Oct 30, 2015

The Book of Mormon is True: Evidences and Insights to Strengthen Your Testimony

A review copy was provided

Evidences and Insights to Strengthen Your Testimony
by Marilynne Todd Linford

How do you know the Book of Mormon is true?

The answer to this question provides the foundational basis for the beliefs of countless members of the Church. 

For bestselling author Marilynne Todd Linford, the decision to type, word-for-word, the entire Book of Mormon as a method of study led her to discover incredible truths regarding the authenticity of this sacred volume of scripture. 

With the aid of expert analysis of the text, the author shares a unique blend of both spiritual and secular evidence substantiating the claim that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. 

Through an exploration of ancient literature and cultures, Joseph Smith's educational background, and the science of wordprints, The Book of Mormon Is True invites audiences to strengthen their testimony of this sacred scripture as the divine word of God.

My Review
This book intrigued me from the very first page--

Marilynne wanted to type the Book of Mormon out word-for-word?
What an concept! Why though? I had to read more!

Interesting that she started out with a goal to write out the Book of Mormon NOT write a book about it...

Yet through her typing...she discovered something quite thought-provoking...unique words.

Yes, words that were not commonly found in any other scripture...so who wrote this book? How many different people? For that is what it is testifying of.

She also discovered a pattern with punctuation, or lack thereof, that is "evidence for the antiquity of the Book of Mormon."

How could she keep something like this to herself?

Grab a copy and she what else she discovered...

She even shares the unique words that she found so that you too might make this a study of your own.

SO GRATEFUL that she did share!

My own understanding and love of the Book of Mormon has been increased by this book!

I am now looking for these words with joy and anticipation.

I highly recommend this book!

About the Author
Marilynne Todd Linford is married to Richard Linford. They have eight children, twenty-four grandchildren, and one great grandchild. She served for eleven years on the Materials Evaluation Committee of the Church and is entering her sixteenth year as a docent at the Church History Museum. Marilynne has published eleven books, including two books for LDS children, seven books for LDS women, and two books for a general audience on health issues. This book, The Book of Mormon Is True: Evidences and Insights to Strengthen Your Testimony, came to her as a complete surprise, emerging from her decision to type out the entire text of the Book of Mormon.

I like to teach children.

I like to teach Gospel Principles in Sunday School.

I am a docent at the Church History Museum.

I can never get enough of LDS Church history.

I also love colonial and revolutionary United States history.

I'm a fan of the Founding Fathers.

I like to play piano duets.

I like to play word games.

I like to hike the red rock canyons of southern Utah.

I am a breast cancer survivor of almost 20 years.

This is my 12th book.

I am the oldest of eight children and the mother of eight.

Oct 29, 2015

Fudge Made Easy!!!

Just in time for the holidays--

by Shannon Smurthwaite


Oct 26, 2015

North For Christmas

 A review copy was provided

by Christina Dymock

Have you ever known exactly what you wanted for Christmas?

As a child, you may have written a letter to Santa, made a wish upon a star, or locked your dream away in your heart afraid that it might not come true if you so much as whispered it out loud.

Even as adults, Christmas wishes carry a magic that can't be explained.


In North for Christmas, Ruby Jeavon certainly has her heart set on an engagement.

It's the first step in creating the family she's always wanted.

But things go slightly off course and instead of flying to Italy with her boyfriend, Ruby heads out of town to work as an elf in Nashville.

Even though she's far away from her dream, she's about to discover the magic of a Nashville Christmas through the eyes of North Foxwell, her fellow elf and a Christmas expert.

Even though North struggles with his own Christmas ghosts, Ruby manages to bring new light to his life.

Can Ruby let go of her dream to find what her heart truly desires?

Only time--at the North Pole--will tell.

You can pick up your copy of North for Christmas at your local book store, iTunes, Barns and Noble, or from Amazon.

My Review
Christmas stories are magical and help put you in the mood for the season.

Well this one has a guy named North and an elf named Ruby and is set in Santa's workshop-- SO FUN :)

So impressed with the creativity of the writing and who actually helps in running the "North Pole." Makes for a truly terrific tale!

