Aug 30, 2014

Meet Author Leela Hope

Leela Hope is a writer with over 22 years of experience in writing endearing children's fiction. Her lively characters have entranced and captivated her audience, and she has taken great joy in writing the three series of books, each beautifully illustrated with love and care. Her stories concentrate on the adventures of floppy eared bunnies and wide-eyed children learning lessons in life, before returning home wiser and eager for sleep. leela hope writes her stories to entertain the very young, but also to educate. Her vision is always of a parent sitting on a child's bed, reciting the stories each night, while the young one drifts off to sleep, lulled into a dream world full of fun and adventure.

From her very earliest years of childhood, Leela made up stories in her head, telling them to her younger brother and sister. The stories flowed easily from her mind, and it wasn't long before she realized she had a gift for writing. By the age of 14, she had already written a small book of short stories for her own entertainment, and by the age of 22, she had published her first full-fledged children's fiction in several magazines. Leela Hope was destined to be an author and she knew exactly what genre of fiction she wanted to dedicate her life too.

Born in San Diego, California, and still residing in the area, Leela studied English Literature at Berkeley, earning a degree in 1989. Her writing covers a span of several genres, but she always returns to her first love, children's fiction. She enjoys scuba diving and visiting wildlife parks, seeking new inspiration for cuddly characters for her stories. Leela Hope lives in an urban area of San Diego and is presently at work on a new book.

Leela writes AMAZING children's books!
I have read two of them...

Dragon Fay Saves the Day
A Children’s Book about Dragons - But not only for Children.

Are you or your loved one being bullied? Or are you or your loved one a bully?

Then this book is for you.

Dragon Faye Saves the Day will make you cry and cower with Faye as she shies away from Jean the Bully. Read how she was able to conquer her fears and soar over them.

Read about what happened to Jean the bully.

Appreciate the very vivid and colorful illustrations. Enjoy the rhyme and rhythm of the story.

Feel how the characters feel through their facial expressions. Identify with any of the characters and through them, learn to face your own dragons and conquer them.

Now that Faye has learned how to deal with Jean the bully she steps in to help...

Bert the Squirt
This is a heartwarming story of a young dragon who gets bullied at school because he can’t breathe fire.

Sadly, Bert thinks he’s not good enough because he breathes water instead.

One day he meets a dragon who is different, too. She tries to show Bert he can be happy just the way he is, but then something terrible happens at school.

Will Bert discover that being different can save the day?

Bert the Squirt entertains with classic rhyming verse and beautifully illustrated pages. It teaches young children how special their differences can be, as well as demonstrating the harmful effects of bullying.

Bullying is a REAL problem
Let's educate to get rid of it!

Other books by Leela Hope

Aug 29, 2014

The 2-Minute Marriage Project

Book Details
Author: Heidi Poleman
Release Date: August 2014
Publisher: Familius
Genre: Self-Help

My husband and I have a very strong marriage and as I was reading this book I realized we do most of what is I ALREADY KNOW that these things work!

How nice to have all the information I have gathered over 33 years of marriage in ONE BOOK!

This book has the ability to really bless your marriage and make it strong!


Did you know that it wasn't until the late eighteenth century that you got to marry the one you love...Before then most marriages were arranged.

Now that you married for love your work is to love the one you marry.

'Staying in love' seems to be a whole lot harder than 'falling in love.'

The Two-Minute Marriage Project gives you "Simple Secrets for Staying in Love"

Little things to do, think, and say so that your love stays alive.

Things like:
*Focus on strengths.
*Show gratitude for your spouse.
*Say "I Love You" often.
*Help your spouse laugh.
*Give compliments.
*Spend as much time as you can together.
*Look back on how you met your spouse and what it felt like to fall in love.

Filled with personal stories and case studies you will read of wonderful ways to show your spouse you are in it for the long haul :)

At the end of each section you will find 2-minute challenges to strengthen your marriage.

Give your spouse 2-minutes
And then repeat often~

As I said at the beginning...I believe in the words of this book!
I have proven them myself!

