A review copy was provided
by Emily Freeman and Merrilee Boyack
Mothers have an immeasurable influence and a significant responsibility in raising up young men and women who are prepared to further the work of the Lord.

A missionary's training does not begin when he or she enters the doors of the MTC. Well before that, each missionary's mother can begin laying the ground work that will prepare her child to diligently and wholeheartedly serve the Lord and His children.
This unique resource includes 12 training chapters for moms of prospective missionaries, all written by mothers who have sent children on missions (and some by mothers who have also served as mission presidents wives).
Whether you have young children and are hoping to begin the mission training process early or you have less than a year to pull all the pieces together, here is the good news: the path of preparing a child for a mission begins wherever you are.
Chapters on topics such as...
*fostering good daily habits
*developing relationship skills
*being resilient
*and recognizing the Spirit
...shed light on what future missionaries need to know, what they need to do, and what they need to be.
You are about to immerse yourself in a book focused on training up a missionary for the Lord. But before we jump in, it is important to pause and consider one of the most important factors in that training--you.
Your efforts will be combined with the efforts of bishops, youth leaders, seminary teachers, family, and friends. However, next to the Spirit, you and your spouse will play one of the most crucial roles.
Because of that, this introduction is dedicated to you. Your influence is immeasurable. Your errand is divine, Your responsibility is significant...
One thing is certain--in order to raise Stripling Warriors we must become Stripling Mothers.
We must live by the spiritual habits, behaviors, and principles we want our children to live by. Every day. That way, when our children encounter moments of doubt, which they surely will, they will be able to look to us as mothers and remember what we know to be true.
My Favorite Quote:
"If we were never uncomfortable there would be no need for a Comforter.
We must take a step into the dark, make ourselves uncomfortable in the Lord's work, and we will feel the Spirit and the Holy Ghost will support us."
My Review
I LOVE books like these! This one is subtitled "missionary prep for moms."
And that is exactly what it is! Giving you information... to use a little or use a lot... in teaching your child to be ready to serve a mission.
Want to help you child know how and why we need to be obedient? It's in here..
Want to help your child know about self-mastery and sacrifice? It's in here...
And so is goal setting, and finding a balance in your daily activities, and learning to serve, and how to develop Christlike attributes, and preparing to attend the temple, and so much more!
Amazing thoughts, scriptures, suggestions, stories and examples!
I SO LOVE the "what they need to know" and "what they need to do" and "what they need to be" sections at the end of each chapter.
This book is PERFECT for helping a missionary gather the emotional, social, physical, and mental tools they will need...even prospective Senior missionaries could benefit from this book!
It is also a PERFECT book to study if you simply want to become a more effective disciple of our Lord.
About the Authors/Editors

EMILY BELLE FREEMAN is a coach's wife, a mother to four children and a few others who have found refuge in her home, author of several bestselling books, and sought-after inspirational speaker. Her days are spent watching over teenagers, her flock of pampered chickens, and a rabbit that she adores. She finds great joy in studying the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Her deep love of the scriptures comes from a desire to find their application in everyday life. For a few minutes every day Emily forgets about the laundry, leaves the dishes in the sink, and writes. She coauthors a blog that is a stopping place for hearts seeking all that is good: www. multiplygoodness.com.

MERRILEE BOYACK loves life and loves every season of life—especially this one! She enjoys hanging out with her hubby, four sons, daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren. She is an estate-planning attorney in Utah and California and is the author of several books and talks, including The Parenting Breakthrough; Strangling Your Husband Is Not an Option; Toss the Guilt and Catch the Joy; In Trying Times, Just Keep Trying; and 12 Gifts for Christ. Merrilee and her husband, Steve, reside in Lehi, Utah, and are helping their grandkids prepare to serve missions.
Other Contributing Authors
Deanne Flynn
Wendy Ulrich
Rosemary Lind
Leslie Oswald