I adored this one!
Grab a copy and get ready to celebrate the best time of the year!

About the Author
Christina Dymock graduated from the University of Utah with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Communications. She currently resides in Central Utah with her husband and four children who are often her inspiration for new recipes and ideas. Among other things, she enjoys cycling, skiing, wakeboarding, sewing, reading, and baking. You can contact Christina through her blog at:http://christinadymock.wordpress.com.

Oct 22, 2015

Christmas Wonders w/ Book Giveaway

A review copy was provided

by Robyn Buttars

“Have a wonder-filled Christmas,” people in Luke’s new hometown greet one another as Christmas approaches.

With no memory of a Christmas celebration, ten-year-old Luke feels excluded from the town’s tradition, until he finds his deceased mother’s nativity set. 

Touched by Mary’s protecting embrace of the Baby Jesus, Luke experiences his first Christmas Wonder. 

His discovery is the catalyst for a search that leads to a soul-changing season for neighbors as Luke finds his connection to heavenly love.

Robyn Buttars, author of the best-selling and award winning novella Christmas Rose, weaves an unforgettable holiday story for the entire family.

My Review
This book is so beautifully written!

I LOVE the feel of the small town and how the people work together--

But it didn't use to always be that way--and Luke didn't always celebrate Christmas--

Something changed and this story tells you what it was :)

Told from the eyes of an young boy this story will be one of your new Christmas favorites!

Gather the wonder of Christmas into your heart with this delightful read.

Robyn is giving away a signed, 

first edition copy on GoodReads 
Click HERE to enter (offer ends 11/1)

About the Author
Robyn Buttars is an award-winning author of books for children and adults. Her first novella, Christmas Rose, won first place in the League of Utah Writer's Contest and was a holiday bestseller. Her home is Lewiston, Utah, and she and her husband, Kent, are the parents of six children. She is a registered nurse and enjoys traveling, composing, and reading.

Special Note
Also included in the book is the sheet music for the song Christmas Wonders

And in connection with the book the author is encouraging people to share their own Christmas Wonders at #sharethewonder or https://www.facebook.com/RobynButtars.

Oct 20, 2015

From Baptist Preacher to Mormon Teacher

A review copy was provided

by Wain Myers and Kelly L. Martinez

It was no Sacred Grove, but it was a place from which I knew my Father could hear me. I knelt at my bedside that same night and asked my Father which of the two churches I should attend.

“Neither,” He replied.

Not exactly the answer I was expecting, so I waited to hear more.


Wain Myers thought he knew what he believed, but after a revelation from God, something had to change.

This former Baptist preacher tells his fascinating story of following the Spirit's voice and ultimately becoming a convert in the LDS church. 

This remarkable true story will inspire you to follow your own promptings and share truth wherever you find it.

My Review

Written from a candid view, touches of humor, and a humble story. This is one you cannot put down.

I loved that Wain's story is real--losses, wrong choices, even feelings of losing desire.

But in it all Wain stays true, overcomes, and ultimately triumphs!

Hope-filled-- this book will be one you want to share with everyone.

What an amazing story!
What an amazing person!

About the authors
WAIN MYERS is a native of Dayton, Ohio. He served in the United States Army in Bad Kissingen, Germany, where he received his call to the ministry. After his military career, he returned to the U.S. and began preaching at True Vine Missionary Baptist church, where he preached for over five years and was then introduced to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by his lovely wife Sebrina. He’s been an active member of the Church since 1995 and has served on his stake’s high council and as second counselor in the Genesis Group leadership.

Wain and Sebrina are the proud parents of seven amazing children; Le’Roy Jr., Isaiah (who recently returned from a full-time mission in the Louisiana Baton Rouge Mission), Bradford (and wife Paige), Quesley, Braxton, Spencer, and Ammon. Wain is a firm believer that no amount of success outside of the home can make up for failure inside the home. Check out his website at authorwainmyers.com.

