provided, however, all reviews are of my own opinion :)

Dec 13, 2014

Of Love and War Holiday Giveaway


To celebrate the holidays and HOPE RISING's release next week from Forever Romance, author Stacy Henrie is giving away an Of Love and War holiday gift basket! Win a signed copy of HOPE AT DAWN (Book 1), a signed copy of HOPE RISING (Book 2), Lindor chocolates, a red poppy bookmark, and two vintage style tree ornaments.

To enter, tell her in the comments on her Facebook page if you have a real or a fake Christmas tree this year (hers=fake). Open to U.S. and Canadian residents only. Comment MUST be on her Facebook page!

Tell her Shauna from I Love to Read and Review Books sent you :)

Giveaway ends Tuesday, December 16th at 5:00 a.m. (MST). She will select one random winner and announce it on her Facebook page that day!


Let the Season In


Every year the Mormon Tabernacle Choir ushers in the holiday season with a wonderful musical program.

Last December they were joined by world-renowned vocalisth Deborah Voigt and charismatic voice actor John Rhys-Davies.

The program depicted the work of Charles Dickens and the story behind A Christmas Carol and other classic Christmas tales.

There was music and dancing and acting and special effects!

Beautifully presented! A Christmas Tradition for many families!

Enjoy this small clip from the program...

Now you can watch and listen to the program again and again on DVD or CD.

Christmas Is Coming
On this Merriest Christmas Day
The Holly and the Ivy
And there Were Shepherds Abiding in the Fields
"Et exsulavit spiritus meus"
"Gloria Patri"
Ring Those Christmas Bells
The Twelve Days after Christmas
Christmas Wishes Medley
A Russian Christmas Festivity - Polanise (excerpt) from Christmas Eve
A Russian Christmas Festivity - Dance of the Tumblers (excerpt) fromThe Snow Maiden
A Russian Christmas Festivity - Procession of the Nobles (excerpt) fromMlada
God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen
Coventry Carol
Luke 2: The Christmas Story
Angels, from the Realms of Glory
We Wish You a Merry Christmas

Christmas Is Coming
On this Merriest Christmas Day
The Holly and the Ivy
And There Were Shepherds Abiding in the Fields
Magnificat in D Major
Ring Those Christmas Bells
The Twelve Days after Christmas
Christmas Wishes Medley
A Russian Christmas Festivity
God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen
A Dickens Christmas
Coventry Carol
Luke 2: The Christmas Story
Angels, from the Realms of Glory

Hear Deborah Voigt and John Rhys-Davies describe their unique experiences in performing with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square.
Backstage with Deborah Voigt
Backstage with John Rhys-Davies
Christmas "In the Air": Behind the Scenes on Flying
"A Dickens Christmas" full-length version

About the Choir
The 360 members of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir represent men and women from many different backgrounds and professions and range in age from 25 to 60. They reflect a medley of unique lives and experiences and are brought together by their love for singing and their faith. Their incomparable voices are the common chord that unites to form the choral group known all over the world as the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir originated in the mid-19th century in Salt Lake City. As the Latter-day Saints moved west, Church President Brigham Young included musicians among members of the advance parties. Consequently, a small choir first sang for a conference of the Church in the Salt Lake Valley on August 22, 1847, just 29 days after the first group arrived. The origins of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir may be found in the desire and commitment of early converts to include appropriate music in both sacred and secular events.

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir has appeared at 13 world’s fairs and expositions, performed at the inaugurations of five U.S. presidents, and sung for numerous worldwide telecasts and special events. Five of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir’s recordings have achieved “gold record” and two have achieved “platinum record” status. The most popular was the Grammy-Award-winning 1959 release of “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” with the Philadelphia Orchestra.

(Review copies were provided, however, all reviews are of my own opinion :)

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