These challenges REALLY WORK!

A MUST-READ for anyone in love 
or for anyone who wants to be in love!

About the Author
Heidi Poelman has always loved learning about inspiring people.

Heidi received her degrees in communication from Brigham Young University (BA) and Wake Forest University (MA).

In graduate school, she focused specifically on interpersonal communication and conflict management.

She loves researching and writing about subjects hat help strengthen families.

She lives in Utah with her husband and three children.

(A review copy was provided, however, all reviews are of my own opinion :)

Aug 28, 2014

Book Lover's Delight $200 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway


12 authors have come together to give you some BOOK LOVER'S DELIGHTful READING
and a $200 AMAZON GIFT CARD!

Click on the image to read a summary of each book :)



GIVEAWAY ends 9/30/14

No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older and legally able to receive and use an Gift Code. This giveaway is not associated with Rafflecopter, Facebook, Twitter or any other entity unless otherwise specified.


This giveaway was organized by I Love to Read and Review Books :) 
and sponsored by the participating authors.
Stephanie Fowers
Maria Hoagland
Danyelle Ferguson
Paul Mark Tag
Tara C. Allred
Rachel Rossano
Jaleta Clegg
Virginia Ripple
Tricia Ballad
Lisa Swinton
Victorine E. Lieske
Julie Wright

Aug 27, 2014

Thirty-Two Going on Spinster Book Blast w/ $50 Amazon or PayPal Giveaway

thirty two

Thirty-Two Going on... Spinster 
by Becky Monson

Julia Dorning is a spinster, or at least on the road to becoming one. She has no social life, hates her job, and lives in her parent’s basement with her cat, Charlie.

With the arrival of Jared Moody, the new hire at work, Julia’s mundane life is suddenly turned upside down. Her instant (and totally ridiculous) crush on the new guy causes Julia to finally make some long-overdue changes, in hopes to find a life that includes more than baking and hanging out with Charlie.

But when the biggest and most unexpected change comes, will the new and improved Julia be able to overcome it? Or will she go back to her spinster ways?

Purchase your copy for just $2.99!!

Praise for Thirty-Two Going on... Spinster
"Oh my, oh my. I have just finished wiping the tears of laughter from my eyes. This is seriously funny." ~Julie Darley (Never judge a Book by its Movie)

"This was a refreshing change of pace for me to read. Some good clean romance was found in it’s pages and that is a rare find these days. It was some great chick-lit. I would not have thought this was Becky’s debut book, it was so well done." ~Liberty Ann (SnifferWalkBooks)

About the Author
Becky MonsonBy day, Becky Monson is a mother of three young children, and a wife. By night, she escapes with reading books and writing. In her debut novel, Becky uses humor and true-life experiences to bring her characters to life.

She loves all things chick-lit (movies, books, etc), and wishes she had a British accent. She has recently given up Diet Coke for the fiftieth time and is hopeful time will last... But it probably won't.

Becky runs a large book club on Facebook called "This Chick Reads".  

Book Blast Giveaway 
$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash 
Ends 9/30/14 

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

Aug 26, 2014

For Love and Country w/ $50 Amazon or PayPal Giveaway

Horstberg saga

For Love and Country 

For Love and Country
When A Man Is Torn Between Honoring His Country And The Woman He Loves, The Best Option Might Be To Choose Both. 

When Maggie du Woernig willfully ignores her parents’ admonitions and entangles herself with Nik Koenig, she is certain he’s the only man who will make her happy. Blind to Nik’s real intentions, she throws herself recklessly into a situation that could not only destroy her life but compromise the safety of her country.

 Han Heinrich has resigned himself to working in the castle stables, mostly as an excuse to have contact each day with Maggie. His aspirations for a more fulfilling career seem fruitless, in spite of his father’s position as the duke’s highest advisor. But when Han learns about Maggie’s precarious situation, he is willing to sacrifice everything to protect the woman he loves, and to save the country he would die for.

He only hopes that someday Maggie will forgive him.