KELLY L. MARTINEZ has written about sports and entertainment for most of his professional career, though he has also dabbled in travel and tech articles. His writing has appeared in several national and regional publications, such as USA Today, the Los Angeles Times, Meridian Magazine, and the Deseret News. He comes from a long line of Mormon pioneers on his mother’s side and is of Hispanic, French, and Native American descent on his father’s. This is his first co-authorship and published book.

Oct 19, 2015

North for Christmas Cover Reveal w/ Cookbook Giveaway

north for christmas coverCOVER REVEAL
North for Christmas 
by Christina Dymock 

Ruby Jeavon takes a position as a Christmas elf in order to evaluate the Nashville North Pole Program from the inside. For years, the program has been losing money and investors want a reason to pull out. Ratting out a Santa isn't Ruby's style, but someone has to do it. She’s mortified by the striped tights and elf shoes, but she has a goal and nothing, not even the handsome Nashville native, North Foxwell, will stand in her way. North’s dad was diagnosed with cancer. The news brings North home to Nashville for the holidays where he’ll have to face his past, his grudge, and his bossy sister. North gets more than he bargained for when Ruby steps into Santa’s workshop. He’ll do everything he can to save the North Pole Program, but in the end, it’s North that needs saving – and Ruby’s just the girl to take on the task.
“Are you Mr. Foxwell?” ”Yes, sir.” “I’m Mitch.” He tucked the clipboard back under his arm. “We’re waitin’ for one more passenger.” “Will it be long?” North’s stomach rumbled. “Her flight just landed, so it should only be a few minutes.” They made small talk as they watched the people gather around the baggage claim. “I’ll bet that’s her,” said Mitch. North followed his gaze. Walking toward them was none other than Ruby Jeavon in a pair of designer black boots, tight jeans, and an over-sized, but somehow still flattering, sweater. She expertly maneuvered two large bags, a carry on, and her purse in their direction. Maybe it was Karma that brought her here. Or maybe it was an angel with an overactive funny bone. Either way, North was not at all surprised to see the one woman who could make his trip home more awkward. He’d gathered from Ruby’s inclusion in the charity review meeting that she was on some sort of training schedule with Kathleen, and being here was probably a step up the ladder for the spoiled daughter of a powerful executive. He still hadn’t figured out a way to explain his behavior yesterday. He hadn’t meant to embarrass Ruby more than she embarrassed herself, but his laughter in the elevator had done just that. She needn’t worry about him or Fredrick saying anything that would tarnish her reputation or the reputation of the company, but Ruby didn’t know him from Adam and had little reason to trust him at this time. Not only did North need Ruby as a future client, he couldn’t shake that moment when their eyes met over the conference table. He’d found himself thinking about it at random times throughout the day. He decided she may have a hard candy shell, but what he’d seen in those eyes was sweet and kind, even if he only caught a glimpse before she turned into Bumble the Abominable Snowwoman. He’d put it off sending an email or flowers or a bouquet of candy canes to smooth things over so that the next time they met they could both just ignore it and move on. Deciding that was the best course of action, he put a welcoming smile on his face and stepped forward. “Can I help you with your bags, Miss Jeavon?” Ruby blanched and an awkward silence formed between them faster than ice on a Memphis highway. “Miss Ruby Jeavon?” asked Mitch. Ruby ignored North. “Yes, that’s me.” “I’m with the North Pole Express Shuttle Service. Can I help you with those bags?” Ruby gave Mitch a genuine smile and allowed him to take the larger of the two bags and her carry-on. “Thank you.” She took quick, long strides to keep up with Mitch as he led them toward the waiting van. North, who was used to being the tallest in the group, had to stretch his legs to keep up. He found Ruby’s hurried pace comical. It reminded him of the way he could get under his sister’s skin without trying. Ruby glared over her shoulder. “Are you following me?” North laughed. “Technically, yes and no. I think we’re riding together, so I’m not following you just to follow you. But you’re walking in front of me, so I’m following you.” “Accountants,” Ruby muttered. She pulled up short and fixed him in place with a look that could make Jell-O hold still. “Wait, we’re riding together? As in, we’re going to the same place?” “I guess so,” he replied with a cautious note. She took off again, her shoes ticking against the concrete like a timer on a bomb. Tick. Tick. Tick. “What exactly are you doing here?” she threw the question over her shoulder. The airport doors slid open and an icy blast of air bit North’s cheeks. He braced himself for more than the cold weather as he contemplated his answer. His reasons were personal, and he had no intention of sharing them with a near stranger no matter how pretty she was with her cheeks pinked by the cold December air. Ruby shimmied into her coat and efficiently buttoned it up as she walked, never letting go of her roller. It was a feat worth admiring, and North found that he enjoyed admiring Ruby despite her obvious dislike for accountants. His constant awareness of her beauty surprised North. Ruby, and her international Christmas travels, were the exact opposite of what North valued in a woman. He wanted to share his life with someone who was as dedicated to sharing as he was. A woman who wanted a family, a home, perhaps a dog… Before he could come up with something to say, she demanded, “Did my mother send you?” “Did your mother send you?” North fired back. He groaned in frustration as Ruby whipped around and climbed into the waiting van without another word. He wasn’t doing a very good job of making amends. Feeling a little like a lump of coal, North settled into his seat in the van.

