Book Details
Stephanie Fowers,
Cindy C, Bennett,
Sherry Gammon
Release Date: October 2013
Publisher: Prose by Design
Genre: Christmas
in 1 FANTASTIC book!
Starting off with Halfing by Cindy C Bennett~

Half-elf, half-fairy, banished from the south, now working at the North Pole.
It's Christmas time and Kara has once again been assigned to the Department of Early Production. She had worked her way to Upper Fabrication in the South, but now she was starting over...literally.
For you see Kara has to keep her secret safely guarded.
Can she do it while working with Seb..."the most gorgeous elf she's ever seen ~ and the orneriest."
FUN, FUN Christmas tale!
Up next is Aphrodite by Stephanie Fowers
A wonderful regency romance made even more mesmerizing by the addition of a Greek mythology twist!
Aphrodite's daughter (Affry) is seeking love at the annual Christmas ball.
And she dances the night away with the one who shows her great affection even to the possible scandal of the ton.
But now the "furies of the underworld...are after her."
Revenge will be taken as "all is fair in love and war."
Can love be a weapon?
This one will leave you smiling :)
And then a GREAT ending with Loving Marigold by Sherry Gammon
Marigold is not like the others and they seem to find delight in calling her a witch.
She is also madly in love with Jack Mahoney.
But it is 9th grade and things like this are normal...and Jack moves away...
9 years...and a lifetime of choices later...Jack and Marigold find themselves back in their hometown.
As they re-connect and work together to rid a bad influence in the town they have to wonder...
"Is it LOVE or MAGIC?"
I LOVED this story!
I really LOVED LOVED LOVED this whole book!
Get in the holiday spirit with this MUST READ for romance and Christmas magic!
About the Authors
Stephanie Fowers
I'm from a family of ten kids and I tie for middle, but I don't have middle kid syndrome because we're basically ALL show-offs. To be perfectly honest, being the middle kid is awesome because I can be best friends with the oldest siblings and the youngest. There never is a dull moment. Life for me is a Little Women andLittle Rascals blend.
I've always had stories in my head. As soon as I learned to write, my pen took over the paper. When I read my stories out loud in second grade, my goal was to get my teacher to laugh so hard she'd fall off her chair. And it worked
I soon moved on to more mischievous times, and got my associates at BYU Idaho in English and (besides the below freezing temperatures), I loved the small town atmosphere complete with garage bands and pizza joints. Then I served an LDS mission in the Philippines. The people there have an intense past and culture that I want to write about someday. Their war heroes (and heroines) are amazing, and their people are so full of life.
After I got my bachelors at BYU (Provo) in English and communications, I almost went into advertising (I won enough Burger King crowns in my advertising class to encourage me)...but I decided to take the starving artist route instead. And now, here I am!
Cindy C. Bennett
I write contemporary YA, though I have a few books which dip a tiny toe into the paranormal. I have four amazing kids - two boys, two girls, and two great daughters-in-law. I'm married to a man who makes it possible for me to pursue this crazy dream. I live in
Utah, have my whole life, and can't imagine living anywhere else.
I started writing a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away . . . no, wait, that's Star Wars' intro, not mine. I did start writing a long time ago, that part is true. I can't remember when I started making up stories and putting them down on paper, it seems I always have. Then, in high school, I had an amazing English teacher, Mr. Bickmore, who really expanded my passion for writing. Every day as we came into class, he had a "ten-minute writing" assignment, which is exactly what it sounds like. I looked forward to that ten minutes each day like you can't believe. He taught me a love of pure, creative writing, and a love of great literature. (Who knew Romeo and Juliet begins with two pages of dirty jokes?)
Then at some point, YA became a popular genre, and, having two teen daughters, I found my house inundated with it. So I read many of the books, and fell in love with them. I mean seriously, who doesn't have a crystal clear remembrance of that time in your life: the awkwardness, the insecurity and drama - the flush of new love. A few years ago, I began writing
Heart on a Chain, (the story of why can be read
here, so I won't reiterate). And I found my niche.
I began writing in the sixth grade, simple little Roses are red, Violets are blue type poems inspired by Highlights Magazine. Remember those from your childhood?
In seventh grade we studied poems and my love for writing bloomed. We were required to make a book of poems, some of which could be our own work. A few of my classmates saw my poems and asked me to write poems for their books. I not only enjoyed doing it, I discovered writing helped to clear my head.
Fast forward to college. I was thumbing though a roommate's high school yearbook and found a full page photo of a boy. I also noted that the yearbook had been dedicated to him. When I asked her what had happened, she told me that he'd committed suicide earlier that year. Needless to say, the story haunted me. I took a writing class in college the next semester and for one of my assignments I decided to write this boy's story. I had to create a story around what little I knew of him. Not only did my teacher love the story, writing it helped me come to terms with this random stranger's death. It also fed the fire in me to write, and I've been writing ever since.
(A review copy was provided for this review. However, all reviews are of my own opinion :)