May 30, 2014

The Hitler Dilemma

Book Details
Author: Carolyn Twede Frank
Release Date: May 2014
Publisher: Covenant Communications
Genre: Historical

A FASCINATING portrayal of an INTRIGUING time in history!

"Your accent...German?" The man in the aisle seat readjusted his ample weight. Max nodded. His muscles tensed, unsure if the man next to him was uncomfortable with the heat, the cramped Greyhound seating, or with sitting next to a former enemy."

Max grew up in Germany and experienced the time of Adolf Hitler first-hand.

It is now 1948 and Max and his parents are on a bus headed to Salt Lake City, Utah.

As Max converses with the man sitting next to him is mind is taken back to the years of 1938 - 1945.

Max shares stories of  how Hitler took his brother away in his effort to create a Master Race...

His time spent in the Hitler Youth program...

His schooling...with the "censorship of classic literature, the elimination of math and science courses, and the addition of extra physical education classes."

His draft into the war...

Being separated from his family...

And more...

"The Hitler Dilemma is a poignant chronicle of one remarkable young man’s struggle to reconcile his sense of duty with his staunch opposition to the evil tyrant destroying the country he loves."


one of MY followers :)

About the Author
About my writing: I don't like to write candy for the brain. But I do like to try to make my books not only fulfilling, but entertaining. Candy is nice, but a meal of meat, potatoes, and veges can leave you more satisfied. My books give the reader a good taste of history and/or science along with a dash of mystery folded into the story.

About me: I've always loved writing, but haven't gotten serious until the past seven years. When I'm not writing, I like to garden, sew, fix up old houses, or anything else creative. My favorite movies are ones about history.

(A review copy was provided, however, all reviews are of my own opinion :)


  1. This is very intriguing. Thanks for the review. I will definitely have to check this one out!

    1. I LOVE that this book is based on true events!
      I hope you entered to win the ecopy :)
      So thankful for your support and comments!



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