Book Details
Author: Vesta Schneider
Release Date: February 2012
Publisher: Humpty Dumpty Parent LLC
Say "potty training" and what is the first thing that comes to your mind? No more diapers! Lots of accidents! Can't wait until it's over!
This book has WONDERFUL information!
It will show you that potty training is way easier than you think. And it will help you follow these strides to success:
Understand the potty training process
Know what to expect
Be prepared
Be patient and positive
"If you think you can handle the things listed above, then this book will help you get your child out of diapers for good."
Fun training charts are included
Vesta has a truly AMAZING blog and Facebook page
with lots of helps for Mommy
She has also graciously agreed to do an
eBOOK GIVEAWAY for MY readers :)
(offer ends 8/8)
About the Author
For the last eight years we have been moving a lot and I found it difficult to meet other parents; especially when it’s cold outside. That’s how this blog was born. I share joys of motherhood and sometimes hardships of raising our children and being married. I also love to bake, make arts and crafts with the kids, gardening and reading books. I care about using only organic products (or make my own), eating healthy, supporting local farmers, and recycling.
Many years ago, my husband Robert J Schneider, used to be a chef and now he shares his recipes with us. My friends say that I am lucky to have a hubby who cooks for me. I say he is lucky to have a wife who likes to eat.
Life is best when shared with company, even when that company is a screaming five year old and crying three year old. Those days will soon be gone, and even sooner missed. So share with me the gifts of knowledge, recipes, mistakes and victories.
You can reach me at vschneider at HumptyDumptyParent dot com
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