Jun 20, 2019

Miss Adeline's Match

by Joanna Barker

Miss Adeline Hayes is the perfect lady's companion: pleasant, conversational, and unceasingly proper. But when her closest friend, Charity Edgeworth, breaks off her arranged marriage without explanation, even Adeline's superior skills are put to the test.
Charity's father banishes the two young women to the country, sending Adeline with a charge to find Charity a husband—or suffer dire consequences. 

As Adeline takes on the role of reluctant matchmaker, she discovers more than one obstacle in her path. Not only does Charity prefer escaping in books to socializing, but Adeline soon finds her own attentions distracted by the standoffish—and irritatingly handsome—Mr. Evan Whitfield. 

Amidst an eventful foxhunt and the unexpected arrival of Charity's former betrothed, Adeline simply doesn't have time for a battle of wits with Evan. But the two are continually drawn together until Adeline begins to question her tightly guarded convictions about love and marriage.

However, when secrets are revealed and truths made known, Adeline must face her most fearsome obstacle yet: herself.

My Thoughts
I absolutely adored this book! Such an enjoyable story. There were a few unexpected twists that made the story extremely fun. I am quickly becoming a Joanna Barker fan. This book is definitely worth reading!


Jun 19, 2019

Wrong Place, Wrong Time

by E. James Harrison

The first idyllic hours of Greg and Marena Walker’s Caribbean vacation are filled with turquoise water, sand as soft and white as powdered sugar, and gentle ocean breezes. But all too soon the Walkers find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. Now they are running for their lives . .

Scott Vaughn has made a lucrative career of secretly transporting illegal materials. Pay him enough, and he’ll move whatever you want from anywhere to anywhere. And though he has never met the Walkers, he needs them dead. His future depends on making certain they don’t have one..

Wayne Hovey desperately wants Scott Vaughn—alive is best; dead is acceptable. And luck has handed him the perfect bait: Greg and Marena Walker..

In a heart-pounding game of cat and mouse, each player is driven to succeed, never realizing they are all pawns in something much larger—and more dangerous—than any of them knows.

My Thoughts
I so love a good suspense story! While I would hate being in a situation like this, I do love reading about someone else being in a situation like this! I especially love reading how it all comes together and how it all plays out. Such a GREAT BOOK! Grab a copy for some fun summer reading!

(Covenant Communications will notify winner by email)

About the Author
I grew up on the west side of Salt Lake City in a pretty typical family. My dad worked most of his life in a factory, my mom was a homemaker and my three sisters were...sisters! The two older ones were always bossing me around and I always had to give in to my younger sister. (They may not remember it exactly like that, but it's true--really!) A mom and three sisters means a lot of estrogen in a house, so during my preteen years my dad and I would escape whenever we could to the quiet of the mountains and deserts of Utah pursuing my dad's favorite hobby--rockhounding. Saturday's meant trapsing over desolate ground and blasting old cans full of holes with a .22 rifle.

My early teen years were filled with pimples and the clumsy awkwardness of getting to know girls and for the most part, those are years to be forgotten. It was during my high school years that two great things happened in my life. First, I discovered airplanes and boats--two things I thoroughly enjoy to this day. But second, and by far the most important and best thing that's every happened to me, was I met my wife, Debbie. (That's a picture of her over on the right.) I met her in a geometry class. The teacher sat us alphabetically and I ended up in the desk behind her. Had there still been ink wells in the desks, I'm sure I would have dipped the tips of her long dark hair in the ink in an effort to attract her attention. With no ink I had to satisfy myself with untying the bows made from ribbons that she used to tie back her hair. I succeeded in getting her attention, and ultimately convincing her to marry me, but not for several more years.

After high school there was a year of college (University of Utah) and then two years as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Returning from my missionary responsibilities I shocked everyone--including myself--by being accepted to Brigham Young University. And that's when I first discovered writing. I had no idea what I wanted to be when I "grew up," but the fiancée of one of Debbie's roommates was majoring in public relations. I had no idea what that was, but it sounded fun so from then on I told everyone I was a public relations major. I thought it would be a bunch of back slapping and socializing. Little did I know that English and writing are at the heart of public relations. And the rest, as they say, is history. I ultimately got an Associate degree in public relations and a Bachelor degree in creative writing.