dymockPraise for North for Christmas "There was so much heart and depth packed into this romantic and fun Christmas story, I loved every page of it. Ruby and North each have issues and pasts, making it that much sweeter when they can help each other through the hurt to find the joy." ~Cami Checketts, author of Christmas Makeover, An Echo Ridge Romance

Author Christina Dymock Christina Dymock graduated from the University of Utah with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Communications. She currently resides in Central Utah with her husband and four children. Along with writing romances, Christina loves to spend time in the kitchen and has written several cookbooks. Among other things, she enjoys cycling, skiing, wakeboarding, sewing, reading, and baking.

Book Giveaway 
To celebrate the release of North for Christmas Christina is giving away a copy of her cookbook The Healthy Family Slow Cooker Cookbook. 
Open to US Only Ends 11/4/15

The Healthy Family Slow Cooker Cookbook Feed your family the foods they love—with a healthy twist. Everyone knows slow cookers are a busy mom’s best friend, but it can be a struggle to find healthy Crock Pot recipes your kids will actually eat. Not anymore. These delicious family-sized meals are perfect for parents and kids alike. Chicken and Artichoke Fettucini Teriyaki Pulled Pork Cajun Rice with Shrimp Butternut Squash Soup Chicken Quesadillas You’ll even find some tasty ideas for sugar-free desserts, like the Blueberry Pudding Cake. And every single recipe can be made in the morning and ready to eat by dinnertime. With a little prep and planning, you’ll soon be enjoying nutritious, healthy, home-cooked meals every night of the week!  

Oct 16, 2015

Spotlight w/ $25 Amazon + Book Giveaway

A review copy was provided
Audiobook is free with Bookshelf Plus

by Traci Hunter Abramson

Navy SEAL Craig Simmons has pledged his life to serve and protect, so when this newest member of the Saint Squad observes a stunning young woman on the beach being shadowed by an armed man, he leaps into action. It doesn’t take long to realize his mistake, but it also puts him in a position to meet a very well—known actress, Sienna Blake. For Sienna, the timing couldn’t be more perfect—she’s preparing for a role as a CIA agent, and who better to help her prepare than a Navy SEAL? Craig and Sienna develop a lighthearted friendship, though both are aware of their growing attraction. Neither realizes, however, that a treacherous enemy is setting in motion a terrifying plan to destroy Sienna . . .

A series of near-fatal accidents on set are too close for comfort, and Sienna has been lucky to escape with her life—so far. Despite the rising danger behind the scenes, the show must go on. When the Saint Squad is enlisted by the FBI to safeguard Sienna on the ill-fated film set, Craig is driven to protect the woman he is quickly growing to love. As the list of suspects and motives grows, Craig and the Saint Squad will do whatever it takes to track down the perpetrator-before things turn deadly.

My Review
I love how innocently this all started...
Craig was just being observant.

