May 29, 2015

Trouble in Loveland Book Blast w/ $50 Giveaway

Trouble in Loveland
by Jennifer Peel

What teenage girl hasn't gone to great lengths to get noticed by her crush? Charlee Jensen is no exception. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately in the end, Ryan her much older neighbor and unrequited love has no idea she exists during her teenage years, at least not the way she wants him to. That all changes, though, when Charlee returns home, after eight years, to work for her estranged father and Ryan ... her teen crush. This time, Ryan has no problem noticing her. His only problem is that he isn't quite sure what to do with this woman who is suddenly all grown up, beautiful and annoyingly charming. Throw in a cute three year old, and an ex-wife that's not quite ready to let go, and you have a whole lot of trouble in Loveland. Trouble in Loveland is a clean, heartfelt romance filled with humor and tenderness.

Ryan’s eyes seared into mine. “I was hoping I would get to dance with you tonight.” “You were?” “Yes, but you’ve been quite popular.” He pulled back a tad and looked down at my dress. “You look very …” “Please don’t say grown up.” He smiled and shook his head. “I wasn’t going to say that, I was going to say …” he tried to think of something. “You were going to say it, weren’t you?” He sighed. “Charlee, you really know how to make a guy feel inadequate don’t you.” “I’m sorry.” “Don’t be. I find I like it.” “You do?” He nodded his head. “I also find you to be very …” he hesitated. “Very what?” “Beautiful and annoyingly charming.” “How can somebody be annoying and charming at the same time?” “See what I mean?” He winked. In my heels, we were practically eye level, and our faces were mere inches apart. I could smell the sweet smell of honey on his breath; I wanted more than anything to taste it, and the way he was looking at me at that moment, I thought maybe he felt the same way. His eyes quickly turned to confusion though before he pulled me a little closer. I rested my head against his and swayed against him. It was even better than I imagined. I wanted the dance to last forever. “By the way,” I whispered in his ear. “I find you very beautiful too.”

Grab your copy-

Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. 
Ends 6/21/15

About the Author
I'm a Colorado native who currently calls Alabama home. I'm the mother of three amazing children who have grown up way too fast. I enjoy the mountains, vacations at the beach, date night with my husband, late night talks with my kiddos, touring model homes, and pink bubblegum ice cream. I grew up on the Western Slope in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. I learned to love the beauty of the outdoors, but not camping--unless staying overnight at the Marriott counts. I met my husband while living in Denver and then several years later we traded the beauty and majesty of the Colorado Rocky Mountains for the art and culture of Chicago, Illinois. My family and I enjoyed living near this world class city, despite the crazy cold winters, but new adventures awaited in Northern Alabama--just six hours away from Orange Beach, Alabama. These three magical places (the Colorado Rocky Mountains, Chicago, and Orange Beach) are the inspired locations used in several of my books.

Also by Jennifer Peel


Nemesis: Knight

A review copy was provided

by Michael D. Young

With two out of his four quests to become a paladin completed, Rich Witz fears the hardest part is yet to come. His nemesis, a dark knight in training, has already shown his terrible power, and Rich barely escaped with his life. Not only does he need to figure out how to pass the final two tests, but also a way to defeat his enemy once and for all. He knows his nemesis is disguised as a regular person at his school, and his list of suspects just keeps growing. With only a few days left, Rich must find out for himself if he has what it takes to become a knight—and to save his family.

My Review
I LOVE this series! So cleverly written!

Where most people see Junior High School as something to endure- this author sees it as a possible series of quests a young pawn might play in order to outwit his dark knight opponent...

Pass a test = an act of great wisdom - LOVE IT!

However, with each quest comes an increase in abilities and with each ability come an increase in responsibility... and there are consequences if you try to "use your powers to show off."

Add in the fact that Rich's dad is missing...

With that looming over him and his burning desire to go find him plus is need to finish his quests...

Life is anything but easy-

Filled with a perfect blend of mystery, adventure, magic, quests, enemies, chess, family, and friends!


About the Author
Michael is a graduate of Brigham Young University and Western Governor’s University with degrees in German Teaching, Music, and Instructional Design. He puts his German to good use teaching online German courses for High School students.