Purchase your copy:

Praise for The Horstberg Saga:
I completely enjoyed this book. The character development is fantastic. The author has a great sense of emotional storytelling that wraps you into the story as if you know,and can fully relate to the characters. This is the kind of story that touches the heart and the spirit. Well done. I look forward to the next chapter in the Horstberg Saga. This book kept me so interested, I had a hard time putting it down. Suspense, love without smut, emotions that so relate to everyday life. This author touched on it all. Such in depth understanding of human emotions with the characters. Firstly, I loved that this was a VOLUME! And what a great story to really sink my teeth into and get settled in with for more than just one sitting! Well written and thoroughly satisfying.
About the Author
Elizabeth D. Michaels began writing at the age of sixteen, immersing herself ever since in the lives created by her vivid imagination. Beyond her devotion to family and friends, writing has been her passion for nearly three decades. While she has more than fifty published novels under the name Anita Stansfield and is the recipient of many awards, she boldly declares The Horstberg Saga as the story she was born to write, with many volumes in the works. She is best known for her keen ability to explore the psychological depths of human nature, bringing her characters to life through the timeless struggles they face in the midst of exquisite dramas.

Book Blast Giveaway 
$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash 
Ends 9/26/14 

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

Aug 25, 2014

Meet Fay A. Klingler w/ Book Giveaways

Fay A. Klingler~
I was born in Mesa, Arizona. My father was a frugal school teacher, who wanted to give something special to his family. So he built us a summer home in the mountains. There my brother and sisters and I enjoyed the freedom to roam and explore the hills and valleys. We had no television or telephone, so we enjoyed each other’s company and the wonderful outdoors.

My first inclination to write came when I was in junior high school. My creative writing teacher’s name was Miss Bell. At the time, I thought she was ancient—white hair, wrinkled skin, slow moving—in reality, she was probably not far from the age I am now! One day she walked into class with an overnight bag. She looked incredibly aged and pale. She had no makeup on whatsoever, which was unusual because she always was impeccably groomed. She sat at her desk, opened the bag, and with the aid of the tiny, satin-framed mirror on the inside lid, she proceeded to apply her makeup. The assignment of the day, she said, was to write about what we observed!

Although I always had trouble diagnosing parts of speech—proper word names for conjunctions, prepositions, adverbs, etc.—writing came naturally. But so did art or any creative expression. Art was my love, however.

I had another favorite teacher. Her name was Mrs. Durham. She taught high school, and gave me such encouragement in art that I continued in that field until I received my Advertising and Commercial Art degree. I loved blending colors through line on paper and became quite successful at it.

Eventually I coupled my writing skills with my art, illustrating and writing articles and books. When I found myself in a position to have to support myself and my family alone, my abilities and experience as an editor and writer provided more income, so I devoted most of my time to the “writer/editor me” instead of the “artist me.”

I wrote about topics ranging from family activities to railroad safety, oil refinery procedures to inspiration for women. Now I primarily focus on materials for women and the family. I love writing about healthy lifestyles, cooking, family fun, and time management. I believe passionately in the positive power of mothers. Because of my experience, I can write to all sizes of traditional families, single-parent families, blended families, multi-cultural families, and grandparents. And I am often asked to speak about writing and editing at writers’ conferences, or to be a presenter for organizations dedicated to strengthen the home and family.

My husband and I have twelve children and thirty-five grandchildren in our “blended” family. We reside in Draper, Utah.


Fay has written multiple books...
I am featuring TWO of them :)

Luisa May, known to her family and friends as Lu, loves to play games with her grandma. When she’s bullied at school, Grandma has a special puzzle for Lu to help her see how valuable she is—no matter what others say, or how much doubt she feels within herself. Soon after, Grandma has to go to the hospital, and Lu finds out Grandma needs help recovering. Then it’s Lu’s turn to help Grandma see how valuable she is—no matter how much doubt she feels within herself. It’s a beautiful parallel for young and old alike, as each age learns from the other.