Then one thing after another happens...
Things escalated one step at a time...
And soon the whole team is involved.

A fun twist to send the team to Hollywood.

Love the Saint Squad!
Keep writing Traci--we want more!

(Covenant Communications will notify winner by email)

About the Author
Traci Hunter Abramson was born in Arizona, where she lived until moving to Venezuela for a study-abroad program. After graduating from Brigham Young University, she worked for the Central Intelligence Agency for several years, eventually resigning in order to raise her family. She credits the CIA with giving her a wealth of ideas for suspense novels as well as the skills needed to survive her children's teenage years. She has gone on to write a number of bestselling suspense novels that have consistently been nominated as Whitney Award finalists. She considers shoes an optional accessory which became evident when she won her first two Whitney Awards in 2013 and 2014 for her novels Code Word and Deep Cover. She currently lives in Virginia with her family where she enjoys sports, travel, writing, and coaching high school swimming.

Oct 15, 2015

Book Giveaway from Gerlad N. Lund and Daughter Rebecca Belliston


Author Gerald N. Lund and his daughter, Rebecca Lund Belliston
have teamed up to give away NINE of their combined books.

Gerald N. Lund is the bestselling, award-winning author of over 30 novels and non-fiction religious works.

Rebecca Belliston is the author of four novels, including the new dystopian trilogy, Citizens of Logan Pond.

Enter to win signed copies of Gerald N. Lund and Rebecca (Lund) Belliston books.

Prizes will be awarded in sets of three and include:

Set #1
The Undaunted, Only the Brave, Sadie

Set #2


Set #3


The winners will be chosen at random on November 1st, 
so that gives you the rest of October to rack up points. 
Get more chances to win by sharing, following, and all that fun jazz.

Good luck!!!!

In His Hands

by many women

One of the greatest reassurances we receive when we embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ is to know that whatever happens to us in this life, we are in His hands. He knows us, each one of us, by name. He is aware of the circumstances of our lives. He stands ready to help us do things we thought we couldn't do.

In this uplifting collection, twenty-two Latter-day Saint Women share stories and insights illuminating what it means to place ourselves in the Lord's hands. As we learn to trust Him and to commune with Him in prayers, we receive guidance for our own discipleship and inspiration about how to serve. The fruits of love and peace will follow.

Sprinkled with inspirational photography, each of these brief, heart-touching messages is a moving reminder that we are not alone. We are continually in His hands.

Insights on trust, peace, prayer, and more!

Excerpt Pages

My Review
This book is FABULOUS!
The stories are TRUE and HEART-FELT
You will feel of the love permeating this book!
From these pages you will start to ponder all the ways that you too were IN HIS HANDS.

Every woman needs to read this book!
I SO HIGHLY recommend it!

Jenny Oaks Baker
Kris Belcher
Mary Cook
Laurel C. Day
Mary Ellen Edmunds
Emily Freeman
Jane Clayson Johnson
Mariama Kallon
Ardeth Kapp
Chieko Okazaki
Camille Fronk Olson
Virginia H. Pearce
Whitney Permann
Carolyn J. Rasmus
Macy Robison
Heidi Swinton
Barbara Thompson
Sandra Turley
Wendy Ulrich
Emily Watts
Hilary Weeks

Oct 13, 2015

Autumn Masquerade

A review copy was provided

Join three bestselling Regency romance authors, 
Josi S. Kilpack, Donna Hatch, and Nancy Allen, 
for three new Regency romance novellas in 

A MERRY DANCE by Josi S. Kilpack. When Lila overhears her uncle talking about a man coming to look for property in the county, she doesn’t think twice, until her uncle says he hopes Lila will find enough interest to marry the man. How can she marry someone named Mortimer Luthford, not to mention that his advanced age of thirty-three, and especially since she’s already in love with her absent cousin Neville? But when Mortimer arrives, Lila has to try every trick known to women to act not interested in the rather fascinating man, which proves a very difficult façade to maintain. Regency Romances are so fun to read! They have a lot of stuffiness with the uppityness, which is so fun to read about and they also have quite a bit of humor. Wait until you read some of the things Lila does to put off Mortimer-- But don't be surprised if it is those very things that draw Mortimore's heart even closer to her :) This one is delightful!