Though he grew up traveling the world with his military father, he now lives in Utah with his wife, Jen, and his two sons.

Michael enjoys acting in community theater, playing and writing music and spending time with his family. He played for several years with the handbell choir Bells on Temple Square and is now a member of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

He is the author of the novels The Canticle Kingdom Series, The Last Archangel Series, and now the Chess Quest Series. His also authors several web serials through He publishes anthologies for charity in his Advent Anthologies series. He has also had work featured in various online and print magazines such as Bards and Sages Quarterly, Mindflights, Meridian, The New Era, Allegory, and Ensign.

I also HIGHLY RECOMMEND book 1 of this series- Paladin: Pawn
You can read my review HERE


Men of Purpose



by Robert L. Millet

"If ever there was a time, if ever there was a season, if ever there was a cause that cried out for men of purpose and men of purity to step forward and draw upon the powers of heaven, it is today." So writes author Robert L. Millet.This inspirational book uplifts and encourages the men of the Church, helping us to recognize the opportunities the priesthood brings to bless and enrich the lives of those around us.

Men of Valor is a reminder that every man who leads his family in righteousness can have a powerful leavening effect on a society whose moral values are rapidly eroding, and can make a difference in a struggling world that needs the bright torch of priesthood power.

All men will appreciate this call to purify their lives, to set themselves apart from things of worldliness, and to become a royal priesthood and a holy nation -- to become mighty men of valor!

Men of Influence encourages men to achieve that connection between heaven and earth, which eventually makes a good man into a holy man, transforming a noble man into a man who can lift the world. If you feel you're living beneath your potential as a priesthood bearer (or if someone you love is), this book provides inspiration and practical advice to enable you to become one of the Lord's valiant servants.

In this sequel to his bestselling book Men of Valor, Robert L. Millet describes how men can become men of influence, thereby blessing their families and neighborhoods — even their world. How are we enabled to receive the Lord's power? Brother Millet explains that maturing spiritually isn't accomplished merely by being active in the Church and holding a current temple recommend, although those are necessary.

In Men of Covenant, companion to Men of Valor and Men of Influence, author Robert L. Millet invites us to explore such questions as these:

We are a covenant-making people, but do we fully appreciate the power of the promises contained in just the twelve short verses of the oath and covenant of the priesthood?

What are the terms and conditions of the oath and covenant of the priesthood?

What would my life be like if I were more focused on my covenants?

How could my more covenant-focused life affect my family and others for whom I have responsibility?

As we consider the promises Melchizedek Priesthood holders make to God and His irrevocable promise to faithful priesthood holders, we discover the glorious blessings He makes available to us all, both men and women.

About the Author
ROBERT L. MILLET, Coordinator of Religious Outreach and former dean of Religious Education at Brigham Young University, is a professor emeritus of ancient scripture. After receiving bachelor's and master's degrees from BYU in psychology, he earned a PhD from Florida State University in religious studies. Brother Millet is a beloved speaker and the author of numerous books. He and his wife, Shauna, are the parents of six children.


May 28, 2015

Alex Sharpe Concerts 2015

Not too long ago I did a blog post featuring Alex Sharpe
You can read it HERE

This summer she will be touring 
with Celtic Woman and others

June 10th - 7:00 pm
Maverik Center in West Valley City, UT

August 7th & 8th - 7:00 pm
Logan Tabernacle in Logan, UT

May 27, 2015

Authors United Against Child Slavery


Thank you for your support with the Authors United Against Child Slavery campaign. So many authors have donated books and helped spread the word. 

We’ve raised $1,866 so far!

If we each get one additional friend/fan to donate $20 this week, we’ll have another $1,640. 

Here is the link to our campaign if you wish to invite others to donate or if you wish to donate and win a book for yourself:

  • Donate $20 to receive a free book from a participating author (book prizes selected at random).
  • Donors of $40 or more will receive two free books, a series, or a bundle (selected at random as well). 

Nearly 200 books have been donated by generous authors to help raise funds for this great cause--see the list of participating authors/books below!
Give freedom, get a book


Donate directly to O.U.R. through the Authors United Against Child Slavery Campaign

Authors and book bloggers who wish to help, please fill out this online form


Participating Authors/Books 


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