Written and illustrated with loving hands, this delightful children’s story offers a heartfelt message that unites and bonds generations. From the award-winning pen of Fay A. Klingler, I Am Strong! I Am Smart! provides to women of all ages a reminder of the tremendous gift of “girl power.”

What a delightful book written and illustrated with a light, humorous touch. The message is right in the title, I Am Strong! I Am Smart! One of the most protective factors in any child’s life is the self-perception that “I am capable, important, and powerful.” This book allows children to enter into this self-perception along with our heroine. A valuable, fun read, reinforcing key family values and strengths.—Joe L. Freeman, Master of Divinity, LCSW

We Are Strong! Mothers and Daughters Stand Together
Every girl needs a mentor, someone she can trust to show her the way home to Heavenly Father. The stakes are high—as women of influence, how we live and how we teach Heavenly Father’s daughters will change the course of their lives forever.

Using compelling real-life stories from women of all ages, award-winning author Fay A. Klingler clearly defines how and why we must continue to live and teach the Young Women values.

We Are Strong! beautifully illustrates how powerful a faithful woman’s example can be.

Every word I read was profound and uplifting. What wonderful guidelines! Each chapter takes a value and provides amazing content. I loved the way Fay integrated so many scriptures from the Book of Mormon and other standard works as she described each value and how we can apply the teaching of that value to helping and teaching our young women. Fay also included everyday experiences from friends, associates, and relatives that readers can relate to. I appreciated the “Why” and “How” sections at the end of each chapter as well as the “house” we are building with each value. —Claire DeWitt, Stake Relief Society President

In honor of the upcoming Grandparents Day
Fay is graciously giving away a copy of 
EACH BOOK to one of MY followers :)
(US Address only please)

Collateral Kindness: The True Story of an Army Interrogator in Iraq

Book Details
Author: Paul Holton
Release Date: January 2013
Publisher: Plain Sight Publishing
Genre: Biography

"There is a personal side to the war in Iraq...the US military were successful in breaking through language and cultural barriers with the Iraqi people and accomplished so much good..."

This is one man's AMAZING story!

You will be spell-bound as you read the incredible story of Paul Holton and his time in Iraq.

Driven to find a purpose for being there Paul found a way to touch the hearts of the people.

Seeing one little girl in need Paul handed her a stuffed animal...

From that day forward Paul found great joy in giving to the people of Iraq, especially the children.

With this desire he started Operation Give.

Learning of his stories of kindness from his blog, people from all over started to send him toys and other supplies for him to deliver.

Read of the places he visited, the conditions he found, and the lives he touched.

Amid the front lines and bombing raids this man found peace and hope for a people he came to love.

This book is SO WORTH READING!

Learn more about Operation Give 

About the Author
Paul Holton, better known as "Chief Wiggles," is the founder of Operation Give, a humanitarian organization that ships toys, medical supplies, clothes, shoes, sports gear and equipment and educational supplies to children in war-torn and devastated nations throughout the world.

Many became acquainted with Chief Wiggles through his detailed and inspiring wartime blog on the Internet, still actively blogging today at As a chief warrant officer CW5 in the Utah Army National Guard with forty-two years of service, he has served as an interrogator, a debriefer, a HUMINTer, and a Korean linguist.

He has been to South Korea more than fifty times, functioning as an interrogation team chief, interpreter, or debriefer of North Korean defectors.

Holton was sent to the Middle East in 1991 during Operation Desert Storm, where he interrogated dozens of Iraqis.

Collateral Kindness recounts his experiences in Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom from 2003 to 2004, from the start of the war through the capture of Saddam Hussein.

From June 2010 to Jun 2011, Holton went back to Iraq on his third deployment and had yet again another amazing magical journey.

Paul has worked for FedEx for the past twenty-two years and was most recently a worldwide account manager. He has taught supply chain management and operation management at the University of Utah and Brigham Young University.

He is married to his lovely wife, Keeyeon, and they have four wonderful children and two granddaughters.