UNMASKING THE DUKE by Donna Hatch. The last thing Hannah Palmer wants to do is flirt with men in a crowded ballroom, but when her sister throws a Masquerade Ball, Hannah can’t say no to the invitation and takes comfort behind a mask. She dances with a charming masked man, matching him wit for wit. When the glorious evening culminates in a kiss, and the two remove their masks, Hannah is horrified to discover the man she’s been flirting with all night is her most despised neighbor, the Duke of Suttenberg. No matter how charming the duke was at the ball, and how wonderful the kiss, he is the last man she’d ever accept. An adorable story! It is always fun to see the confidence that wearing a mask can bring out--I loved how Hannah threw off all caution and how the men reacted to it--fun scenes! It is also always interesting to understand that even though someone might have an air of confidence--we all have traits that we worry about and even fear if they should ever be discovered by another.

WHAT’S IN A NAME by Nancy Campbell Allen. Penelope Timely has a terrible secret. She’s been writing letters to the Duke of Wilmington, pretending to be her ever-proper twin sister, Persephone. Now, the duke has written that he’ll be coming for the Autumn Masquerade Ball and Festival. Penelope will have to continue the charade while the duke is in town in order to protect her sister. The Duke of Wilmington isn’t fooled for a moment, but instead of confessing that he knows about the deception, he finds himself utterly charmed by Penelope and jumps into the game of deception to see how far the twin sisters will take it. LOVED this one! Twin sisters trade places--but can they pull it off? Such fun! See what lengths they will go to to help each other :)

My Review
I LOVE novellas! I can quickly read a story without feeling any guilt :)
I also love having 2 or 3 or my favorite authors paired together to bring a smile to my face!

Regency time period--
Masquerade parties--
Hiding the truth--

These stories are WONDERFUL!


Oct 12, 2015

A Rare Nativity w/ $25 Amazon or PayPal Giveaway

A review copy was provided

by Sam Beeson
Images by Nina & Terral Cochran

We have all heard the song The Twelve Days of Christmas, and we have all seen the traditional Christmas crèche.

Now, author Sam Beeson and photographers Nina and Terral Cochran combine these two classic Christmas icons to create A Rare Nativity...

An unexpected twist to the 12 Days of Christmas

Upon reading the first lines of the book, it is clear the narrator holds a bitter grudge as he sends his enemy crude and discarded gifts:

On the first night of Christmas I gave my enemy a briar from a tanglewood tree. 

On the second night of Christmas I gave my enemy two rotten eggs.

Night after night the gifts pile up shards of glass, rusty nails, gnarled twigs, and more. What the narrator's enemy decides to do with each of these odious gifts is nothing less than a Christmas miracle.

The photographic creation of the rare nativity at the end of the book is both a work of art and a wonder to behold.

(You can click on the pictures to make them larger)

My Review

I cannot even put into words how amazing this book is!

You have this person giving their enemy these throw away items...

And then the supposed enemy turns them around into an incredible nativity scene with the message of please 'forgive me.'

Shards of glass become a star, bent forks become the kings, crumpled paper becomes an angel.

WOW! This is one you have to see!

Grab a copy for yourself!
Grab a copy for a friend!
Grab a copy for your family!
Share this book with EVERYONE!

Ends 11/11
Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.
About the Author
Sam Beeson gives himself annual writing assignments. In 2005, he wrote a poem a day. In 2007, he wrote about his wife every day. In 2015, each day he wrote a handwritten letter to someone new. Sam teaches creative writing, Shakespeare, and English at American Fork High School. He and his wife, Sarah, have five children and one dog. Sam tries to write something every day and enjoys playing Grammar Punk and loves reading the journals of his ancestors.

Oct 7, 2015

Always Will w/ $25 Amazon + Book Giveaway

A review copy was provided

by Melanie Jacobson

Handsome twenty-eight-year-old Will Hallerman has finally had enough of the dating world—he’s ready to find a wife and settle down.

