Where darkness lives,
all will become desolate.
Desi goes through the motions of life: school, training, remaining vigilant against the forces of darkness, but her dreams are full of the choices she wishes she could change. When she’s injured by a strange demon, old temptations arise, and the lines between good and evil blur. Desi discovers those choices aren’t so final after all.
And this time, the power of love—for a friend, for a lover—may not be enough to save her from the darkness that lurks within.
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Meet the Author
Ali Cross grew up watching Bruce Lee movies and dreamed of being a kick-butt martial artist like Cynthia Rothrock. Well, she never became the kind of ninja she envisioned, but she does hold a black belt in awesome.
In addition to writing dark and angsty YA/NA and MG sci/fan adventures, she has formatted over three hundred print and ebooks for happy customers.
Ali is a co-founder of IndieReCon & IndieReCon LIVE!
Follow the Author...
1) I attribute my whole life's philosophy to two defining moments in my life: 1) the day I met Anne McCaffrey at a downtown Toronto book store and she told me to "Never let anything stand between me and my dreams." And 2) the poem my mom asked to be read at her funeral which she said was her final advice to me--that risks are worth taking and only by taking risks can we ever discover how great life can be.
2) Ali Cross isn't a 'pen name', but it isn't my real name, either. Only my family, the government and a few people at Church know my real name! It's not a secret though--I just haven't gone by Sandra since I was 19.
3) I am hugely geeky over everything Scottish and Irish and am avidly involved in compiling my family's genealogy.
4) My favorite movies are Fifth Element, Galaxy Quest, Braveheart and About Time.
5) I have vivid dreams, always in color, that often inspire stories or scenes.
6) Even though I went to university for vocal performance, and sang opera for five years, I have never sung a "popular" song for anyone, ever. It's always been crooner ballads from the 50's and 60's, folk or classical music.
7) Even though I own a beautiful baby grand piano, I can't play. My hubby bought it for my accompanist so we wouldn't have to practice in the tiny practice room at the opera company.
8) I can't just sit and watch TV--I have to be doing something. So I'm either on my computer or I'm crocheting. Or eating, which is bad, so I try to stay busy with the crocheting!
9) The first book I ever wrote has never been read by anyone. It was based on a character I created during my Dungeons & Dragons days at university. It's horribly written, but it's a pretty cool story. Maybe I'll dust it off one day.
10) Even though I love to smile and I'm happy talking to people, I'm a huge recluse. I could go months without seeing other people outside of my family and I wouldn't mind one bit. I'd love to live in a mountain cabin where I'm snowed in all winter.
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