Jun 11, 2019

Love in Disguise

by Anneka R. Walker

Marion Watt is set to embark on her first London Season, and her parents have spared no expense to help her secure a suitable husband. Unlike most of the social-climbing young women in her position, Marion has no desire to marry hastily or for anything less than love. But when she learns of her mother’s declining health, she knows she must keep an open mind and allow herself to be courted. What she does not anticipate, however, is that the attentions of the insufferable Lord William Everton will be placed squarely on her. He might be the most sought-after bachelor of the Season, but she sees in him nothing but a frivolous cad.

Until William inherits his father’s title and seat in parliament, he must rely on his own devices to change the world. Dressing like a ridiculous dandy serves its purposes, but he is certain his newest disguise will help him find a wife to please his parents and further his own agenda. From among the glittering group of debutantes, William finds only one woman who passes his test. Unfortunately, the perfect choice is the only woman in all of London who despises him.

I so adored this book!
The title is very fitting as there are some very fun, very intriguing, and very subtle disguises in the story line.

So well written you will want to read every single word.
I would love to read more from this author-
I highly recommend this book!

(Covenant Communications will notify winner by email)


Jun 7, 2019

The Trial of Porter Rockwell

Directors: John Lyde

Based on the True Story

When former Missouri Governor Lilburn Boggs is shot by an unknown assailant, rumors quickly spread that the Mormons are responsible for the attempted assassination of the controversial politician. Never a friend of the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Boggs had four years earlier issued the infamous extermination order that pronounced, "Mormons must be treated as enemies, and must be exterminated or driven from the State."

Rumors gain new momentum when recently excommunicated member John C. Bennett implicates the Prophet Joseph Smith and Porter Rockwell in the crime. Though these accusations are vehemently denied by Joseph and his supporters, arrest warrants are issued for the Prophet and his protector. Joseph's warrant is dismissed; however, Porter Rockwell, not yet thirty, is arrested. After spending nine months in jail, Porter is finally brought to court for a grand-jury hearing to determine if there is sufficient evidence to indict him—a hurdle the state of Missouri must clear to proceed with a full criminal trial. This taut courtroom drama brings to life the friendship of Joseph and Porter and the original story behind the larger-than-life, legendary Porter Rockwell.
I would SO LOVE to see this movie--
How about YOU?

(Covenant Communications will notify winner by email)

Movie trailer

Jun 3, 2019

The Heart of a Vicar

by Sarah M. Eden

Young love is all too fleeting, as Harold Jonquil painfully discovered years ago when Sarah Sarvol, the niece of a neighboring landowner, captured his heart. After an idyllic few weeks in the throes of blossoming love, reality intervened. They could have no future. Following their disastrous parting, Harold attempted to push aside thoughts of love and regret, but Sarah has never left his heart. Now, years later, he has achieved his lifelong aspiration of becoming the local vicar. However, the role proves more difficult than he imagined. He feels hollow and uninspired—until the most important person in his past returns, challenging him as no one ever has.

When Sarah’s ailing uncle summons her back to the family estate in England, there is only one person from her past she is reluctant to see again: Harold Jonquil, the only man who has ever claimed her heart. But when she comes face-to-face with her former beau, she hardly recognizes the aloof and dull man before her. She is determined to help Harold rediscover the passion he once felt toward his chosen profession. Soon, despite their exasperation with each other, they cannot deny the stirring of feelings long buried—but is it too late for second chances?

LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. stories of the Jonquil brothers!
So fun to read "Holy Harry's" story! 
(that's what his brothers call him-fitting as he does become a Vicar)

I loved ever bit of this story and wanted more! 
 This book is SO. GOOD! 
I highly recommend the entire series!

(Covenant Communications will notify winner by email)


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