This announcement is catastrophic in Hannah Becker’s world. After knowing Will her entire life and adoring him from afar since junior high school, she realizes her chance at love with him is in grave danger. 

Hannah’s problem? To Will, she will never be more than his best friend’s little sister. Determined to open his eyes to her charms, Hannah sets out to sabotage Will’s wife hunt by placing nightmare dates in his path and taking his search on a wild goose chase. 

Her plan is risky, but she’s willing to take a chance to catch the eye of her soul mate. 

Despite her crazy schemes, nothing seems to be working. Hannah can’t help but wonder if it’s time to set aside this childhood crush—to move on and settle down herself. 

She’s ready for a fresh start with a great guy.

If only Will weren’t suddenly changing the rules of the game . . . And how can Hannah move on when Will just won’t let her forget?

My Review
I LOVE books like this!
Fun, adorable, fun, sweet, fun, enjoyable, did I mention fun!

It was so fun to watch Will and Hannah together--best friends with a hint of flirting.

I so understand Hannah's heart--

This book is written for all women who have ever had a "crush."

Follow Will and Hannah as they try to go from best friends to dating other people to putting their hearts on the line to ...... I'm not going to give it away :)

You will totally enjoy this one!
I read everything Melanie writes!
I LOVE her books!

(Covenant Communications will notify winner by email)

About the Author
Melanie Bennett Jacobson is an avid reader, amateur cook, and champion shopper. She consumes astonishing amounts of chocolate, chick flicks, and romance novels. After meeting her husband online, she is now living happily married in Southern California with her growing family and a series of doomed houseplants. Melanie is a former English teacher and a popular speaker who loves to laugh and make others laugh. In her down time (ha!), she writes romantic comedies for Covenant and maintains her humorous slice-of-life blog.

Tour Schedule
*October 5th:

*October 6th: 

*October 7th: 

*October 8th: 

*October 9th: 

Oct 6, 2015

Truths Most Worth Knowing: An Apostle's Witness

A review copy was provided

An Apostle's Witness

An Apostle's Witness is a rare and precious gift in today's world. And the testimony of President Boyd K. Packer, developed over the course of more than fifty years as a General Authority, is filled with wisdom and understanding.

"All knowledge is not necessarily of equal value," President Packer reminds us. In this timely book, he speaks of truths that "can be crucial to happiness as well as to exaltation." These are truths "most worth knowing," and they are essential to our progress in mortality and throughout eternity.

"The most important truth," writes President Packer, "is, of course, my witness of Jesus Christ." The stories, experiences, and principles he shares in this volume bear powerful witness of that greatest truth of all.

All truth is worth discovering, but some truths are most worth knowing.

In his final witness, President Boyd K. Packer shares vital, eternal truths—truths that can help guide us through our own mortal journey. 

Chapters entitled “Prayer and Promptings,” “How to Survive in Enemy Territory,” and “The Key to Spiritual Protection” address issues that are essential to our faith and well-being in the perilous and turbulent times in which we live. 

President Packer writes of this final witness, “After all the years that I have lived and taught and served, after the millions of miles I have traveled around the world, and with all that I have experienced, I wish to share with you those truths which are the most worth knowing.”

Excerpt Pages

My Review
What a precious gift we have in this book--especially in light of President Packer's recent passing.

So much inspiration and light from a disciple who knew.

Beautiful memes throughout make this a wonderful book not only to read, but to look at, and ponder.

Messages of hope and encouragement fill this book in hopes of filling your heart.

Hear his voice and feel of his love each time you pick up this book.
Within these pages his testimony will live on--

About the Author
President Boyd K. Packer, former President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, was set apart to this position on 3 February 2008. Previously, he was Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles beginning 5 June 1994. prior to becoming Acting President, he served as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, having been ordained an Apostle on 9 April 1970. He earlier served for almost nine years as an Assistant to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostle. President Packer Passed away on July 3, 2015 at the age of 90.


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