(A review copy was provided, however, all reviews are of my own opinion :)


Official Cover Reveal

Hearts in Harmony by Raine Gillespie 
And Something Blue by Paige Timothy 

Genre: Sweet Romance
Publisher: Trifecta Books 

Hearts in Harmony 

Book Blurb:
Elahna Nezario gave up her musical dreams to help run The Queen of Hearts, her mother’s chocolate shop, after her sister’s sudden death. After an unfortunate run in with Elahna’s childhood crush, owner of The Dolce Theater, not only do her dreams surge back to life, but so does her heart.

Author Bio
Raine Gillespie may be new to romance, but she is by no means new to writing. Needing an alias to separate her genres, Raine Gillespie is the pen name for Karen E. Hoover, author of The Wolfchild Saga, The Newtimber series, and The Misadventures of a Teenage Wizard. If you like Raine's writing style, take a look at Karen's fantasy and explore a bit of the impossible made real.

And Something Blue 

Book Blurb:
Bridal consultant Laurie Fletcher spends her days helping others prepare for the most special day of their lives. Will true love ever come her way, or is she doomed to watch others get their happily ever after?
Author Bio: 
Paige Timothy is new to the romance scene, but she's certainly not new to the industry. Under her other pen names, she has published thirty books in a wide variety of genres. With her new series, the Main Street Merchants, Paige is embarking on a new journey that promises to be filled with adventure.

You’re invited to the release party! 
Games, Giveaways, and More!

Aug 23, 2014

Meet Iain Reading

Iain Reading is passionate about root beer, music, and writing. He is Canadian, but currently resides in the Netherlands working for the United Nations.

He has published 4 books in the Kitty Hawk Flying Detective Agency Series. 

10 Fun Things to know about Iain

1) I like promoting my books at ComicCons and talking with fans both old and new.

2) I always read any reviews people leave on Amazon to see what people like or dislike about the books. Those reviews play a big part in how I develop the later books in the series.

3) I am a bit obsessed with the show Lost. I can't stand that they never explain exactly WHAT the island is. It's just a weird island, some people crashed on it from a plane and later escaped. End of story.

4) I spent a significant amount of time in 2013-2014 following two major concert tours around to various venues: Roger Waters The Wall tour and Taylor Swift's Red tour.

5) Much to my editor's chagrin I still don't understand the difference between "further" and "farther".

6) I love going tobogganing at three o'clock in the morning.

7) I am addicted to the game Hearthstone.

8) I always wanted to be a musician and gave it my best shot (see but nothing ever came of it.

9) I am irony-impaired. (IE I apparently have trouble identifying what is true irony and what is just an odd coincidence)

10) I once climbed up to the giant Canadian flag on the hillside near my house in minus 40 winter weather on New Year's Eve just to see what would happen when the clock struck midnight.


This first book of the Kitty Hawk Flying Detective Agency Series introduces Kitty Hawk, an intrepid teenage pilot with her own De Havilland Beaver seaplane and a nose for mystery and intrigue. 

A cross between Amelia Earhart, Nancy Drew and Pippi Longstocking, Kitty is a quirky young heroine with boundless curiosity and a knack for getting herself into all kinds of precarious situations.

After leaving her home in the western Canadian fishing village of Tofino to spend the summer in Alaska studying humpback whales, Kitty finds herself caught up in an unforgettable adventure involving stolen gold, devious criminals, ghostly shipwrecks, and bone-chilling curses. 

Kitty's adventure begins with the lingering mystery of a sunken ship called the Clara Nevada. 

As the plot continues to unfold, this spirited story will have readers anxiously following every twist and turn as they are swept along through the history of the Klondike Gold Rush to a suspenseful final climatic chase across the rugged terrain of Canada's Yukon.

Kitty Hawk and the Curse of the Yukon Gold is a perfect book to fire the imagination of readers of all ages. 

Filled with fascinating and highly Google-able locations and history this book will inspire anyone to learn and experience more for themselves.

Other books in the Kitty Hawk Flying Detective Agency Series


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